Tag Archives: archives

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 12 January 2010

Evelne Alcide, Seisme (Earthquake), 2010. Museum of International Folk Art/Museum of New Mexico. Click links for more information; click image for larger version.

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Lubaina Himid and the History of Haiti

  Turner Prize-winning Black British artist Lubaina Himid has had a long standing interest in the intersections of the politics of race, representation, history, and memory. This interest has included a concern with Haiti. In the 1980s, she created a series of fifteen watercolors as part of the series Scenes from the Life of Toussaint […]

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Langston Hughes, A Poem for Jacques Roumain

Source: New Masses, October 2, 1945 via UNZ.org

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CLR James: Conversations and Interviews, 1938-1989

C.L.R. James, “Six Questions to Trotskyists – And Their Answers,” Controversy, vol. 2 nos. 17–8 (February–March 1938). Leon Trotsky (with JR Johnson aka CLR James et. al) on Black Nationalism: Documents on the Negro (1933-39), published in Bulletin of Marxist Studies No. 4, George Breitman, ed. (1962). La Cuarta Internacional en Francia: Entrevista de CLR James a León […]

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Reading Against Fascism

Soon after The Public Archive launched in 2010, we began featuring reading lists. Syllabi, some might call them, though regardless of the name, they were critically annotated compilations of texts grouped together under a number of general themes. “Reading Haiti,” for instance, gathered recently-published books that challenged mainstream media representations of the Black Republic and […]

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Citadelle du Christophe, Haiti, June 29, 1935.

Frederick G. Clapp, Citadelle du Christophe (1816-1820). Haiti, June 29, 1935. American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries.

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“The Black Jacobins” to Appear in Fall

To the Editor of the AFRO: My book, “The Black Jacobins,” will appear this fall in England (Secker and Warburg) and America (The Dial Press). The book deals with the story of Toussaint L’Overture and the San Domingo Revolution, a subject on which in have already written a play performed by the State Society in […]

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An incomplete bibliography of the writing of Suzy Castor

Une étape du nationalisme haitien (1929-1934). Diss. tesis de licenciatura ens, 1958, mimeo. Política y Sociología en Haití y la República Dominicana: Coloquio Dominico-Haitiano De Ciencias Sociales, México, Julio De 1971. (México: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 1974) “El Impacto de la Ocupación Norteamericana en Haití.’ Política y sociología en Haití y la República Dominicana. […]

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