Keresési eredmények
  1. 2 perccel ezelőtt
    Ez a média esetlegesen érzékeny tartalmú lehet. Tudj meg többet
  2. 1 órával ezelőtt

    email from about the death of jalal . 'a loss for his family and friends, for the puk and all people of '.

  3. 4 órával ezelőtt

    reaching after captured oil field.

  4. 5 órával ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    as if road sides explode by themselves. oops, the road side exploded. instruction to media: no terrorism propaganda, so no mention of !

  5. 5 órával ezelőtt

    small observation about choice of words about attacks, now that 4 soldiers were killed in an attack in .

  6. 14 órával ezelőtt

    The documents and weapons belonging to the occupying Turkish army were seized by guerrillas. .

  7. 16 órával ezelőtt

    Martyr 's funeral coffin was draped in the flag of the , which was also his wish.

  8. 17 órával ezelőtt

    Jalal Talabani: " (nowadays a partner forces of in ) is much hated by the people, Kurdish strugglers."

  9. 19 órával ezelőtt

    Press Release: Heavy blow inflicted on occupying Turkish army in , , and .

  10. 20 órával ezelőtt

    CONFIRMS: withdrawing most of its forces from East Bank from where they were fighting PKK to attack in West Bank areas, PKK can progress almost freely.

  11. okt. 2.

    The will live peacefully when they get rid of Parties like & . These parties are working against Yazidis

  12. okt. 2.

    You must have a great spirit to be a big target holder. Leader Apo

  13. okt. 2.

    senior official expresses his party's support for and is ready to defend against its enemies.

  14. okt. 1.

    The picture of a large woman, managed to get out of the city with her family after a siege lasted for nearly 3 months by , -

  15. okt. 1.

    With Turkey openly threatening Iraqi Kurdistan with War of Extermination, has became the Third Force for Stability in M.E.

  16. szept. 30.

    Press Release: Invasion operations of the occupying Turkish army failed to advance. .

  17. szept. 29.

    wishes to eradicate who oppose his narrow-minded view of the world. We must support Northern .

  18. szept. 29.

    We promise that we'll become sacrificial fighters until the Kurdish people and Kurdistan are free.

  19. szept. 29.

    Press Release: One major, who was the occupying Turkish army's Amed Karaz district's gendarmerie commander, was killed.

  20. szept. 28.

    Whole world must know that; We will fight against the occupiers for the freedom of our people & country until the end.

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