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How a Perth grandfather's last wish to see a West Coast Eagles game went viral

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Over the weekend World War Two veteran Walter sat down with two of his children to tell them his final wish.

At 94-years-old, his request was simple: he wanted to sit in the stands and watch a West Coast Eagles game at the new Optus Stadium.

As a beloved father and grandfather, Walter knew his family would try their best to make his dream happen... 

But, says granddaughter Nicola, what he couldn't have anticipated was the overwhelming support and love from over 3000 strangers.

Nicola spoke to Radio 6PR's Simon Beaumont about her grandfather's viral last wish. 

"He used to be an Eagles member a long time ago but then my nanna got sick," she said.


"So he had to give up his membership, because he cared for her until she died.

"But [when he told us about his wish] we thought, we're all Eagles members – let's go in [and ask]."

While her family all have their own allocated members seats, Walter required a wheelchair accessible seat due to his age.

So Nicola and her mother went to West Coast's Subiaco head office earlier this week in order to inquire about making Walter's wish come true. 

"The lady said that all the wheelchair access seats were booked by season members," she said.

"So our only option was to call up each week to see if one of those seats had become available, or if they were up for sale as someone couldn't go.

"We walked out, and I just said to mum 'we can do better than this'.

"He's 94, time is of the essence, we don't have a whole season to just wait around and see if a seat comes up."

So Nicola took to her personal Facebook with her grandfather's story. 

"Hi Facebook friend! I need your help! My pop is 94 and he said his only wish is to see an Eagles game at the new stadium. The catch is that it needs to be a wheelchair access seat, as he's too frail to climb stairs.

"We are all members, but he can't access any of our seats due to stairs.

"I'm sure we can do better than that!"

Nearly 3000 likes and 800 shares later, they did.

"It went viral," Nicola said.

"My 94-year-old pop - who doesn't even know what Facebook is - has become an internet sensation.

"It's unbelievable, we were just overwhelmed with people. I had people messaging me offering their own seats, so they would miss a game so pop could go."

While the family appreciated the generosity fom those reaching out, a number of the seats available to them still weren't wheelchair accessible.

But then, Perth company Allied Forklifts got involved.

"I had someone contact me and say 'get hold of them, they said they'd be more than happy to help'. 

"I messaged the owner and he said 'yes, definitely'."

The family were offered two tickets in the Allied Forklift company corporate box to the West Coast v Gold Coast game on April 14.

While it would have been already been a five star experience for Walter, Allied then upped its offer.

The company has since given the family four tickets to its corporate box - ensuring everyone's coming along for the ride.

"It means my pop, my mum and my mum's two brothers are all going together," Nicola said, 

"That means they'll all be able to see pop's reaction to the stadium, and enjoy the whole game with him - which is unbelievable."

The family have kept the tickets a surprise, and intend to tell him about his gift at 5pm on Wednesday afternoon.

Have fun, Walter!