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Audio Report: Burgerville Workers Union Finish Three Day Strike

In this audio report, we talked to someone with the Burgerville Workers Union (BVWU), which is a part of the Industrial Workers of the...

Support Legal Defense Campaign of Mac Gaskins

Donate Here John "Mac" Gaskins who has been a long time organizer with the NABPP-PC (New African Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter) and SPARC (Supporting Prisoners...

Seattle, WA: Call for Community Self-Defense at Red Square this Saturday

The following is a call to oppose an upcoming rally organized by Patriot Prayer and the local chapter of the UW College Republicans, which...

Always with the Rebels!

The following video documents the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado in Argentina, as well as ongoing resistance of Mapuche communities. This video was made one month...

Russian State Crackdown of Anarchists and Antifascists

Starting November, 2017, Russian FSB (the successor to the KGB) initiated a violent crackdown on anti-fascist and anarchist activists. Starting in Penza, the repression...

Neo-Nazi Heimbach Invites Himself to Lecture at University of Tennessee

The following report from One People's Project details how neo-Nazi leader Matthew Heimbach is attempting to worm his way into a public university to...

Anarchist Zines & Pamphlets Published in January 2018

Long running anarchist distribution project Sprout Distro presents the following monthly selections. The following zines were published (or made available online) over the past month....

Hands off Afrin! Solidarity from Tampa, FL to Rojava, Syria

This following report was submitted anonymously to It's Going Down. For more information about the situation in Rojava and the Turkish invasion of Afrin,...

Neo-Nazis Driven Off CSU Campus After Turning Point USA Event

Fort Collins, CO – On Friday night, Turning Point USA (TPUSA), a right-wing xenophobic student group, held a “Smashing Socialism” speaking event featuring its founder...

Standing Rock Water Protector Little Feather Reaches Non-Cooperating Plea Agreement

MANDAN, NORTH DAKOTA – On Thursday February 8, Michael Giron will appear in federal court in Bismarck for a change of plea hearing as per...

Intellectuals Cheer as US Moves Towards Global War in Syria

Despite years of unqualified failure, the nation's liberal intelligentsia announces full support as US redoubles its efforts in its catastrophic "war on terror." Check...

Parkdale Rent Strike: Round 2

Toronto residents in the working-class neighborhood of Parkdale have launched their second rent strike. For an overview of the struggle in Parkdale and information...

Making Noise in Miami: Gathering at the Gates of Krome Immigration...

The following is a report back from Miami, Florida about a noise demonstration carried out against continued abuse at the Krome Immigration Detention Center.  Lining...

Report Back: The Battle at Colorado State University

The following report comes from antifascists and anarchists on the ground in Fort Collins, Colorado, who recent helped defend a large mobilization that rallied...

Fayetteville, GA: Anti-racists Expose “Vanguard America” Neo-Nazi Organizer in Community

The following anonymous report comes from the state of Georgia, and details a community outreach campaign to out a neo-Nazi organizer in the town...

Nightfall Issue #10

The following editorial comes from the tenth issue of Nightfall, an anarchist publication in Minneapolis. Download and Read PDF Here Table of Contents – Friendship &...

Minneapolis, MN: “Against the Super Bowl and Its World”

The following report and photo was submitted to It's Going Down anonymously. We reprint it below. It reads: With frozen hands we reappropriated this city's infrastructure...

ĹžoreĹź Ronahi on Turkish Assaults on Afrin & Rojava

Listen and Download Here This week, Bursts spoke with Şoreş Ronahi of the Youth Movement of Rojava (Yekîtiya Ciwanên Rojava), an autonomous movement within Tev-Dem,...

First-hand Report: Hunger Strike in GA Prison

The following letter from an inmate who writes that they have started a hunger strike in a Georgia Prison was originally published by the...

Dozens Occupy NC Governor’s Office to Protest Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The following action report comes after news broke that both the Mountain Valley Pipeline and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline were starting construction. To learn...

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Marks End of Convergence Center

This following report from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief marks the closing of their autonomous space in Florida. To hear more about the community center...
This following report from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief marks the closing of their autonomous space in Florida. To hear more about the community center and free clinic that they organized in the wake of hurricane Irma, check out our podcast interview with them here. Last week marked the end of...
Anarchist prisoner Noah "Kado" Coffin offers some observations about the conditions that allow the spread of Hepatitis C behind bars, and the Texas prison system's indifference to the disease. Check out more of Noah's work at the SF Bay View here. by Noah “Comrade Kado” Coffin Did you know that using...
The following report from One People's Project details how neo-Nazi leader Matthew Heimbach is attempting to worm his way into a public university to give a speech entitled, "National Socialist or Death." National Socialism was the official ideology of the Nazi party in Germany. For more information on Matthew...
This following report was submitted anonymously to It's Going Down. For more information about the situation in Rojava and the Turkish invasion of Afrin, check out our recent podcast interview on the situation here. Following Turkey’s military assault on Afrin of the Kurdish-held province of Rojava in Syria, an international...
The following article comes from the Minneapolis based anarchist newspaper, Nightfall. We’ve now passed the one year mark of Trump’s presidency. This time last year we were fast learning what his reign had in store for us. Following the riotous eruptions nationwide on the day of his inauguration, immense numbers...
Editor's note: IGD encourages readers to visit the original microsite. The memory of the Peoples is a crack in obscurity and forgetting. Memory carries with it the dignity to confront the impunity of governments. It strengthens the struggles and resistances that point toward freedom for those who inherited the glow...