- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 244693
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) or Questions and Answers (Q&A), are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. The format is commonly used on email mailing lists and other online forums, where certain common questions tend to recur.
"FAQ" is pronounced as either an initialism (F-A-Q) or an acronym. Since the acronym FAQ originated in textual media, its pronunciation varies; "F-A-Q",and "fack", are commonly heard. Depending on usage, the term may refer specifically to a single frequently asked question, or to an assembled list of many questions and their answers. Web page designers often label a single list of questions as a "FAQ", such as on Google.com, while using "FAQs" to denote multiple lists of questions such as on United States Treasury sites.
While the name may be recent, the FAQ format itself is quite old. For instance, Matthew Hopkins wrote The Discovery of Witches in 1647 as a list of questions and answers, introduced as "Certaine Queries answered". Many old catechisms are in a question-and-answer (Q&A) format. Summa Theologica, written by Thomas Aquinas in the second half of the 13th century, is a series of common questions about Christianity to which he wrote a series of replies. Plato's dialogues are even older.
Fa or FA may refer to:
The True Story of Ah Q is an episodic novella written by Lu Xun, first published as a serial between December 4, 1921 and February 12, 1922. It was later placed in his first short story collection Call to Arms (吶喊, Nàhǎn) in 1923 and is the longest of the stories in the collection. The piece is generally held to be a masterpiece of modern Chinese literature, since it is considered the first piece of work fully to use Vernacular Chinese after the 1919 May 4th Movement in China.
It was first published in the Beijing Morning News supplement as a serial. Originally Lu Xun wrote the story under the name "Ba Ren" ("crude fellow"), and so originally few people knew who wrote Ah Q. The first installment was published on December 4, 1921, and additional installments appeared weekly and/or fortnightly. The final installment was published on February 12, 1922. The story had nine chapters.
The story traces the "adventures" of Ah Q, a man from the rural peasant class with little education and no definite occupation. Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun's euphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation. Ah Q is a bully to the less fortunate but fearful of those who are above him in rank, strength, or power. He persuades himself mentally that he is spiritually "superior" to his oppressors even as he succumbs to their tyranny and suppression. Lu Xun exposes Ah Q's extreme faults as symptomatic of the Chinese national character of his time. The ending of the piece – when Ah Q is carted off to execution for a minor crime – is equally poignant and satirical.
F A Q AeroDynamics
F A Q Charge And Electricity
F.A.Q. Magnet
FAQ. 1. Мастер пикапа
F A Q Heat
How to make a simple hovercraft! FAQ Pogo
Rahim BK - FAQ!
Whisky FAQ #21: Zuschauerfragen und Antworten
ATP FAQ: Aris, How Is Your TekkenBot Still Working?
Pogo Chhota FAQ
F A Q Friction Gravity
La F.A.Q 2017 !
FAQ Sound
FAQ Mondays Special (Feat. Tanner Cowens)
FAQ - twenty one pilots (Part 2)
FAQ : Blog, Insta, perso, couple...
FAQ. 4. Король Общаги
FAQ. 9. Жесткий Неформал
Официальная группа скетчкома Вконтакте: http://vkontakte.ru/faq_sketch_com Треки использованные в серии: Dj Sazh - Все Телки Roxette - Real Sugar Stromae - Алёна даст (MC Zali & DJ Dima Molotov remix) Леонид Нерушенко - Привет, как дела Мумий Тролль - Somebody to Love Ёлка - Сука-Любовь Animal Джаз - Этажи Все остальные треки из библиотеки MTV gl hf studio http://glhf-video.ru/ needfun@glhf-video.ru
Extract from the science show FAQ on Pogo TV. www.pogo.tv Yt: https://tinyurl.com/h8tw6tu G+: https://tinyurl.com/jlp4zt3 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prateeksethi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuckootalk/ Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/prateeksethi/ http://prateeksethi.com/
Ma première vidéo FAQ 🤗 Je réponds à un max de vos questions... 💫N'oublie pas de liker la vidéo et de t'abonner juste ici: http://bit.ly/1nAJhmi ✔️ Active les notifications en cliquant sur la 🔔 juste au dessus pour voir toutes mes vidéos et partage avec tes amis! 💫Viens me suivre sur mes réseaux sociaux: INSTAGRAM : http://bit.ly/2mK60S3 INSTAGRAM PRO: http://bit.ly/2zkxyDr SNAPCHAT : carlarsenault FACEBOOK : http://bit.ly/2gZQDOL TWITTER : http://bit.ly/2he9uVf Ma nouvelle collection de t-shirts👕: http://fybr.fr/45-carl-is-cooking Mon livre📕: http://amzn.to/2nf4YM9 Quelques unes des vidéos que j'ai fait avec mes neveux et nièces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF279qPU8sY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws2QhscXeVY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0g1Z1BUvNk LOVE YOU MES COOKIE...
Mon Insatgram👉 https://www.instagram.com/rahim_bk_10/ Ma chaine YouTube👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3OQ4btlXvfRC-HwZFRH65g 🔥💘Abonner_vous🔥💘
Mourad Oudia ; Retrouvez moi aussi sur : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mourad-oudia/127627494093939 Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/mourad_oudia application : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.canastel.canastel&hl;=fr Miniature par redx :https://www.youtube.com/user/redxofficiel
https://github.com/roguelike2d/TekkenBot/pull/58 for the revised pointer to TekkenBot, confirmed to work with the latest patch. -- Watch live @ https://www.twitch.tv/avoidingthepuddle
La vidéo de Liuga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlKFeB6Tw04 uTip: https://utip.io/ZTrahm Maskey: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFfukyWXS7h1viyLMYLl19A Kago Hyperbrother: https://www.youtube.com/user/HyperBrotherKGO Jeannot Nymouce: https://www.youtube.com/user/JeannotNymouce Horizon Gull: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGeFgMJfWclTWuPw8Ok5FUQ TeddyboyRSA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF5XmjNN3FzNPn_VR1xTr8Q Facebook: http://bit.ly/2rpVrEc Twitter: http://bit.ly/2rFTQdM Instagram: http://bit.ly/2tU2fLP Snapchat: z-nudes Discord: https://discord.gg/xgXWhpK
Rest, Repose vocalist Tanner Cowens came by to chat, hang out and answer some questions! Tanner On YouTube: https://goo.gl/9xAA4F Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiffsAndBeards Twitter: http://twitter.com//RiffsAndBeards Instagram: http://instagram.com/RiffsAndBeards Ask.fm: http://ask.fm/RiffsAndBeards
Tyler Joseph und Josh Dun von Twenty One Pilots standen uns in der aktuellen Folge von FAQ Rede und Antwort. Hier gehts zu Teil 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABQBgJZBbzw Die aktuelle Single "Stressed Out" könnt ihr hier streamen /kaufen : ►http://wmg.click/TOP-StressedYo --------- Abonniert unseren Newsletter: http://www.warnermusic.de/newsletter Folgt uns auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warnermusicde Warner Music auf Youtube: http://bit.ly/1dHiFUL Addet uns auf Snapchat: #Warnermusicde Warner Music Website: http://www.warnermusic.de Für weitere Playlists und Musik schau bei Topsify vorbei: http://www.topsify.de
Hello tout le monde, aujourd'hui je réponds à toutes vos questions :) CE QUE JE PORTE : Pull (pris en 32 car seule taille dispo) : http://bit.ly/2zQKroR Bijoux : http://bit.ly/2hsEois LA DÉCO DE MON SALON : http://bit.ly/2x8eEvo ET DE MON ENTRÉE : http://bit.ly/2hlUU0d 📱INSTAGRAM : @JUNESIXTYFIVE http://instagram.com/junesixtyfive/ 💻 MON BLOG : http://junesixtyfive.com 👻 SNAPCHAT : https://www.snapchat.com/add/junesixtyfive 🔹FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/junesixtyfive.blogmode/
Официальная группа скетчкома вконтакте: http://vkontakte.ru/faq_sketch_com Треки использованные в серии: Герра-Общага Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra Все остальные треки из библиотеки MTV gl hf studio http://glhf-video.ru/ needfun@glhf-video.ru
Официальная группа скетчкома вконтакте: http://vkontakte.ru/faq_sketch_com Треки использованные в серии: Герра- Неформал Герра - Субкультура Animal Джаз - Этажи Genoa - My First Time Amatory - Дыши со Мной Deform - Зарази Меня Жизнью Потап и Настя Каменских - Чумачедчая Весна Noize MC - Наше Движение Кайф - Давай Убежим Brainstorm - Спой Мне Серьга - А что Нам Надо Все остальные треки из библиотеки MTV gl hf studio http://glhf-video.ru/ needfun@glhf-video.ru
will hyde die upon the scaffold?
or will he find the courage
to release himself at the last moment?
god knows; i am careles;
this is my true hour of death,
and what is to follow
concerns another than myself.
here then, as i lay down
the pen and proceed
to seal up my confession,
i bring the life of that unhappy
henry jekyll to an end.
wake up, mr hyde
stop to think what is right
to hell with you mr kind
i damn you out of my mind
wake up, mr hyde
stop to care about your lies
to hell with you mr kind
you'll never get what is mine
is it cold where you are?
do you fell safe in the dark?
you really want to go this far?
all alone in your hyde park
farewell, mr kind
there's nothing left to hide
i know, i must take your life
to release what lies inside
farewell, mr kind
it's time for you to die
i have to sacrifice you