Argentina: ¡Con los Rebeldes Siempre! – Always with the Rebels! (Video)


Este video fue realizado al cumplirse 1 mes de la desaparición de Santiago Maldonado en manos de Gendarmería.

El cuerpo sin vida de Santiago fue “encontrado” el 17 de octubre -78 días después de su desaparición- en el Río Chubut a 300 metros corriente arriba del lugar donde fue visto capturado por Gendarmería, y en una zona que había sido rastrillada en diferentes ocasiones por quienes llevaban adelante su búsqueda.

Facundo Jones Huala continúa detenido esperando el juicio por extradición a Chile. La persecusión y represión a las comunidades mapuche en resistencia continúan creciendo, mientras que en la región dominada por el estado chileno los presos políticos alcanzan la treintena.

El día 25 de noviembre de 2017 en la recuperación territorial de la comunidad Lafken Winkul Mapu, en cercanías de Villa Mascardi, Río Negro, fue asesinado Rafael Nahuel de un balazo por la espalda en un intento de desalojo perpetrado por la Prefectura Naval Argentina.

¡Santiago Maldonado y Rafael Nahuel viven en la lucha!

¡Libertad a Facundo Jones Huala!

¡Terrorista es el Estado!


This video was made one month after the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado in the hands of Gendarmería Argentina.

The lifeless body of Santiago was “found” on October 17 -78 days after his disappearance-in the Chubut River 300 meters upstream from the place where he was seen captured by Gendarmería, and in an area that had been raked in different occasions by those who carried out their search.

Facundo Jones Huala is still detained awaiting trial for extradition to Chile.

The persecution and repression of Mapuche communities in resistance continue to grow, while in the region dominated by the Chilean state the political prisoners reach thirty.

On November 25, 2017, in the territorial recovery of the Lafken Winkul Mapu community, in the vicinity of Villa Mascardi, Río Negro, Rafael Nahuel was shot dead in the back in an attempted eviction by the Argentine Naval Prefecture. Santiago

Maldonado and Rafael Nahuel live in the struggle!

Freedom to Facundo Jones Huala!

The State is the Terrorist!

Posted in Argentina, Chile, Facundo Jones Huala, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Political Prisoners, Rafael Nahuel, Santiago Maldonado, Videos

Russia: Call for International Days of Solidarity with Russian Anarchist Political Prisoners Feb 5th-12th, 2018


Received on 31.01.18:

Days from the 5th till 12th of February are the days of solidarity with repressed Russian anarchists. 

In October of 2017 in Penza six anarchists and antifascists were arrested by officers of Federal Security Service on a charge of creating a terrorist group. Moreover, in that time the period of raids in anarchists and antifascists’ houses has started all over Russia. The
objects of Security Service’s attention were different people from absolutely different towns. At last, a new wave of detentions was launched in January of 2018. An antifascist Victor Filinkov was kidnapped by Security Service in Saint Petersburg. The officers of
Federal Security Service have been torturing him in the forest out of the city. They told Victor to admit his participation in mythical anarchy-terrorist group. Unable to withstand the torture Filinkov was forced to incriminate himself and now he is remaining in Temporarily-staying Isolation. Filinkov’s lawyer claims that he has never seen so serious damages and trails of the torture during his practice of struggle with a police outrage.

There is another antifascist who has claimed about torture in St. Petersburg. Ilya Kapustin was also threatened by officers from FSS, but he has refused to incriminate himself and after that he was released on bail. There weren’t any proofs that anarchy-terrorist group exists in real life, only the confessions gained by the threats and torture.
Nevertheless, police is doing everything in order to force people to confirm an existence of mythical terrorist organization named “Net”, spoofed by FSS. The officers affirm that this organization has a lot of cells in every town. It means that the situation which has occurred in Saint Petersburg will be observed in the other Russian towns very soon.

Obviously, everything what’s going on in our time is an attempt to clear out an anarchist movement before the Elections of the President in 2018. In recent years we could see how the anarchist movement increased its activity after the repressions of 2012 year. These repressions can only intimidate people and crush the anarchist  movement.

In this case it’s necessary to show that we are not afraid and we can’t be destroyed by their force. Otherwise, the repressions will be used every time when the anarchist movement calls an attention of FSS. We should show them that the stronger their repressions, the more furious will be our resistance. Now it’s important to support the prisoners, to prevent the continuation of the “witch-hunting” and give a global publicity for this event.

We call you for a solidarity campaign with repressed anarchists from the 5th till 12th of February.

Arrange different street actions, evenings of solidarity, distribute information in the media and in the Internet. Do everything you can come up and implement.

The only one weapon we can counter the face of the state terror is the unity and solidarity  with each other. Without these two things we will be crushed by this monster one by one.

We are ready to provide the space for publication solidarity actions, just send them on media_ns[at]riseup[dot]net

The address for your solidarity letters: to


(Only PAPER letters)



Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Fuck The FSB, Ilya Kapustin, International Solidarity, Penza, Political Prisoners, Repression, Russia, St Petersburg, Victor Filinkov

Czech Republic: New Text from Former Anarchist Prisoner Lukáš Borl about Prison Slavery


How Long Will the Exploitation of Prisoners by the Police and Courts Last?

If there’s somebody forced to work for somebody else under the threat of violence, it’s something that we usually call enslavement or exploitation. However, if Czech police and courts use this practice, they call it differently: preparation of the convicted for their jobs and helping the state. There’s no point in arguing about appropriate words, where it’s obvious that the state institutions are committing organized crime on the prisoners. The point is to make these crimes stop.

To make clear what crimes I’m talking about, I’ll first give the word to the officials of Všehrdy prison. On the prison website they write:

With the end of the year approaching, we would like to inform our fellow citizens about the fact, that the prisoners from Všehrdy prison have participated in recovery of the property of different state and municipal institutions in our region during the whole year completely free of charge, in the form of the so-called extramural working activities. …(…)… They, for example, painted the administrative building of shooting range for the Police of Czech Republic, fixed the terrain around the shooting range, removed the invasive trees, repaired and built new target equipment and pruned trees around the driveway. They facilitated moving of the police school and moving and assembling the furniture for the Police of Teplice. And, like in the last year, they painted the area of the District court in Chomutov and moved the furniture.

They taught us in school that slavery was abolished. However, when we look at the conditions of imprisoned people, we can see that slavery only changed its face. The prisoners from Všehrdy may not be a trading commodity like the slaves in the past. But they are still subjected to violent enslavement. They are forced to work hard without any claims for wage and somebody else profits from their work. They are punished if they refuse to work under these conditions. And they are also held behind the walls in iron chains by their slavers. And their enslavement is also hypocritically advocated by talking about the fact that they offended the morals of Christian civilization by their way of life and so it’s right to treat them this way.

Everybody who is not blind must clearly see, that resistance against slave practices must not stop, until all prisons and institutions, which have their interest in preserving them, are abolished.

(via Lukáš Borl // archiv)

Posted in Czech Republic, Fire To The Prisons, Lukáš Borl, Prison Slavery, Prison Struggle, Repression

Video: Radical Anarchists in the BUR (Belarus, Ukraine & Russia) 2008-2017

In Russia radical anarchists were defeated already in the end of 1990ies (NRA case). The last underground fighter Ilia Romanov was arrested in 2002 in Ukraine and sentenced to 10 years. But have anarchists lost their combat spirit? 10 years later a new generation of revolutionaries came, they wanted more than demonstrations and antifa.

Anarchy Today team have prepared a small video on various attacks by anarchists in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (BUR) from 2008 to 2017. By attacks we mean destruction or damage to enemy property – buildings, premises, cars, construction equipment, objects, etc.

So it happened that anarchist insurrectionists in the so called BUR have always preferred arson attacks with Molotovs. As they say, a guerrilla only needs petrol and a bottle. Self-made explosive devices were seldom used.

It is worth noting, that there were ten times more similar attacks in the period than the film shows. There were hundreds attacks in fact, mostly in Russia. The fact is that many attacks were not videoed at all. For some anarchists never claimed responsibility or gave a false address of the site, even a different country. For example, there are no videos how anarchists explode police cars, explode incendiary bombs on the sites of luxury car showrooms or plant self-made bombs at police and administrative buildings. We can only read about it in short reports at some anarchist sites (Black BlogFrom Russia With LoveCenter of Study of Anarchists …) and in the book Other Generation. There were more dashing and brave attacks than we imagine.

As we know, in Moscow, the first anti-cop arson by the new generation of militant anarchists ( it is incorrect to call them insurrectionists) occurred during the night from February 19 to February 20 2009. The next day a video was published in the Net by a militant group People’s Revenge, which showed people throwing Molotovs into police cars. People’s Revenge reported that two cars had been destroyed and called upon “every decent person …to stand up to fight the arbitrariness and despotism of the police, intelligence agencies and bureaucracy.” So the period of arson and explosions began …

The first serious attack by Minsk anarchists was setting fire to the entrance door of Belarusbank on May 1 2010. Before that there were just burnt billboards and symbolic pogroms.

In Вelarus anarchists did not manage to develop this strategy. Already in the fall of 2010, the authorities launched large-scale repression. Two structures dealt with anarchists – The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption (GUBOPiK) and the State Security Committee (KGB). The cops were not kidding. Most radical anarchists were arrested. Some of them turned bitch, others remained unbroken, for this they were thrown into the prison zones (now everybody is already free). State propaganda even made a film about them – Anarchy. Direct Action (2011).

In Russia, the situation was much better. This is to a large extent due to the size of the country, in particular, the metropolis of Moscow, where the most attacks were committed. Also note: what for Lukashenko’s regime is a terrorist attack, for Putin is just hooliganism. After all, Moscow has repeatedly experienced real bloody terrorist attacks organized by Islamic and nationalist militants. No anarchist arson or bomb attack can be compared with these.

Therefore, the authorities in Russia did not properly deal with the anarchists. There were several detentions, but no one specifically for arson and no one was jailed.

And, after 2012, the insurgency has declined. Of course, the operatives from the Federal Security Service (FSB) played an important role here. They managed to make some of the give up all attempts to destroy anything more. Some even had to leave the the Russian police state.

On Kalarupa site (also known as The Center of Studying Anarchists) we can see some reports of the work done by anarchist underground in 2010201120122013.

In general, anarchist underground was not defeated. It lives and develops.

Our main idea is that open peaceful anarchist movement has no future! We know one thing – struggle against state and capitalism has to include a wide range of actions – from peaceful to militant, from creative to destructive.

The 2009-2012 period was the peak of anarchist resistance in the history of post-soviet BUR. Almost every day, especially in the Moscow region, something happened day and night. The media became interested in the anarchist underground, and looked for meetings. In 2011, The Newspaper Ru published the first interview with the rebels.

Anarchist sites covering similar activities have since either been closed or have already become dead. Since 2015 Black Blog – the loudspeaker of anarchist guerrilla has been silent. Actions tend to be forgotten, reports lost, videos get removed – this is a natural process. Nothing is eternal. But we still would like to recall and refresh the memory of those years. We truly honor the traditions and all the militant actions of the past years made by our comrades. With this video we want to introduce newcomers to this history and please the old fighters who have not yet retired.

Good luck. Don’t get caught by cops.

Anarchist militant resistance continues!

January 2018

(via Anarchy Today)

Posted in Belarus, Combative Memory, Direct Action, History, History Is A Weapon, Russia, Ukraine, Videos

Melbourne, Australia: Banner Action in Solidarity with the Hunger Strikers in Sofia Prison, Bulgaria


Received on 31.01.18:

On Tuesday, January 30th, a small group of anarchists and antifascists gathered in Narrm / Melbourne, so-called Australia to express their solidarity with the ongoing hunger strike by the prisoners in Sofia Prison, Bulgaria. 30 prisoners have been on hunger strike since January 27th in response to the policies of the corrupt prison director Peter Krestev who is trying to stamp out symbolic protests for basic human rights.


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Australia, Banners, Bulgaria, Bulgarian Prisoners' Association, International Solidarity, Jock Palfreeman, Melbourne, Narrm, so-called 'Australia', Sofia, Sofia Prison

Zurich, Switzerland: Arson Attack Against the Turkish Consulate


During the night of Sunday (28.01) to Monday (29.01) we set fire to a car on the grounds of the Turkish consulate on Weinberg street in Zurich. We are in solidarity with Rojava and the canton of Afrin, which is currently being attacked by the NATO state of Turkey and allied Islamist militias.

The Turkish state has always been an enemy of the advanced Rojava project. We recall the collaboration of Turkey with the gangs attacking Kobane, the recurring skirmishes along the border between Rojava and Turkey, or the intervention of the Turkish state along with Islamist groups of the Free Syrian Army to create a zone between Afrin and the cantons Kobane and Cizre. The attack on Afrin is now an escalation of the conflict on a new military level. Everything that Rojava stands for is and remains a thorn in the side of the Turkish state with its reactionary, Islamist and nationalist ideology.

We would like to take this opportunity to condemn the support of the capitalist and imperialist states who are allowing this escalation. The attack on Afrin shows that these states cannot be strategic partners in advanced projects. The USA and Russia gave Turkey the green light to attack Afrin and thank the comrades of the YPG/YPJ for defeating the so-called ‘Islamic State’.
In principle, the NATO countries do not want to upset Turkey, the geopolitical significance of this state remains so high that it will absorb any provocation of the Turkish army. Germany ponders at least delaying the supply of new tank parts to Turkey – but Sigmar Gabriel of the SPD* is also known for being jointly responsible for the enormous increase in armaments exports from Germany. Switzerland as part of EFTA**, wanted to sign a new free trade agreement with Turkey as Zeybekci, the Turkish Minister of Economic Affairs, was at the World Economic Forum in Davos recently, while Rheinmetall Air Defense (subsidiary of the German Rheinmetall, which is to deliver the above mentioned tank parts) in Zurich-Örlikon continues to produce weapons for export. So we do not measure all these states and actors by their diplomatic statements, but by how they enforce their interests, and all their actions suggest that they will never be friends of Rojava.

For about a week now, Afrin has been attacked by troops of the NATO state of Turkey along with Islamist militias. They have not made any significant progress during this time. The fighters of the YPG/YPJ stand together with the armed population and resist the invaders. There are mobilizations in solidarity with Afrin worldwide. Just as we took to the streets for Kobane, we have to take to streets again today. It is up to us to take responsibility and defend Rojava. Because Rojava is also our project, Rojava is our hope too. If Turkey attacks Rojava with its Islamists, it will attack us as well. Let’s fight back! Let’s defend Rojava!


(via Barrikade, translated by Insurrection News)

*Social Democratic Party of Germany

**European Free Trade Association

Note from Insurrection News: According to information appearing in the corporate media, the fire was discovered before it could cause any significant damage.


Posted in Afrin, Arson Attack, Direct Action, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Switzerland, Turkey, Zurich

Sardinia, Italy: Afrin – Why Does it Concern Us?


– the attempt by the people of Rojava to make for themselves their own form of self-organization, based on respect for ethnic groups, on popular participation, on self-defense and on the spread of values of equality, despite the natural contradictions imposed by the war context in which it has been realized, is an important example. All people who decide to resist the oppressions and genocides perpetuated by the States and seek to live a peaceful and supportive existence are people who should be supported. In a context dominated by the imperialist actions of the States that use the different local actors to maintain their economic interests, in a context dominated by radical Islamist forces (always funded and used by the same imperialist states) that impose regimes of terror and exploitation on populations, in a context dominated by the imposition of regimes, that more or less with democratic denominations, are based on a vertical and authoritarian management of power, the attempt by the Kurds to resist and create a social model of coexistence and self-government is an experience with which we want to be in solidarity.

– the wars of recent years in the context of the Middle East represent yet another example of the imperialist policies of the Western States; the politics of robbery and exploitation, aimed at reshaping the territorial balance in order to have more and more condescending servants in power, to open more and more doors to the exploitation of resources, to make more and more money bags for the war-mongering multinationals and the companies involved in the so-called ‘post-war reconstruction’. The resistance of the Kurds represents an attempt to move in the opposite direction of this process. This process has not been and is not without contradictions, like all processes that want to make real changes, but it involves the sacrifices of an entire population to fight for their existence and freedom.

– the thousands of refugees who have arrived on our shores in recent years (and have ended up in the exploitative business chain) are the result of these distant wars, but perhaps not so much. The Kurdish experiment represents an attempt to oppose these conflicts and above all to create a social model based on solidarity and peaceful coexistence, against the logic of domination and conquest. To support this experiment therefore means to oppose the wars of today and tomorrow and to oppose the imperialist logic that condemns thousands of people to die at the Libyan borders, in the oceans, in the migrant centres and in the labor camps.

– our land has always been a land of experimentation and control by warlords: those in the suits and ties of multinationals and those in the uniforms of armies. The weapons used in conflicts in the Middle East are produced and tested by Italian companies (namely Leonardo / Finmeccanica) in our territories, then sold to State butchers of various categories. To oppose this umpteenth genocide means to oppose the politics of militarization and the logic of profit built on the backs of people.

– our history consists of colonial domination and the annihilation of one’s identity. The history of the Kurds is a similar history of fierce colonialism on the part of the Kurdish State, which for years, following massacres on populations, has pursued a policy of forced deculturation, denial of Kurdish identity and ethnic cleansing. Supporting the Kurdish struggle means supporting the same struggle of self-determination that we want for our land.

– it is necesssary, now more than ever, to demonstrate our solidarity with our comrades who fight on the front and with our comrades who fight for their own self-determination. We consider it necessary to use all means possible to attack the Turkish imperialist state, its structures and its representatives in the territories in which we live.

Some Anarchists in Sardinia

(via Sardegna Anarchica, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Afrin, Analysis, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck Erdogan, International Solidarity, Italy, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Sardinia