How we've all been playing UNO incorrectly

Everyone's freaking out over this little-known UNO rule.
Everyone's freaking out over this little-known UNO rule. Photo: Instagram/UNO

If you grew up playing UNO, then expect your mind to be blown. There's a good chance you've been playing the card game incorrectly your whole life.

In a Facebook post that's since gone viral, La Toya McGaskill Stallings shared her remarkable findings after - wait for it - actually consulting the instructions. (Who does that?)

"So it's taken me 35 years on this earth to realise that I've been playing UNO wrong since I was a kid," she wrote." "Did y'all know that you can only play the Draw 4 Wild card IF you have NO other cards that can be played??

But that's not all.

Ms McCaskill Stallings continued: "If you suspect that someone has illegally played this card, they have to show you their hand. AND if they in fact played the card illegally they must draw 4, but If not, the person who challenged the play must DRAW 6?"

"2018 is going to be a year of enlightenment for me I can just feel it!" she wrote. "You're welcome".

And she even included an image of the rule book for the non-believers.

The post has since been shared over 120,000 times, indicating that she's not the only one feeling enlightened by this revelation.

"I like the wrong way. lol. This new way is tooooo complicated," one woman responded, summing up the sentiments of many.

"Been playing it wrong since the beginning of time so no need to change up now," said another.

Of course, some die-hard fans of the games have always known this.


"We have always played it by the rules," said Trina Taylor. To which Ms McCaskill Stallings replied:

So, there you have it. The more Y'UNO, eh?