
Dear Jess: How can I minimise the anger around my small wedding guest list?

Q. I'm getting married soon in a small, private ceremony with my parents and siblings. My fiancé and I have also invited a close friend each. (Sadly, my husband-to-be's family can't travel over from Ireland.) We're going to follow the ceremony with a big party in Australia, and my fiancé's family will celebrate later in Ireland. Some of my relatives are angry at not being invited to the ceremony. How can I smooth this over?

A. Beautiful Bride, I'm a big believer in being selfish on your wedding day! This is the one day that is all about you and your partner, despite the guilt trips from numerous relatives. You have already been thoughtful by arranging two separate celebrations, one here and another overseas.

My partner and I are having an intimate wedding, which was made some people annoyed.

My partner and I are having an intimate wedding, which was made some people annoyed.

Photo: Stocksy

Someone has to miss out. Take the high road and send a card to these miffed family members explaining that you're having a small wedding, that you appreciate their best wishes, that you know they'll understand, and that you hope they will enjoy the party. Then enjoy your special day!

Q. I find the so-called festive season stressful and lonely. How can I deal with all the forced happiness around me?

Jessica Rowe answers your questions.

Jessica Rowe answers your questions.

Photo: Damian Bennett

A. You're not the only one who finds this time of the year challenging. Rarely does real life match the sugar-coated image of Christmas. There's no easy answer but a good starting point is being gentle with yourself, telling your loved ones that you're struggling and realising that no one has the perfect Christmas.

If you're alone on Christmas Day, treat yourself to one of your favourite DVDs while you snack on sweet treats and revel in the tranquillity of not having to fake niceness to people you may not like or want to spend time with anyway!

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions.

Contact me via Instagram: @jessjrowe. Twitter: @JessRowe.

Jessica Rowe

Jessica is a journalist, author and television personality.

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