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Mark Frauenfelder
Research Director, Editor-in-chief, Co-editor,
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Rob Beschizza 17 Std.
They think this is real and it is b e a u t i f u l
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matt blaze 18 Std.
Hey, social media person: I know this isn't your fault. But the entire computer security community thinks this password policy is exactly backwards and is putting your customers at risk. Seriously, this is just about unanimous. Tell your boss to get this fixed.
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Mark Frauenfelder 15 Std.
My podcast interview with computational propaganda researcher Sam Woolley
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Mark Frauenfelder 16 Std.
This $5 book is an excellent introduction to electronics
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Mark Frauenfelder 16 Std.
In this week’s Recomendo, recommends the book Clean Meat, about real, cruelty free meat.
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Mark Frauenfelder 4. Feb.
I just found out the Super Bowl is today. I might watch. I enjoy hockey!
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Mark Frauenfelder 2. Feb.
43 years later, the answer is yes.
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
CounterPunch 2. Feb.
This new narrative of FBI integrity and neutrality is predicated on the assumption that most of the public has forgotten or is unaware of the notorious history of the FBI and its founder.
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Mark Frauenfelder 2. Feb.
Has Trump and Hannity figured out how to blame democrats for the stock market drop yet?
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Mark Frauenfelder 2. Feb.
Now I doubleplus really have lost my interest in HQ
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
Martine Paris 2. Feb.
As continues its freefall to its Thanksgiving value, talks w on why their greener Chia is the answer - beautifully written, a great read!
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Mark Frauenfelder 2. Feb.
Here’s today’s invite code for Boing Boing’s Discord channel:
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Mark Frauenfelder 1. Feb.
Despite bitcoin being in a price freefall, John McAfee’s dick is safe for now:
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Mark Frauenfelder 1. Feb.
Antwort an @StefanEJones
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Mark Frauenfelder 1. Feb.
Antwort an @nycplayer
Yes - Wizardry! Good job. I played it in the early 80s and am replaying it on an emulator every night with my 14-year-old daughter
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Mark Frauenfelder 1. Feb.
Antwort an @cascio
No, but it was probably inspired by Zork
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Mark Frauenfelder 31. Jan.
Antwort an @cascio
I will give you a hint — it’s a computer game from the early 80s
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Mark Frauenfelder 31. Jan.
Antwort an @deweybravo
No. Try again!
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Mark Frauenfelder 31. Jan.
Pop quiz - what game does this partiality completed map come from?
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
Sotheby's Institute 31. Jan.
3,900 pages of Paul 's notebooks, which he used for lectures, are now available online via
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Mark Frauenfelder 31. Jan.
Here’s today’s invite code to join Boing Boing’s Discourse channel:
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
トーフグ 29. Jan.
After a year of collecting the best Japanese learning resources every month and delivering them straight to your eyeballs, Tofugu sits down to discuss which study tools are the best of the best. !NEW TOFUGU PODCAST! on iTunes and all the rest.
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Mark Frauenfelder 31. Jan.
Our Recomendo newsletter has almost 16,000 subscribers. Each week we recommend six things we like. It’s the easiest newsletter you’ll ever read!
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Mark Frauenfelder 30. Jan.
I started a Boing Boing Discord channel: here’s an invite code, which will expire in 24 hours:
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
Stone Cold 27. Jan.
Just my luck, 250 million year old salt and it expires next year.
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Mark Frauenfelder 28. Jan.
Reading an early proof of ’s “Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump.” Fascinating book about how the occult and esoteric philosophy have influenced the alt-right. It’ll be on sale in June.
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Mark Frauenfelder 28. Jan.
Antwort an @dylanmorgan
IPhone 6 Plus. My WiFi is pretty fast.
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Mark Frauenfelder 28. Jan.
Does anyone else find HQ to be so glitchy that it is unplayable? I just deleted it.
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
𝕏𝕖𝕟𝕚 𝕁𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕚𝕟 20. Jan.
For those who missed it. Our 3 decades old little blog is being sued by Pläyböy
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Mark Frauenfelder retweetete
Play Dead Podcast 26. Jan.
"My grandma was a hardcore gamer well into her late 80's, until her arthritis made it impossible to hold a controller. She drew this map and took notes before strategy guides existed. This is Ganons castle. Miss you Grandma." From
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