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Facebook Ads Cost

Buying Facebook ads

Facebook ads work on any budget and are available for purchase in a variety of ways.

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How much do Facebook ads cost?

You can run ads on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network on any budget. Some people spend more on coffee each day than they do on their ad campaigns. The exact cost associated with your ad being shown to someone is determined in our ad auction. Learn how pricing works for our ads, and how to set a budget that works for you.

How do I purchase ads?

The most common way to purchase ads for Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network is through our ad management tool, Ads Manager. You purchase ads by creating an ad and submitting it to our ad auction.

Set your maximum budget with Facebook ads

You’re always in charge

You set your budget and bid. We’ll never spend more than your max.

Pricing with Facebook Ads

Get results on any budget

Ads are shown to people likely to be interested, so you get results.

Pay per action with Facebook Ads

Pay for the actions you want

Choose your objective—impressions, conversions—and only pay for that.


Submitting your ad to the Facebook ad auction

The ad auction determines which ads should be shown to which people. Using information you provide in the ads creation process, the auction shows your ad to the people most likely to be interested in it—for the price you bid or less, and never higher.

Ads Manager interface

In the ad creation process, you set parameters that the auction will use to deliver your ad to people, including:


You set your ad budget—a total amount you want to spend daily or over the course of the campaign—and can edit it at anytime. You also set a bid—the maximum amount you’re willing to pay when someone sees your ad or takes your desired action.


You also choose who you want to see your ad. You can use demographics like age, gender and current cities to connect with people or things like interests, devices or past actions.


Finally, you decide how you want your ad to look. You can use text, images and videos to capture people’s attention. Once you create your ad, it goes to our ad auction, where it will start being shown to people.

Options for Facebook ads purchase

Options for everyone

To make it easy for every business and agency to purchase ads, we have two speciality buying options. These options empower advertisers who are used to purchasing brand awareness and television media to purchase Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network ads in similar ways.

Reach and frequency

When you want your advertising campaign to reach more than 200,000 people, reach and frequency buying gives you predictable, controlled ad delivery at a locked price.

Target Rating Points (TRP)

If you’re used to purchasing TV ads through Target Rating Points, you may be interested in purchasing video ads for Facebook, Instagram or the Audience Network in the same way.

Create an ad to start growing your business.


Get insights about media planning and buying

Learn how planning for people—not for channels—can increase the reach of your ad dollars.

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Take our free elearning courses to learn more about reach and frequency buying and TRP buying.

Marketing Partners

Get help buying ads from a Facebook Marketing Partner or an Instagram Partner.

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Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.