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'Stop adding lanes': The solution to Perth's $1.7b congestion problem

Perth's daily traffic congestion battle has pushed nearly two thirds of residents to rethink their commute, a new survey has found.

Traffic congestion heading into Perth's metropolitan area during morning peak hour reduces a vehicle's average travel speed to 52.5 kilometres an hour - 10 kilometres slower than five years ago.

The city has one of the highest car use rates in Australia with four in every five workers choosing to drive to work, but according to a survey conducted by HERE Technologies, two thirds of those people were starting to reconsider their daily commute.

"Half of travellers [who are rethinking their commute] are favouring alternate modes of transport or changing their travel routes, while some savvy commutes rely on real-time traffic updates before selecting their mode of transport or driving route," the report said.

"For those whose commute is only feasible in a car, the survey revealed they too are looking at alternatives, with nearly one in five Perth residents starting work earlier or leaving their house later to dodge the peak congestion."


In the Public Transport Authority's 2017 community perception survey, respondents believed the best answer to Perth's congestion issue was to 'add more lanes'.

One of Western Australia's leading sustainability experts, Professor Peter Newman from Curtin University, however, said the solution was in light rail.

"You'll never solve the congestion issue with roads, that's well known... don't expect by putting an extra lane in the freeway that you'll solve congestion, you don't, it fills within five minutes," he said.

"Big highways are no longer being built in the most sensible cities, instead they're putting that money into things like Metronet and recycling the Roe Highway money into Metronet is very symbolic, very powerful and very good.

"The main thing is building rail systems but what I'm pushing is we should be trying to get light rail that could be funded itself by private sector investment."

Prof. Newman said Perth's congestion had eased slightly in recent years due to a decline in population increase and fewer people owning a car, however, peak hour traffic still remained a major problem.

"[Congestion] is mostly solved by better public transport, if you can get more options to take you to these centres quicker, then people will grab it," he said.

He also claimed Perth households were "coming back in" to inner suburbs with its increasing urban infill which would reduce congestion and encourage alternative transport methods to work, such as public transport, cycling and walking. 

In 2009 Perth's congestion problem cost the state government $1 billion and by 2016-17, it had ballooned to $1.7 billion. 

Patronage on Transperth services in 2016-17 dropped to its lowest in six years, with five million less trips made and train rides down four per cent.

A report released by the Auditor General in November found rising costs and declining patronage had made Perth's public bus services financially unsustainable.

The state government's plan to tackle Perth's congestion issue includes the delivery of its pet light-rail circular network project, Metronet, and a $2.7 billion investment in roads in 2017-18.

Among the road projects pledged in the recent state budget was a $237 million bridge over the Kwinana Freeway at Armadale Road, $50 million for a new traffic interchange at Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive, $49 million to widen the Kwinana Freeway northbound between Russell Road and Roe Highway and $40 million to widen Mitchell Freeway southbound between Cedric and Vincent streets.

Shortly after the budget announcement, planning minister Rita Saffioti said the investment in roads would reduce congestion.

"There are several long-awaited projects within this budget that are a key component of our holistic transport solution that includes Metronet, cycling and roads," she said.

"This is a record investment in state roads and local roads, ensuring communities have safer and easy access to our road network to cut travel times and driver frustration."