
French Partisans on the 1945 Sétif massacre in Algeria

In May 1945 the French state committed a massacred thousands in Sétif, Algeria after a street demonstration marking the end of the Second World War adopted anti-colonial demands. Members of the French Communist Party (PCF) in De Gaulle's government supported the massacre, claiming that the anti-colonial demonstrators were supported by the Germans. The Sétif massacre is mentioned briefly by Frantz Fanon in the Wretched of the Earth.

Class Struggles in Algeria

Mustapha Khayati with Alice Becker-Ho 1966

Published clandestinely in Algeria as a pamphlet, December 1965; trans. by Ken Knabb

Algeria: The Kabyle mentality

Sail Mohamed with a comrade in Spain

Critical comments on the Algerian national liberation movement by Algerian anarchist Sail Mohamed in 1951.

Papon and the killing of 200 Algerians in Paris during 1961

Paris massacre of Algerians, 1961

A short history of the massacre of scores of Algerians in Paris on 17 October 1961 under the command of a Nazi-collaborating chief of police.

Views and Comments No. 33 (January 1959)

The No. 33 (January 1959) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

When insurrections die - Gilles Dauvé

This is a reconceived version of 'Fascism and Anti-Fascism'. In this text, Dauvé shows how the wave of proletarian revolts in the first half of the twentieth century failed: either because they were crushed by the vicissitudes of war and ideology, or because their “victories” took the form of counter-revolutions themselves, setting up social systems which, in their reliance on monetary exchange and wage-labour, failed to transcend capitalism.

The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon

The Wretched of the Earth book covers

Written at the height of the Algerian war for independence from French colonial rule and first published in 1961, it analyses the role of class, race, national culture and violence in the struggle for freedom. Fanon, himself a psychotherapist, makes clear the economic and psychological degradation inflicted by imperialism.

A Dying Colonialism - Frantz Fanon

Algerian students battle French tanks, Algiers 1960

An account of the Algerian war for independence from France, and its cultural effects on the local population including the revival of previously suppressed customs and attitudes.

Eyes to the South: French anarchists & Algeria

'Eyes to the South' studies the currents of the Algerian revolution alongside the development of French anarchist thought from the 1950s to the present. The book presents a fluid mosaic of actions, writings, and theoretical positions as it follows the shifting contexts of Algerian politics and society and the evolving consciousness and organising of French anarchists in all their diversity. The result is an engaging and fresh approach to both transnational politics and anarchist ideas.

Leaflet of solidarity with the Tunisian insurgents

Here the English translation of a leaflet published by some comrades in France ("Luttes autonomes" - "Autonomous struggles").