- published: 14 Mar 2017
- views: 10189
VOC may refer to:
Tirtayasa (1631–1695), complete stylized name Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, also known as Ageng and Abulfatah Agung, was the sultan of Banten (on Java in modern Indonesia) during the kingdom's golden age.
Ageng built a strong fleet on European models, which did considerable trade within the Indonesian archipelago, and, with help from the English, Danes, and Chinese, were able to trade with Persia, India, Siam, Vietnam, China, the Philippines, and Japan in the Javanese tradition of long-distance traders. This trade gave considerable wealth to Banten, the greatest period for which was arguably under Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. In 1661 Ageng extended Banten rule to Landak in western Borneo. In the 1670s he also acquired Cirebon area following civil war in Mataram. Ageng established trade with Spanish Manila for silver and built canal for coconut palm and sugar plantations, among other developments.
Ageng was a strong opponent of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), and inevitably came into conflict with their headquarters at Batavia (modern Jakarta), 75 km to the east. In this sentiment Ageng also came into conflict with his son, the crown prince and later sultan Haji. Haji held considerable power in Banten, and was in favor of gaining support from the VOC. The court split into two factions, supporting the father and the son, and the more militant Muslim elite supported the father.
Abu Nasr Abdul Kahhar (also known as Sultan Haji or Haji of Banten) was the sultan of Banten from 1682 to 1687, who was largely responsible for subjugating Banten to the Dutch East India Company (VOC). He had considerable political power as a crown prince, and from the 1650s the court was divided into factions in support of his father Ageng and him. The VOC even called them the "old Sultan" and "young Sultan," respectively. Haji's faction was in favor of a stronger relationship with the VOC in nearby Batavia, while Ageng was a firm opponent of such a relationship.
Haji's faction gained the upper hand in May 1680, just as Ageng had Batavia surrounded and was declaring war on the Dutch. His father had a decade earlier withdrawn to a residence outside Banten proper, but Haji led a coup and confined Ageng to his residence outside the city. His position was weak, however, because he lacked the support of the Muslim elite, who remained loyal to his father, and who resented his overtures to the Dutch. He turned to the VOC for help, but they were unwilling to help unless he agreed to certain conditions: that escaping slaves and deserters be returned to Batavia even if they converted to Islam, that "pirates" be punished and the VOC compensated for their attacks, that Cirebon (on the opposite side of Batavia from Banten) be yielded, that there be no more interference in the relations of Batavia and the Mataram Sultanate, and that other Europeans be excluded trade with Banten. This constituted nearly all independent foreign policy of the sultanate, and the trade restriction would undermine the basis of their prosperity, but as Haji's position in Banten grew desperate, he accepted the agreement in 1682.
East India is a region of India consisting of the Indian states of West Bengal,Bihar,Jharkhand, Odisha and also the union territory Andaman and Nicobar Islands. West Bengal's capital Kolkata is the largest city of this region. The Kolkata Metropolitan Area is the country's third largest. The states of Odisha and West Bengal share some cultural and linguistic characteristics with Bangladesh and with the state of Assam.. Bengali is the most spoken language of this region and it is also the second most spoken language in India after Hindi. Odia is the only language in east India accorded the status of a Classical Language of India. Together with Bangladesh, West Bengal formed the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal before partition in 1947. The historic region of Bengal which was ruled by Nawabs of Bengal comprises the present, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Bangladesh from where the British started their conquest of India. Modern days Odisha in ancient time know as Kalinga, Utkala and ruled by indigenous mighty rulers of Mahameghavahana dynasty, Eastern Ganga dynasty and Gajapati Dynasty.
The East India Company (EIC), also known as the Honourable East India Company and informally as John Company, was an English and later British joint-stock company, formed to pursue trade with the East Indies but ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent and Qing China.
Originally chartered as the "Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies", the company rose to account for half of the world's trade, particularly trade in basic commodities that included cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpetre, tea and opium. The company also ruled the beginnings of the British Empire in India.
The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth on 31 December 1600, making it the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies. Wealthy merchants and aristocrats owned the Company's shares. The government owned no shares and had only indirect control.
The company eventually came to rule large areas of India with its own private armies, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions.Company rule in India effectively began in 1757 after the Battle of Plassey and lasted until 1858 when, following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Government of India Act 1858 led to the British Crown assuming direct control of India in the form of the new British Raj.
Vaar mee met de VOC Deel 1 (school TV)
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Sejarah VOC: Setiap Tahun ( 1603-1799 )
de VOC (voor idioten)
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Victims of Circumstances (Voc) Season finale (prelude)
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Victims Of Circumstances (V.O.C) S2 (Epi1)
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KVW Haelen en Nunhem | Gouden Eeuw | VOC
Perang Tionghoa vs VOC
De Batavia en de VOC
Victims Of Circumstances (VOC) Epi.4
Sejarah Indonesia VOC !! RePost EDUanimate
Balap liar ketapang vega VOC deby ap VS fu OMC ubet61 WIN OMC ubet61
Voc pilla 81 guru Pooja function
Victims of circumstances (Voc) epi 4
Actors: Paul Hauptmann (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (director), Tobias Berbuer (editor), Marc Remmel (editor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Felix Backhaus (editor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor),
Genres: Music,Actors: Paul Hauptmann (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (director), Tobias Berbuer (editor), Marc Remmel (editor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Felix Backhaus (editor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor),
Genres: Music,Actors: Paul Hauptmann (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (director), Tobias Berbuer (editor), Marc Remmel (editor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Felix Backhaus (editor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor),
Genres: Music,Actors: Paul Hauptmann (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (director), Tobias Berbuer (editor), Marc Remmel (editor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Felix Backhaus (editor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor),
Genres: Music,Actors: Paul Hauptmann (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (producer), Marc Schuetrumpf (director), Tobias Berbuer (editor), Marc Remmel (editor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Gero Drnek (actor), Felix Backhaus (editor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Christof Stein-Schneider (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor), Thorsten Wingenfelder (actor),
Genres: Music,
Lirik Wagu VOC & Genjor Ft Eka Martha Buyer meser-meser mubeng nganti pindah wudel mikerke awakku sek bagimu ra tau pener duet duet duet duet meneh nggo tuku wedhak pupur kudu piye piye iki piye buatku dadi soyo ajor pas pacaran mesra tenan ko romeo juliet saiki kowe crewet tiwas wes rabi antil-antilan sampluk antil sampluk antil sampluk dek antil wedokan saiki uwes podho pinter iso mbedakke astrea ro satria wedokan saiki uwes podho pinter iso mbedakke legenda karo ninja ora gelem berjuang opo meneh prihatin dijak mangan neng angkringan we isin pengene urep mewah padahal wegah obah dijak omah-omah dijamin bubrah mbok yo mesakke aku (digendong to mas) aku bojomu opo babumu (ih kepo) kowe rewel njalok ini itu (aduh hiyung) tak ulehke sisan neng wong tuomu (numpak pramek yo mas) pas paca...
Want to help keep CrashCourse going? Consider becoming a Patron and help us keep making awesome content for such awesome people. SUBBABLE SUBSCRIBERS READ FURTHER ↓ https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse In which John Green teaches you about the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, doing business as the VOC, also known as the Dutch East India Company. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Dutch managed to dominate world trade, and they did all through the pioneering use of corporations and finance. Well, they did also use some traditional methods like violently enforced monopolies, unfair trade agreements, and plain old warfare. You'll learn how the Dutch invented stuff like joint stock corporations, maritime insurance, and futures trading. Basically, how the Dutch East India Company crashed th...
(Belanda: Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, VOC), disebut oleh Bahasa Inggris sebagai Dutch East India Company, pada awalnya didirikan sebagai perusahaan carteran pada tahun 1602, saat pemerintah Belanda diberikan itu monopoli 21-tahun pada perdagangan rempah-rempah Belanda. Hal ini sering dianggap telah menjadi perusahaan multinasional pertama di dunia dan itu adalah perusahaan pertama yang mengeluarkan saham. Dahulunya merupakan perusahaan yang kuat, memiliki kekuatan kuasi-pemerintah, termasuk kemampuan untuk berperang, memenjarakan dan mengeksekusi narapidana, bernegosiasi perjanjian, menyerang koin sendiri, dan mendirikan koloni Music: Clenched Teeth - The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/...
Find out what Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC'S) are and what kind of impact they have on our health...and our planet.
Untuk Keterangan lebih lanjut Silahkan Like Fanspage Ini http://www.facebook.com/VOCreggaeMusic http://www.reverbnation.com/siiebellerwb Lirik Sadarkah kau telah menyakitiku sadarkah kau telah kecewakanku mungkin kau tak pernah bisa rasakan sakit yang kurasa sesungguhnya ku masih mencintaimu sesungguhnya ku masih menginginkanmu bila mengingatmu jauh masih kurasakan rinduku uyeee uyeee kini kau tlah pergi tinggalkan diri ini rela tapi ku tak ikhlas untuk kehilanganmu Reff : Se'enaknya saja Dirimu pergi meninggalkan diriku tanpa peduli perasaanku se'enaknya saja dirimu pergi meninggalkan diriku tanpa peduli cinta dan sayangku
Perjuangan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Pada 27 Februari 1682, Pasukan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Sultan Abu al-Fath Abdul Fattah) menyerang Keraton-benteng Surosowan yang telah diduduki oleh VOC pimpinan Jacob de Roy yang mendukung Sultan Haji (Abdul Qohar), putra Sultan Ageng yang memberontak. VOC selain berniat memonopoli perdagangan rempah-rempah di nusantara juga berkepentingan melemahkan kerajaan-kerajaan di nusantara. Dimana VOC sebelumnya telah sukses menggunakan politik adu domba (Devide et Impera) untuk memecah belah kesultanan Mataram pada 1677 dan Kesultanan Gowa-Tallo pada 1669. Pertikaian antara Banten dan VOC Belanda sudah berlangsung lama, terutama setelah VOC Belanda merebut Jayakarta dari Banten pada 1619. Pada tahun 1671, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa mengangkat pangeran Abdul Qohar s...
Maafkan jika aku harus pergi dan meninggalkanmu untuk saat ini, mencari sesuatu yang bisa membuatmu bahagia -Voice of Cicicuit-
devarkandanallur vellalan
Setelah pembantaian etnis Tionghoa di Batavia oleh VOC Belanda pada Oktober 1740. Banyak yang melarikan diri ke pantai utara jawa yang masih dibawah kesultnan Mataram. Adalah Adipati Widyoningrat (Oei Ing Kiat) dan Raden Panji Margorono (Tan Pan Ciang) Bangsawan Mataram Muslim Tionghoa keturunan Ulama Tiongkok yang menerima pengungsi Tionghoa dari Batavia. Di lain pihak, Susuhunan Pakubuwono II penguasa Mataram juga membenci VOC Belanda dan bersekutu dengan komunitas Tionghoa Jawa untuk melawan VOC di Pantai Utara Jawa. Perang dimulai pada Mei 1741 dari Lasem dan menyebar ke pantai utara Jawa. Pada 27 Juli 1741, Pasukan Tionghoa (Muslim dan Tradisional) yang dikenal dengan 'Laskar Dampo Awang Lasem' berhasil menguasai Jepara dan menduduki tangsi-tangsi VOC di kota-kota tersebut. Perlawanan...
Não havia nada que mudasse sua decisão
Não havia nada que te fizesse acreditar
Não havia uma explicação para o que se passou
Não adianta depois se arrepender por não ter escolhido ficar
Não vou mais pedir para você voltar
Tudo deixa mágoas, mas também boas recordações
Não é tão fácil ser feliz levando não
Por mais que tudo leve a crer que chegou ao fim
Penso que estar ao seu lado seria melhor pra mim
E eu penso no que fazer
Pra não pensar mais em você
E eu penso no que fazer
E eu penso no que fazer
Pra não pensar mais em você
E eu penso no que fazer
Penso nas palavras e em tudo que ficou pra trás
Tantos bons momentos que não podem se apagar
O que me machuca não é em si nossa separação
A dor de não estar mais ao seu lado traz a solidão
E eu penso no que fazer
Pra não pensar mais em você
E eu penso no que fazer
E eu penso no que fazer
Pra não pensar mais em você
E eu penso no que fazer