Capital: Port Vila
Population: 264,700
Land area km²: 12,281
GDP (thousands USD): $760,097
Capital: Funafuti
Population: 10,900
Land area km²: 26
GDP (thousands USD): $38,178
Capital: Nuku'alofa
Population: 103,300
Land area km²: 749
GDP (thousands USD): $470,669
Capital: Honiara
Population: 610,800
Land area km²: 28,000
GDP (thousands USD): $927,390
Capital: Apia
Population: 187,400
Land area km²: 2,934
GDP (thousands USD): $675,729
Capital: Majuro
Population: 54,200
Land area km²: 181
GDP (thousands USD): $173,700
Capital: Ngerulmud
Population: 17,800
Land area km²: 444
GDP (thousands USD): $212,903
Capital: Tarawa
Population: 108,800
Land area km²: 811
GDP (thousands USD): $170,542
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At a later stage, some of these projects may be made available to the public as well - many projects throughout the Pacific Islands are featured on our website. Please feel free to browse this site.
PRIF is a multi-agency coordination mechanism aimed at improving the delivery of development assistance from donors and development partners to the infrastructure sector* in the Pacific region. PRIF supports infrastructure development and maintenance in Pacific Island Countries (PICs) through investment coordination, research and technical assistance.