Community defence against the EDL – All out! London, Sat 24th June

20 06 2017

Facebook event

Everything is up in the air. The government is in chaos, risking peace in Ireland by making a pact with hard-line Ulster loyalists. There have been a number of terrorist attacks in quick succession. No one knows where Brexit negotiations will take us. The horror of Grenfell tower has created huge public anger which is spilling out onto the streets. On Monday night a terrorist inspired by the hate preachers of the far-right drove a van into a crowd of people outside a mosque in North London shouting “Kill all Muslims!”

These are vital times for those of us fighting for a better world and we are at a turning point. There is a real danger that the UK could see increasing attacks on Muslims and immigrants, fascists marching in greater numbers on the streets, a UK state allied with Trump, the bigots of the DUP calling the shots in government, hard Brexit. But the election showed a huge and no longer hidden desire for a different politics. There is the possibility that with renewed organising we could turn things around and create a future with more hope for working class people, for migrants, for everyone left out at the moment – turn around austerity, get rid of a brutal and racist government and drive the fascists back into shame and hiding.

We always need to oppose racists, bigots and the far-right. But the task has an increased urgency just now. The next chance to step up is in opposing the EDL in London this Saturday.

Movement for Justice have called a mobilisation to oppose the EDL on the 24th of June which the Anti-Fascist Network is fully backing. MfJ organised to successfully humiliate the Nazi South East Alliance in Croydon at the beginning of May, outnumbering them ten to one – and we can aim for similar numbers again.


Blocking the fascists, Croydon, 6th May

Just two weeks ago in Liverpool, the people of the city, supported by antifascists nationally, surrounded, blocked and chased the EDL out of town. But a week ago, the new Islamophobic vehicle of Yaxley-Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) held an EDL mk 2 demo in Manchester that shocked everyone by mustering over 1000 racists who attacked and abused people in the streets of the city centre. Islamophobic numbers like that have not been seen on an EDL demo for several years. He has said he will be bringing his mob to London imminently for a repeat performance and we should be ready to resist them.

is it a “silent” march to “honour the victims of hate”? No it’s a man biting lumps out of a pig’s head – Manchester 11th June

Organise to get yourself to Westminster on Saturday 24th. Spread the word about the counter mobilisation and tell your friends, relatives and colleagues to join you. Show the bigots that London is always anti-fascist!

Check here and on our facebook and twitter for more updates

Movement for Justice call-out:

“After #DefendCroydon it’s time to apply the method in central London! MFJ is mobilising to stop the fascists from marching on Sat 24th June.

ALL OUT, be early and prepared to stay as long as needed. For solidarity on our side dress plain/as tourists.

Migrants, residents, asylum seekers, citizens, black, Muslim, Asian, Latinx, Arab, white, LGBTQ and straight, we all stand TOGETHER & FIGHT BACK against the racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-LGBTQ fascists. We will STOP them by any means necessary. This is community defence!

More details to follow! Watch this space and spread the word”

In their own words, Movement for Justice are a community-based independent, integrated, youth-led civil and immigrant rights movement who speak the plain truth about racism and bigotry and are fighting to win.

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The EDL get completely surrounded before being escorted out of town, Liverpool, 3rd June





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