
The Economy

Malcolm Turnbull at an Australia Day ceremony on Friday.

Turnbull says it would be 'great' if US rejoined the TPP

The United States is unlikely to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the near future but it would be "great" if they did, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said after President Donald Trump expressed a willingness to reconsider the trade pact if he could secure a "substantially better deal".

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison

Beware the other boot after ScoMo's tax cuts

The tax cut boot dropped again during ScoMo’s happy jobs media conference has a sibling that we’re unlikely to hear much about before the next election: spending cuts.

ITUC general secretary Sharan Burrow was the first woman to be elected general secretary of the International Trade ...

The Australian shaking up a male world in Davos

For four days in January, the seven chairwomen of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, leaders who hail from France, Australia, the United States, India, Italy and Norway, will be the faces of successful women around the world.

Small Business