• Friday, February 9th, 2018

    The Earth First! Journal Needs Your Support

    As we all realize the full extent of Trump’s bullshit and climate catastrophe looms larger than ever, we hope you’ll agree that uplifting, biocentric, grassroots publications run by wingnuts are more important than ever!

  • Friday, February 9th, 2018

    Canada: Kinder Morgan Construction Shut Down

    Today, two-spirited warriors took action, shutting down construction at a Kinder Morgan pipeline construction side. For more info, check out Camp Cloud here.

  • Thursday, February 8th, 2018

    Australia: Lock the Gate Alliance Fights Plans to Cut Endangered Forest for Coal Mine

    The Lock the Gate Alliance is contesting a state planning department recommendation to allow mine operators Glencore and Peabody Energy to clear 250 hectares of the endangered area to allow two existing coalmines to become one open-cut mine.


For more news and articles, continue to: Earth First! Newswire

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