
South-east Queensland to swelter through weekend

Queenslanders are being warned to expect extreme temperatures when a lengthy heatwave hits most of the state from Friday.

The mercury was tipped to soar over the weekend ahead of the heatwave peak next week, before easing on Friday.

Brisbane was expected to swelter through the weekend.

Brisbane was expected to swelter through the weekend.

Photo: Glenn Hunt

Temperatures were expected to push towards the mid-30s in south-east Queensland as early as Saturday, with inland areas headed for the mid-40s.

Central and northern Queensland were also expected to swelter, with temperatures in many parts of the state expected to be eight to nine degrees above average.

Vulnerable people, including the elderly and sick, were urged to make plans to keep themselves cool, with heatwaves the most deadly weather phenomenon Australia experiences, forecaster Sam Campbell told ABC Radio on Friday.


"You really can't overstate how serious heatwaves are in Australia," he said.

"The last significant heatwave was in 2009 in Victoria and South Australia and at least 430 people died in that heatwave."

Brisbane was expected to reach 31C on Friday, before temperatures headed steadily north from there.

The capital was expecting 34C on Saturday, 35C on Sunday, and a peak of 36C on Monday.

Mid-30s temperatures were expected to continue until at least Thursday.

The high temperatures were expected be matched on the Gold and Sunshine coasts and in central and north Queensland.

Outback parts of the state that are used to extreme heat were expected to get an extra dose.

Birdsville was expected to get to 43C on Friday, and 45C on Sunday.

People were being urged to keep cool, stay indoors and be mindful of heatstroke.


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