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Facebook Business

January 19, 2018

Optimization Tips to Help Maximize Your Campaign Results

The easiest way to maximize results from your Facebook ad campaigns is to let us do the work for you. All you have to do is tell us your business goals and determine who you want to reach, and from there, our advertising optimization tools will find the people you're looking for and utilize your ad spend most effectively to drive results for your business.

Here are five tips to set you up for success and help you get the most out of your campaigns.

1. Install the Facebook pixel

The first step in building a successful ad campaign on Facebook is installing the Facebook pixel on your website. The Facebook pixel helps track actions taken on your website so you can learn more about your customers and the people engaging with your business, and then optimize your ad campaigns to reach the right people. Visit the Advertiser Help Center for more information about installing the Facebook pixel.

2. Choose the campaign objective that aligns with your business goals

Ask yourself what success looks like and think about what action you want your audience to take after seeing your ad. Once you have a goal in mind, you can choose a campaign objective that aligns with the results you are looking to drive for your business. Our campaign objectives cover the most common types of business goals such as generating awareness about your products or services, driving traffic to your store or getting people to sign up for your newsletter. For more information about choosing the right campaign objective, visit the Advertiser Help Center.

3. Define your target audience

If you know who you're trying to reach, just enter information about your audience and we'll find them across our family of apps and services. You can also create Custom Audiences to reach your existing customers or people who have previously engaged with your business. If you're unsure who your target audience should be, we offer several tools to help. You can use Audience Insights to learn more about the people that engage with your business or create Lookalike Audiences to reach new people who are similar to your best existing customers.

Once you’ve determined who you want to reach, we'll find the people across our platforms who fit that description and are likely to be most receptive to your message.

4. Optimize for business outcomes, not clicks

For best results, be sure to select an ad delivery optimization that matches your business goals, such as conversions or landing page views. This way, our algorithm will look for people who are most likely to take your desired action such as making a purchase. Optimizing your campaigns around clicks may not deliver the results you’re looking for such as online sales, in-store visits or sign-ups, because when you you optimize for link clicks, you're telling Facebook that you are looking to reach people who are more likely to click on your ad. This causes our algorithm to look for people who have clicked on a lot of ads, and while they are likely to click on your ad, 'clicky users' may not take your ultimate desired action such as making a purchase. That's why it’s important to focus on the optimization option that best aligns with your business objectives.

5. Be flexible with your ad placements

By giving us the flexibility to show your ads in places they're likely to perform best, we can reach your most valuable customers and drive results for your business across our platforms. When you select “Automatic placements,” you enable our system to deliver your ads dynamically based on where you'll get the best performance and are most likely to achieve your desired results. In short, the more placement options you give us, the better your campaigns will perform. You can learn more about ad placements in the Advertiser Help Center.

For more help optimizing your campaigns, check out our campaign setup guide.

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