Friday, October 31, 2014

Window Rock March: Dineh demand halt to livestock impoundments

Photo by Roland Begay
Black Mesa Residents and Supporters March in Window Rock, Navajo Nation demands halt to livestock impoundments 

By Indigenous Action Media
Photo by Nadine Narindrankura 
Oct. 31, 2014
WINDOW ROCK, Diné Bikeyah — On October 30, 2014 dozens of Diné Black Mesa residents and Read more at Indigenous Action Media
supporters protested recent paramilitary style assaults by Bureau of Indian Affairs agents and Hopi Rangers. The raids, which have included agents armed with assault rifles, a helicopter, and two drones, have resulted in 3 arrests and theft of more than 300 sheep. Black Mesa residents met with the Navajo Hopi Land Commission (NHLC) and outgoing Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly to demand an immediate halt to the terrorizing of their community.
Read article at Indigenous Action Media, Native youth powered media


Publié par Indigenous Action Media
31 octobre 2014
Traduction Christine Prat
See original article in English

WINDOW ROCK, Diné Bikeyah [Pays des Navajo] – Le 30 octobre 2014, des dizaines de Diné résidents de Black Mesa et des sympathisants ont protesté contre les récentes attaques de style paramilitaire des agents du Bureau des Affaires Indiennes et des Rangers Hopi. Les raids, menés par des agents armés de fusils d’assaut, avec un hélicoptère et deux drones, ont conduit à trois arrestations et au vol de plus de 300 moutons.
Les résidents de Black Mesa ont rencontré des membres de la Commission des Terres Navajo-Hopi (NHLC) et le Président sortant de la Nation Navajo, Ben Shelly, pour demander un arrêt immédiat de la terreur contre leur communauté.

La journaliste indépendante Diné Marley Shebala a rapporté que la NHLC était sortie d’une session exécutive à 16h mais n’avait pas pu voter, faute de quorum. Sans prévenir ni expliquer pourquoi, le commissaire Lorenzo Curley a quitté la réunion, empêchant ainsi le vote d’avoir lieu. La NHLC s’est engagée à s’occuper du problème mais n’a pas donné d’agenda clair.
Ensuite, les résidents de Black Mesa ont rencontré le Président de la Nation Navajo, Ben Shelly.
Shelly et le Président du conseil Intérimaire LoRenzo Bates ont publié le communiqué de presse suivant :
La Nation Navajo demande l’arrêt de la confiscation de bétail sur les Terres Hopi Divisées
Le Président Ben Shelly et le Président Intérimaire LoRenzo Bates demandent que la Tribu Hopi et le Bureau des Affaires Indiennes coopèrent avec la requête publiée par le Bureau de la Commission des Terres Navajo-Hopi de cesser les activités présentes de confiscation de bétail appartenant aux résidents Navajo des Terres Hopi Divisées (HPL – Hopi Partitioned Lands).
De plus, le Président Intérimaire Bates et le Président Ben Shelly ont publié une requête officielle adressée au Président Tribal Hopi Herman G. Honanie de se rencontrer le 3 novembre pour discuter des saisies de bétail en cours.
De nombreux récits de divers résidents des HPL révèlent des confiscations de bétail qui ont causé de graves inquiétudes parmi les propriétaires de bétail Navajo de la zone, plusieurs d’entre eux ayant témoigné que les autorités avaient brandi des armes à feu durant les captures de bétail.
« Pour beaucoup de familles, le bétail est la principale source de nourriture » dit le Président Shelly. « Nous voulons tous que ce soit résolu. »
« Nous avons entendu les inquiétudes des gens, en particulier ces Navajos âgés qui dépendent énormément de leur bétail pour vivre » dit le Président Intérimaire Bates. « Confisquer le bétail de Navajos est une violation délibérée de leurs droits de pratiquer notre culture et nos traditions et doit cesser immédiatement. »
Dans un mémorandum du 24 octobre du directeur exécutif du NHLCO Raymond Maxx au Président Tribal Hopi Herman Honanie, il était demandé d’instaurer un délai de grâce de dix jours pour permettre de conférer avec les résidents afin de leur demander de retirer l’excédent de bétail des HPL.
« Si le surpâturage est le principal souci des officiels Hopi, c’est sans aucun doute un problème que nous pouvons tenter de résoudre en nous réunissant pour en discuter » ajouta le Président Intérimaire Bates.
La Commission des Terres Navajo-Hopi a récemment adopté la Résolution NHLCO-21-14, demandant à la Tribu Hopi une accommodation pour le bétail des familles Navajo vivant dans les HPL.
Deux membres de la Commission, les Délégués du Conseil Dwight Witherspoon et Walter Phelps, ont rencontré des officiels Hopi et du Bureau des Affaires Indiennes et des résidents affectés.
D’après le Délégué Witherspoon, d’autres discussions entre toutes les parties sont prévues pour cette semaine.
Demandez l’arrêt immédiat des attaques contre les résidents de Black Mesa de la zone des « HPL ».
Hopi Chairman Herman G. Honanie
BIA Superintendent Wendell Honanie
Hopi Tribal Council
Hopi Tribal Council via Neva Poneoma, legislative secretary
Director Natural Resources, Clayton Honyumptewa

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Relocation Resisters: Navajo elders victims of domestic terrorism

By Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Censored News

Clarence and Mary Lou Blackrock of Cactus Valley are sitting up all night by the fire, unable to sleep for fear of their sheep being taken. This distress endangers the elders health. This family wanted these pictures shared so that the world can see the suffering at the hands of the federal government and Department of the Interior.
This is Domestic Terrorism.

Media Pimps: Hollywood isn't the only place where people sleep their way to the top

Hollywood isn't the only place where people sleep their way to the top

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice at NAIS

With the creation of the Internet, new forms of fraud and crime were created by reporters who never leave their homes. These armchair journalists have joined the world of other corporate criminals. They steal with impunity.

They steal from the good hearts who spend their last dimes to be present and cover the news. Those good-hearted grassroots people and activists have become authentic voices for human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. As the Zapatistas say, these citizen journalists are the authentic voices for justice and dignity. Because they are good hearts, the media thieves prey on their work.

The plagiarizers, aggregators and posters dominate the news websites, especially in national Indian country news. These stay-at-home reporters, editors and publishers know how to turn the hard work of others into cash in their pockets, a paycheck for staying home.

First there are the plagiarizes. They copy and paste and steal photos from their armchairs at home, snagging potato chips and whatever else they can get their hands on. 

If you review Indian Country Today's articles over recent years, you will see copy and paste plagiarism, and the theft of copyrighted photos. Just ask the reporters if they were present to cover the news they have been writing about. The owner of the publication is extremely wealthy and can afford to send reporters out to actually cover the news. The reporters have a choice. They can continue as plagiarizers and deceivers, or not.

Next, there are the aggregators. From their easy chairs, these parasite journalists collect all the hard work from real reporters on the Internet. Then, they rewrite it. They think that this makes them look really smart. The photos are usually stolen and violate copyrights. Just look for the photo credit and ask the photographer if they were paid. 

Now that you know how you are being deceived, just re-read those long articles. You'll see it is just a conglomeration of info from the web by a stay at home reporter.

Finally, there are the 'posters.' In Indian country you can recognize the posters because they use others work or links and post those on a webpage with a lot of advertising. They make money from advertisers, usually without the reporters permission.

'Posters' don't actually do any journalism, or spend any money to make money. These websites post other peoples work, with or without credit or permission. 

In a rare case of this new collapsed Internet journalism, the owners of the Indian news website received a multi-million dollar spy contract this year. It is for domestic and international spying with an office at the US Pentagon.

So, that's the final category: The 'posers.' The posers position themselves to look like authentic journalists, and get a paycheck for doing so.

As for the subtitle here, about Hollywood, ask yourself why an editor or publisher would employ a reporter or editor who has been plagiarizing from their home for years, and in some cases, for decades.

The bottom line is this: If readers fail to recognize fraud and deception, there is no hope for authentic journalism. If that is the case, real reporters will continue to be unemployed and real news outlets will continue to go bankrupt.

Brenda Norrell is publisher of Censored News, now in its 9th year with no advertising or funding. Norrell has been a news reporter in Indian country for 32 years. She began at Navajo Times, and worked as a stringer for AP and USA Today, during the 18 years that she lived on the Navajo Nation. Then, after serving as a longtime staff news reporter for Indian Country Today in the Southwest, she was censored, then terminated. Her work has appeared across the US and the world, and in Outside magazine and other publications. Today she remains blacklisted by all the paying media.
Censored News

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Update on Big Mountain impoundments


October 28, 2014 by    
By Black Mesa Indigenous Support
Hopi Rangers arrested two individuals and impounded 120 sheep this morning at the homesite of Tom and Etta Begay in Red Willow Springs.  Heavily armed rangers guarded and blocked nearby dirt road entrances as well.
“The Hopi Rangers came for our homestead early this morning. They tried to arrest my Aunt Etta who is almost 70 years old and my dad Bahe. They had barricades set up at the top of the hill with two police units, when we tried to get around the barricade they chased us for two miles, trying to hit us with their trucks, and they drew their guns at us.  When we got to the house they brought four more units and tried to block us in by the north hogan. They grabbed us out of our vehicles.  A male officer was grabbing me around my waist. I told them they were violating our rights and violating our elders. They were trying to arrest Etta who didn’t even know what they were saying [she doesn’t speak English]. She wasn’t doing anything. They arrested my younger brother Lance and me. Because we were a threat to them for voicing our rights and defending our family. It took three officers to detain me and another three to detain my brother.   We didn’t  go down without a fight. We were let go after six hours of detainment. I told them they are threatening our family who is all alone and elderly and they come out with guns and threaten and scare them. Who would have defended our family if we didn’t come?  We didn’t come with guns and knives; we are not violent, we just came to protect our family.  Who knows what they would have done if we weren’t there. We said, we are not scared.  We are protecting our elders, if you are going to take us to jail for that, do it. They took 120 sheep from our homestead.”–Milayia Yoe, arrestee.
The U.S government has always used “scorched earth policies” against Indigenous people–attempts to cut them off from their food supplies, decimate economies, or destroy infrastructure–as a precursor to forced relocations including the Long Walk of the Dineh. Livestock impoundments come under this category. There is increased surveillance on the families and livestock of the so-called “HPL” including the use of drones.
“We are in a battleground, the endless battleground of the Partitioned Lands. This is the front of the line and when it comes your family there is no yes or no, you have to stand up for your family and your relatives. This is what I was taught. The past was never really forgotten of the way the U.S. Government treated my people. It is still going on, it is still alive. We will fight- not with violence or armor, but with the old ways.  This is a stand for people to know who we are and how we live as Dineh.”–Gerald Blackrock  10/23/14
“The U.S. government is using the Hopi Tribe. We are Native People, we don’t work like this.”–Beulah Blackrock 10/ 28/14
Caroline Tohannie, the elder who had her herd impounded last week, has a court date coming up where she will be facing trespassing charges for being at her homestead.
These impoundments are stressful for the entire community, particularly the elderly:
“Our life is connected to the life of the sheep.  We are alive and strong because of them, and being close to them, being with them everyday, keeps us strong. Especially now in our old age the sheep are important to us. If we are too far from our sheep, we can become frail. “ Clarence and Mary Lou Blackrock, Cactus Valley Elders10/25/14
“I disapprove of the impoundments. They really affect the elderly. Ever since I was a baby I was carried on a horse to herd sheep. I have herded all my life and I am in my eighties.  You have the livestock in your heart, and they want to take that away.”–Jack Woody, Black Mesa Elder 10/25/14
“They way that the rangers are treating the people goes against the Dineh way; it is very taboo to point a gun at somebody. They are traumatizing an already traumatized community. If overgrazing was actually the issue they could just educate people. But it’s not. This is uncalled for.”–Marie Gladue Big Mountain Resident 10/28/14
Calls to Action:
*Lawyers needed! If you are a lawyer or have connections to lawyers, residents are requesting legal assistance.
*Call protests at your local Department of Interior or Bureau of Indian Affairs offices, donate funds here,come to the land as a human rights observer (email for more information),
*“Call the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Hopi Rangers, and the Department of Interior. Ask they stop impounding sheep on the HPL. This is current day colonialism, our food sovereignty is being attacked and ask that they stop the unjust impoundments.”–Louise Benally
  • The BIA superintendent Wendel Honanie at (928-738-2228),
  • Hopi Chairman Herman G. Honanie,  Email:, Phone: (928) 734-3102
  • The Hopi Rangers Clayton Honyumptewa at (928-734-3601),
  • The Department of Interior at  (602-379-6600)
***Please forward this request far and wide by re-posting or sending this to ten people***

Sheep Dog Nation Rocks' Aggressive confiscation of Navajo sheep'

Sheep Dog Nation Rocks
Big Mountain: Aggressive Confiscation of Dineh Resisters' Herds
By NaBahe Katenay, Big Mountain Dineh

Big Mountain: Aggressive Confiscation of Dineh Resisters' Herds

**Update: Oct. 28, 2014**
This morning, Oct. 28th – 0620 hrs., Gaah’ Hopi Police & BIA Police, with guns drawn, the Begay resident in Red Willow Springs was surrounded. Main dirt road entrances were guarded by heavily armed police as well. Two teens who were niece and nephew of Etta Begay went out near the sheep corral to take pictures but cops put guns to their heads, and were handcuffed and released at the end of confiscation of the sheep and goats. Etta and her brothers were forced back into their house and police surrounded that house. Nearly 100 sheep and goats were taken but it has been assumed that the police did not have enough room for the 40 more sheep and they were left behind. The situation between non-Native supporters (only ones who acknowledged this resistance against corporate America’s genocide), Dineh elders and the BIA ordered invasion is getting more intense and may get volatile.
Read article at Sheep Dog Nation Rocks:
French translation by Christine Prat

South Dakota: TransCanada fails to block landowners and Natives from Keystone XL hearing

Update: TransCanada Fails to Block Bold Nebraska, Nebraska Landowners From South Dakota Keystone XL Hearing

By Bold Nebraska


UPDATE 10/28/14:

Despite TransCanada’s lawyers’ best efforts to try to block Bold Nebraska and Nebraska landowners from acting as intervenors in the new Keystone XL permit process, the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission just voted unanimously to grant us all full party status!

Citizens and Tribal Nations Stand Up Against TransCanada’s Latest Attempts to Silence Opposition

Pierre, SD — In a move that surprises no one, TransCanada has filed paperwork to block citizens and tribal nations from Nebraska and South Dakota from participating in the formal process of getting their permit for Keystone XL re-certified. Over 40 Nebraskans and South Dakotans have applied for formal “party status” which gives citizens, groups and Tribal Nations the ability to participate in discovery and ask questions to witnesses during the hearing process.
On Tuesday, October 28, the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will decide the next steps for the process and will allow individuals to contest TransCanada’s opposition to our formal participation in the hearing.

More Navajo Sheep Impoundments! Human Rights Observers Needed!

Censored News 
The BIA directed Hopi Tribal Police have impounded another family's herd this morning. They blockaded the family's driveway, detained in police cars and then released two family members for trying to document, and shut two others in the house. When the Rangers came out of their vehicles they had their guns drawn on the two family members, both in their 20's, and then detained them as they stood in between the police and their elders. All family members who can speak English or document what is going on were removed from the impoundment action. The Hopi police were at the corral with only one female elder who doesn't speak English. They aren't allowing documentation or providing translation.
Human Rights Observers NEEDED IMMEDIATELY.
Bring video cameras. Continue calling the Department of Interior and the BIA. Families have a right to document what is going on for their own safety and the rangers need to provide translators and not separate families.
Stop the human rights violations. Stop the harassment. Stop the impoundments.
Call these Officials!
Hopi Chairman Herman G. Honanie
Phone: (928) 734-3102
Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Office: (928) 871-6441
Office of Range Management(928) 734-3702
BIA Superintendent Wendell Honanie
Phone: 928-738-2228
Hopi Tribal Council
Phone: 928.734.3134
Hopi Tribal Council via Neva Poneoma, legislative secretary
Phone: 928-734-3133
Director, Natural Resources Clayton Honyumptewa

Listen: Commitment Song Chief Terrance Nelson at Boarding School Tribunal

Commitment song by Grand Chief Terrance Nelson, of Southern Chiefs Organization, at Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Oct. 22 -- 24, 2014. 

Mohawk Nation News 'Long Knives'



Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 28, 2014. The illegal and immoral purges started before the gunfight on Reichtag Hill in Ottawa. Harper’s role models are Hitler and Stalin. The cabal fantasizes the big lie that they own Onowaregeh, the Indigenous land of Great Turtle Island. Canadian true history is about atrocities against us. War, intimidation and murder promote the big lie. Harper is silencing any critics who don’t fall in line, by ridicule or death, whichever suits him best.
putin on harper
Money and sex are always used to control those in positions of power. CBC mega star, Jian Ghomeshi, the biggest voice in Canada, is going down! Ghomeshi who broke no laws made his sexual proclivities public and is suing for $50 million. The mainstream media cooperates with the “Long Knives” to silence accused critics of the regime.
Like Hitler and Stalin, Harper is removing anyone who stands in the way of his corporate reign of terror. Troubadours, artists, alternative media, politicians, scientists, academics and civil society are being purged. They are threatened to keep their mouths shut or else. Resentment and disgust is building up in some, while the media propaganda machine keeps the rest asleep.
Trudeau, Liz May, Mulcair & Harper in House of Commons echo chamber: "What does the boss want us to say?
Trudeau, Ambrose, Mulcair & Harper in the Commons echo chamber: “Do as you’re told?”
Canada, a military corporation, run the police state. They guard the stolen treasury of the Queen taken from us. Harper got 30% of the vote. Stalin said, in an election, ”It matters not who wins the vote, only who counts the vote”. Harper, the terrorist, is calling himself the unifier of Canada. Yes, he is unifying the people against him.
Now all the white people are the new Indians, being scrutinized by the Nazi tribunal. Their tactics are same old, same old. Will Harper shoot and kill them with guns and diseases, as was done to us? He will hide in the bathroom and order contract killers like the RCMP and the Canadian military to murder his critics and dissenters.
Soldiers swear allegiance to a foreign Queen in England and her heirs. The men with arms and guns that Canadians are trusting to take care of them don’t owe them or the land they live on any allegiance.
Harper is guarded night and day by the Canadian military. They are unaware that his true role as PMO is to tighten the screws on the 100-year plan to be rid of the “Indian problem” written by Duncan Campbell Scott in 1924.
spy v lieHarper is like the fool described by the Beatles: : “Nobody wants to know him. They can see he’s just a fool. And he never gives an answer.” Beatles. Fool on the Hill.
MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Sunday, October 26, 2014

'Halt impoundments' says Navajo Hopi Land Commission


By Brenda Norrell

The Navajo Hopi Land Commission's letter to Hopi Chairman Herman Honanie states that the Hopi Tribe should desist from the impoundment of Navajo sheep due to the traumatic impact on Navajos with sheep on Hopi Partitioned Lands. The Commission says that the Hopi Tribe should work with the Commission in a spirit of cooperation to resolve the issues in a reasonable manner.

Day 3 Boarding School Tribunal!


Day 3 Live at the Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Click arrow above to watch live or go to:

Bill Means: "We are rebuilding our nations, because we have treaties"

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
More testimony from Day 3:

GREEN BAY, Wisconsin -- The Boarding School Tribunal began its third and final day with speakers on Language Revitalization and the testimony of Bill Means, Lakota. Madonna Thunder Hawk shared the story of a Lakota elder from Cheyenne River in South Dakota. At four years old, he was thrown against the wall repeatedly until his bones were broken for wetting the bed in boarding school. His back is still scared from the beatings there.
Bill Miller center photo Brenda Norrell
Bill Means, the brother of Russell Means, said the boarding school concept began in prison. It was Fort Marion in Florida where they kept Indian leaders who fought against the US.
Richard Henry Pratt began to teach the prisoners and transform them. He later created Carlisle, and the concept, "Kill the Indian and save the man."
In the Dakotas was the boarding schools where Means parents met.
One of the common punishments was for speaking your language.
"The most severe punishment was if they heard you singing songs in public."
Means said his mother didn't talk about it until she was older.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mohawk Nation News 'Nazi Canada'


Please post and distribute.
MNN. Oct. 25, 2014. The false flag gunfight on Parliament Hill was Hitler’s Reichtag fire of February 1933. Canada’s new anti-terror law is the model for the Nazi takeover of the world. Within days democracy was shut down. Now martial law can be declared, armed soldiers sent into residential areas, free radio and TV stations and personal computers taken over, passes restricting travel, which was done to the Indigenous, and “activists” taken into custody or disappeared for their thoughts. Thousands of Indigenous women have been disappeared already. Interpol Internet Cyber Crime Unit
General Harper to Bibeau.
Herr Harper radicalizing the Islamists. 
How Canada is a Nazi state: a terrifying secret enemy is invoked. Canada’s version of thePatriot Act or Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933, was passed. Canada has no constitution. It’s a military corporation. The fake global “war on terror” is to keep people in constant fear so they willingly give up their freedoms.
Even though Canada is at its lowest crime rate ever, Prime Minister Harper is building massive private super prisons. At first troublemakers, spies, “enemies of the people” or “criminals” are jailed without charge. Then civil society, like labor activists and alternative journalists will be targeted as new inmates.
Is this what Harper's false flag was all about?
Is the false flag?? 
Thugs like the “pipeline police” are contracted to scare, control and murder citizens for the corporations. These private armies are recruited globally and free from prosecution in the jurisdictions they’re sent to. Harper’s “Hail Mary” is the Patriot Act for the new world order team he is quarterbacking. Canadians have been given a version of the genocidal Indian Act that Canada exists on to this day. He wants all Canadians under his new Indian Act, which is, assimilation flipped backwards. They will fill his “prisoner-for-profit jails”! The thought crime potential has been announced. Watch for the new Indian agents trolling every community/reservation to harass, beat and disappear millions of Canadian boys and girls as threats against corporatism.
Streamline surveillance. Cell phones will be routed through local police. Neighbors will spy on each other as per George Orwell’s “1984”.
Infiltrate and harass citizens’ groups. Investigate their taxes. Leave Nazi supporters alone. Anti-war, environmentalists and other groups are infiltrated. Maintain a database of peace and any protesters. Terrorism is whatever they decide. Anti-war marchers are potential terrorists and put on a watch list. Once you are on the list, you on for good.
Civil servants who don’t agree with the fascist ideology will be purged. Hitler passed the Reich Law for the Re-establishment of a Professional Civil Service on April 7 1933. Harpers’ omnibus bills eliminated scientists, environmentalists, legalized the genocide and re-wrote history.
Ministry of Propganda is the mainstream media. Goebbels and Hitler are cheering Herr Harper from the grave. Soon the new anti-terrorism law will require that citizens raise their left arm and shout “Heil Harper”. Dissent is treason and criticism is “espionage’. The penalty is life imprisonment. There is no rule of law and no constitution. Only a police state.
3 steps

Canada was never a country. It has always and still is ISO #3166-1. Under international law they legally don’t have a land base or language and are thus not sovereign to Great Turtle Island.
The Canadian citizen is the new “Indian”. To survive they have to follow the white roots of peace, the Guswentha and discover the Kaianerekowa, the key to peace on earth.
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit