Hillary Clinton was reportedly inconsolable after the announcement that Donald Trump had beat her in the presidential election. Clinton “couldn’t stop crying,” conservative author Ed Klein said a source told him November 9 on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.”. "About 6.30 [the] morning [of November 9] she called an old friend," he said. "She was crying, inconsolably.” ... Trump is unfit to serve ... ....
He said the West faced its greatest security challenge in a generation. During his election campaign, Mr Trump described Western military alliance Nato as obsolete ... ....
A large, unidentified metal object fell from the sky yesterday (Nov. 10) in the remote mountainous region of Myanmar. The cylindrical object, which is about 12 feet (3.7 meters) long and 5 feet in diameter, blasted into the village of Lone Khin, near a jade mine. Villagers woke early in the morning to a loud boom and vibrations, when the object fell to the ground ... "Initially, we thought it was a battle ... ....
The experimental propulsion system known as the EmDrive, which seems to violate the laws of physics, generated small amounts of thrust in a lab test, researchers said ... According to Newton's third law of motion - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction - this should not work, because there is no exhaust expelled out of the EmDrive system....
For the election, Lichtman used a system based on past history that he calls "keys," which are 13 true/false questions, but he told The Washington Post in September that his impeachment prediction is different ...This one is not based on a system; it's just my gut ... a better health care system than Obamacare and wants less reproductive rights for women....
Researchers compared their system's performance to that of several extractors trained using more conventional machine-learning techniques. Scientists have developed a new artificial intelligence system that can more effectively extract data from the vast wealth of information present on the internet ... Typically, computer scientists will try to feed their machine-learning systems as much training data as possible....
Government revenues from the e-Dirham system during the first nine months of this year stood at AED 5.8 billion ... The number of electronic services carried out through the e-Dirham system during Q1 to Q3 grew by 5.8% year on year. The system saw 28.9 million electronic services in the first nine months of 2016, as compared to 27.3 million transactions during the same period in 2015....
Each time, there was an extensive and expensive overhaul of curriculum materials, a ridiculous amount of musical chair movement at all levels of the department, and a level of chaos that brought the system to a crawl ... It’s been tough to live through the herculean changes that were made to our state system in such a short time....
Sources added that rehabilitation of the canal systems, which has to be a continuous process, has also taken a back seat in recent years ... The rehabilitation of canal system projects submitted to the CentralWaterCommission, New Delhi, include relining of Rajasthan feeder at a cost of Rs 889.95 crore, relining of Sirhind Feeder with Rs 363.50 crore, and extension, renovation and modernization of canals being fed from SatlejRiver....
At the same time, the company has been trying to balance these developments by adding new official features to the system, some of which were previously only available through a jailbroken device ... The operating system now supports a special “emergency call” feature, accessible by tapping the home button five times ... bringing the system to the public....
New York, Nov 13 (IANS) Researchers from the US have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that surfs the internet, extracts information from the available plain text and organises it for quantitative analysis in very less time ... Most machine-learning systems work by combing through training examples and looking for patterns that correspond to classifications provided by human annotators....
The approach uses a new system for information extraction to convert plain text into quantitative analysis. Researchers from the US have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system that surfs the internet, extracts information from the available plain text and organizes it for quantitative analysis in very less time ... A machine-learning system ......
COP7 came down heavily on e-cigarettes or Electronic nicotine delivery systems and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems like waterpipes of hookahs ... COP7 came down heavily on e-cigarettes or Electronic nicotine delivery systems and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems like waterpipes of hookahs....
RochesterGeneralHealthSystem) ... It is also the lead gift in Rochester Regional's newly announced system-wide $300 million comprehensive campaign ... He also served on the Rochester General HospitalSystemBoard from 1999 until 2014; he was Chairman from 2001-2008 ... 'We are grateful for the Sands' family, the Sands family foundations and Constellation's ongoing support and confidence in the health system.'....
Social Security needs a major overhaul. When established in 1935, Social Security was an insurance program designed to pay retired WORKERS age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement. Workers had to pay into the system to receive benefits from it. No more ...Abuse is rampant. Separate programs need to be established, one for those who pay into the system and one for those who sponge off the current system ... ....
The potential technical issue is rare and specific to certain Exchange Participants (EPs), and did not occur in the previous system tests and market rehearsals ... EPs and most Information Vendors (IVs) are not required to make any system changes in light of HKEX's decision on the system rollback ... All other HKEX system operations are not affected by ......
When I was in the Army, the soldiers were drug tested for marijuana and other drugs and you were disciplined if they found THC, which is the active chemical in marijuana in your system... THC stays in your system for 30 days and you ......
Inauguration the 37th foundation day celebrations of Gulbarga University here on Saturday, he said that the Indian higher education system was at a crossroads and was not prepared to meet the norms of excellence ... These institutions will have to synergise to make our education system innovative and competitive,” Mr ... system globally competitive....