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Sub-contractors defend Cooper & Oxley after work suspension

Sub-contractors have come to the defence of embattled builder Cooper & Oxley after the company suspended work on seven of its construction sites on Monday.

Ugly scenes at the builder's 500 Hay Street project this week showed sub-contractors breaking through the site's fencing and pushing past security guards to reclaim their tools and equipment.

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Tradies take back their tools at troubled WA builder's site

Tradies have clashed with security as they attempted to take back their tools from the Cooper and Oxley building site on Tuesday.

But sub-contractors who called into Radio 6PR on Wednesday morning have shed some light on the longer term relationships they had with managing director George Hampel.

"George Hampel would be the most morally upstanding, decent gentlemen I've ever met in the industry," caller Ken said.

"We've had shortfalls in cash flow from time-to-time, he's paid me in advance, he's helped me price work - to me, they just don't make them like George anymore."

Clint, another subcontractor, also told Mornings talkback host Gareth Parker he believed the company was trying to do the right thing.


"We've contracted for them on-and-off for probably over ten years now and I believe just by the fact it hasn't gone into voluntary administration yet that they're doing their upmost to sort this out.

"They've been a very reputable company and they've always paid us on time."

Cooper & Oxley suspended work on its seven active sites on Monday, telling subcontractors it was reviewing its financial viability and was not in a position to pay its accounts, subject to this review.

"The company is presently making arrangements for all subcontractors to collect their equipment and hardware from the sites," it further stated on Tuesday.

Premier Mark McGowan described the news as "disturbing" and said preventing sub-contractors from collecting their tools from site was "pretty rotten".

"I have a great deal of sympathy for subcontractors and workers who have been impacted," he said.

"The Building Commissioner is trying to get to the bottom of what has occurred so that we can ensure that either the company hopefully in some form keeps operating, or people, including subcontactors, get paid out as much of their entitlements as possible."

Labor backbencher Kate Doust conceded to Radio 6PR her party had not adequately prioritised building reform to protect sub-contractors from being left high and dry when projects fell over.

"It's frustrating that people that go to work on this project are still getting ripped off either through deliberate actions or other causes," she said.

"I think it just reminds us again that whether it's a large, long-term company or a relatively new company, they can all strike difficulties, so I think it's a timely reminder, a sad reminder, that government could and should step this issue up as a higher priority.

"But saying that, it is complicated and the government can only deal in the first instance with government related projects because that's the only one they've got management of in the private sector."

A statement from the office for commerce minister Bill Johnston said improving protection for WA subcontractors and suppliers was a high priority for the McGowan government, but it was a very complicated issue to get right.

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union WA state secretary Mick Buchan said it appeared Cooper & Oxley had been caught out in the "race to the bottom which is all too prevalent amongst building companies tendering for projects".

"Developers and government departments need to be wary of tendered pricing and apply the old adage 'If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is," he said.

"If an established company like Cooper and Oxley can go under anyone can.

"These cheap tenders are not about negotiating a fair sustainable price; it's all about undercutting decent, well-founded market rates and then cutting corners at the workers expense. All it does is destabilise the industry and destroys the corporate image of any principal builders by bringing disrepute to the project."

Cooper & Oxley is a private firm, more than 60 years old, with offices in all major regional centres throughout WA. It directly employs 51-200 people, according to its LinkedIn page.

Only last week West Australian builder Choiceliving voluntarily went into external administration after having its building contractor registration temporarily suspended.

The federal government is expected to release a report on the issue at a national level in the near future.

- with Emma Young