
Critical Resistance needs your support to keep our work strong and vibrant. Donate today to our 2017 year end campaign! Read more here


Why your gifts matter…

Becoming a donor to Critical Resistance is a straightforward way to keep CR strong. In the past few years, we have intentionally and successfully transitioned frMidYearIG1_grassrootsdonorsom being funded primarily by foundations to being funded primarily by grassroots donations. Grassroots donors like you provide 67% of our total budget, which increases our financial stability and shifts more power and leadership into the hands of our local members.

Your donations help sustain our organizing to stop prison construction, to mobilize communities impacted by the violence of policing, and to develop alternatives to punishment and repression that sustain the health and well-being of our families, neighborhoods, and communities.

Any amount directly supports practical and visionary organizing towards abolition. Donations of money, time, and other resources help propel our work forward. Click here to donate today.

Email or call us at 510.444.0484 to donate time or resources.

2016 Highlights: Click here to read CR’s 2016 Annual Report.

CR members across the country were hard at work in 2016 eroding the power of the PIC and paving the way for healthy, self-determined communities. Please join us in celebrating the past year and looking ahead with the determination, will and enthusiasm to continue fighting toward liberation.






annualreport2015 Highlights: Click here to read CR’s 2015 Annual Report


Being a donor to CR has its benefits.

Each quarter CR hosts a donor call during which we bring together grassroots organizers and leadership, CR members, and our donors to discuss some current issues related to the prison industrial complex and strategies for resistance. Donors are invited to join, to listen, and learn more about a topic, and talk with our featured speakers and CR.

The resources our donors contribute to Critical Resistance are essential to our fight against the prison industrial complex, so it is important for us to create spaces where we share back the strong work that their generosity makes possible.

Click here for our Donor Call archive.

Click here to see all the ways to give!