  1. 9件のリツイート

    Suicide truck bomb blamed on kills 11 police in via

  2. Kurdish City of Bingol protesting Terrorism ,

  3. はトルコ南東部での警察署攻撃の犯行声明を発表した。

  4. Devastating damage to the police building in a truck-bombing attack by suspected terror group in

  5. カナダでの新たな研究はイスラムこそテロリズムの原因と結論。 ムスリム移民の経済状態の悪さよりもイスラムそのものに対する熱情が彼らをジハードにかきたてることを明らかにした。 はだからこそイスラム主義と戦ってきた。

  6. Third grand rally over the past week in eastern to condemn terror. This time in Batman province today

  7. Kurds shouting "Biji Apo" (long live Apo [ founder]) at AKP delegation that came to meet victims.

  8. militants claim responsibility for bombing attack in eastern

  9. pro-govt paper spewing bile: "when the coup failed, US resorted to terror plan B, directing attacks".

  10. That's why we have to be cautious about from . これだから 自治政府の ...

  11. Leader, Bayik to : It is time for Kurdish National Congress, PKK Ready to Meet to discuss it.

  12. releases footage of Guerrillas storming Turkish army base & convoy in Xabur 2, Qileban (Uludere) on 10 August.

  13. VIDEO: ATGM attack on Turkish tank, followed by ground assault on the checkpoint, August 10th -

  14. 8月18日、 東部のワンとエラーズーであいついで自動車爆弾が爆発、少なくとも6人が死亡、200人以上が負傷した。トルコ当局は、 組織 の犯行だと非難した。

  15. VIDEO: Aftermath of the attack on police HQ in Elazig

  16. 2 attacks thought to be in eastern , and , cause multiple casualties, police & civilians

  17. More footage emerge from the bomb blast conducted by in 's Elazig city, 100 wounded acc. to

  18. US ally 's Turkey branch explodes a bomb in Van, kills 3 Kurdish civilians, injures 38 others

