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What happens to mean girls?

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Whenever I see the words 'Mean Girls' I am catapulted back to my teens. I am fourteen again, and I am hugely intimidated by a group of girls at my school. They are confident, and withering, and way more popular than me, and they don't let me forget it. 

As the movie 'Mean Girls' played on Christmas Night, I revisited those days. And I recalled an article I read recently about surviving in a world full of mean girls.

"I quickly learned a harsh sentiment after graduation", wrote the female author. "The reign of mean girls doesn't end when you throw that tasselled cap in the air."

That's true, I thought. The mean girls from school stayed mean long after we finished Year 12. 

"At almost thirty", she continued, "I can say with unwavering truth that the world is brimming with mean girls."

And at this I felt both sad and relieved. Because whilst mean girls are common in one's twenties and even thirties, I can say with equally unwavering truth that they are few and far between by the time you make it to the ripe old age of 40. By the time you're pushing 50, as I am now, the mean girls are outliers indeed.


Most of the women I encounter in mid-life are supportive of other females. At the very least, they are too caught up in their own lives to care.

And why is this? Well, life happens to mean girls, as it does to us all. Some of us make it through to middle age with power and status, some of us don't. Some of us make it through with money, or a family, with our health, or with a career, and some of us don't. But virtually none of us make it through to our fifth decade without pain and trauma. And pain and trauma are the great equalisers. Pain and trauma are deeply humbling.

Being a mean girl is predicated on a sense of entitlement and superiority. It is easy to maintain that sense when you are a young, healthy woman who has never known hardship beyond a bad hair day, or getting a disappointing result on an exam.

It is far harder to stay entitled and superior when one has nursed a sick child, wept over a lost loved one, or been diagnosed with a chronic condition.

I know ex-mean girls who lived golden lives as teens and young adults, who have faced profound hardship in later life. Ex-mean girls whose parents died young, or who have disabled children, or who have experienced financial crises. Many a mean girl has lived through a horrendous divorce, or has suffered a life-threatening illness.

This is not about karma. Good and bad things happen to us all. But suffering is what gives us our empathy and our humanity. And it is almost impossible to make it to midlife without suffering.

It's also impossible to make it to midlife with moments of profound joy, but they tend not to be as character building.

I don't know many Mean Girls anymore. Of course, there will always be narcissists, and the occasional plain nasty human, but few middle-aged women have the time or inclination to be mean. They are too busy keeping all the balls in the air, and dealing with the crises and dramas and joys and sorrows of their own lives. By middle age, most women understand that nobody gets through life unscathed, and they can be free to be generous, and kind.

And so, to the young woman who wrote about managing mean girls, I'm here to reassure you: it does get better. The way to survive in a world of mean girls is to live to middle age. By forty or so, few women are trying-to tear you down. 

We middle aged women have ridden the rollercoaster of life. We've survived its ups and downs, and we have been humbled by the experience. We may not be perfect, we may not have figured it all out, but we are have certainly learned enough not to be mean.