3 February 2018

Release of Nunes memo throws anti-Russia campaign into disarray

By Andre Damon, 3 February 2018

In a further intensification of the factional conflict gripping the US ruling elite, the White House published a congressional memo Friday alleging the FBI used false pretenses to spy on the Trump campaign.

Trump in open clash with FBI over Russia probe

Trump administration presses for more options for war on North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 3 February 2018

Even as tensions appear to have eased on the Korean Peninsula with the Winter Olympics about to begin, the US is continuing its preparations for a military strike.

Will there be a US nuclear sneak attack on North Korea?

Half a million metalworkers participate in strikes in Germany

By our reporters, 3 February 2018

On Friday, the all-day warning strikes in the metal and electrical industries culminated with hundreds of thousands of workers on strike.

French workers support growing mass strikes in Germany

By V. Gnana and Alex Lantier, 3 February 2018

West Virginia teachers hold one-day strikes and statewide protests

By Nancy Hanover, 3 February 2018

West Virginia teachers have not had a raise since 2014, and are presently ranked 48th in the nation in average salary.

To reduce costs Texas officials slash special education enrollment

By Todd Thompson, 3 February 2018

Texas deliberately set about to deny access to special education services, in knowing contravention of federal rules.

Another $6 billion for Bezos overnight
Amazon reports record profit in final quarter of 2017

By Will Morrow, 3 February 2018

Amazon’s profits are the outcome of the brutal exploitation of the company’s global workforce of over 550,000 people.

National Guard, federal agents and police mobilize for Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis

By Anthony Bertolt, 3 February 2018

Minnesota is seeing the largest military-police operation in the state’s history under the guise of providing security for the NFL’s championship game.

Deliberate neglect leads to inmate death at New York’s Rikers Island

By Leslie Murtagh and Philip Guelpa, 3 February 2018

The planned closure of Rikers Island will do nothing to stem police brutality and abuse of prisoners in New York City.

UK: Justice4Grenfell meeting endorses May government’s inquiry

By Robert Stevens, 3 February 2018

Several members of the audience demanded that those responsible for “social murder” be arrested and sent to jail.

UK: Private landlords refusing to remedy Grenfell-style flammable cladding

Families and survivors hold seven-month commemoration of Grenfell Tower fire

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Australian government defies criticism of sweeping “foreign interference” bills

By Mike Head, 3 February 2018

The attorney-general suggested that the critics are playing into the hands of enemies seeking to damage Australia’s “national interests.”

Australian mining union isolates locked out Oaky North workers

By Terry Cook, 3 February 2018

The six-month lockout of coal miners is the longest in Australian history.

New in French

Trump en conflit ouvert avec le FBI sur l’enquête russe

Patrick Martin, 3 février 2018

Le Parti démocrate prend le parti des agences de renseignement contre Trump dans un conflit qui oppose deux partis de la classe dirigeante réactionnaires et criminels.

De Facebook à Policebook

Andre Damon, 3 février 2018

Facebook devient un instrument de censure et de surveillance, en surveillant les actions et les pensées de ses utilisateurs.

New in German

„Der Metall-Streik muss zu einer internationalen Bewegung gegen Krieg und Sozialabbau entwickelt werden“

Christoph Vandreier, 3. Februar 2018

Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP), Christoph Vandreier, spricht über den Streik der Metall-Arbeiter und den Kampf gegen die Große Koalition.

Aus Facebook wird Policebook

Andre Damon, 3. Februar 2018

Facebook verwandelt sich in ein Zensur- und Überwachungsinstrument, das die Taten und Gedanken seiner Nutzer überwacht.

Hamburger Polizei fahndet europaweit nach G20-Gegnern

Marianne Arens, 3. Februar 2018

Die Ausweitung der Polizeifahndung entspricht den Plänen der Großen Koalition. Diese will die Polizeiarbeit verstärken und ihre Sicherheitspolitik europaweit koordinieren.

Eine halbe Million Metallarbeiter beteiligen sich an Streiks

unseren Reportern, 3. Februar 2018

Am Freitag fanden die ganztägigen Warnstreiks in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie ihren vorläufigen Höhepunkt.

Berlin: Rot-rot-grüner Senat rüstet massiv auf

Katerina Selin, 3. Februar 2018

Der Berliner Senat hat am Dienstag ein neues Sicherheitskonzept für die Hauptstadt beraten. Die rot-rot-grüne Koalition aus SPD, Linkspartei und Grünen plant darin eine Verschärfung der Polizeiaufrüstung und der Strafverfolgung angeblicher „Gefährder“.

Einigung bei Friedensgesprächen unter russischer Führung – USA verschärfen Konflikt

Jordan Shilton, 3. Februar 2018

Einen Tag nach dem Ende der Gespräche über eine neue syrische Verfassung verbreitete die Trump-Regierung erneut unbewiesene Behauptungen, das Assad-Regime entwickle chemische Waffen.

New in Spanish

De Facebook a “Policebook”

Por Andre Damon, 3 febrero 2018

Facebook está siendo transformado en un instrumento de censura y vigilancia para monitorear las acciones y los pensamientos de sus usuarios.

El delirante estado de la Unión de Trump

Por Barry Grey, 3 febrero 2018

La degeneración del estado de la Unión como institución está ligada al recrudecimiento de la crisis del capitalismo estadounidense.

Los trabajadores industriales alemanes cierran el sector automotriz a medida que se extienden las huelgas

Por nuestros reporteros, 3 febrero 2018

Trabajadores de la industria automotriz y eléctrica están en su tercer día consecutivo de huelga por el aumento de su salario y por la reducción voluntaria de la semana de trabajo.

¿Porqué sigue un millón de puertorriqueños sin luz?

Por Daniel de Vries, 3 febrero 2018

Es necesario bloquear la privatización del sistema eléctrico, que debe estar bajo la administración democrática de la clase obrera.

Las conversaciones de paz para Siria respaldadas por Rusia llegan a un acuerdo sobre la constitución mientras EUA discute intensificar el conflicto

Por Jordan Shilton, 3 febrero 2018

A un día de la finalización de las conversaciones, la administración de Trump planteó nuevas afirmaciones infundadas de que el régimen de Assad está desarrollando armas químicas.

New in Russian

Польское правительство пытается криминализовать упоминания о преступлениях поляков в период Холокоста

Клара Вайс, 2 февраля 2018 г.

Этот далеко идущий удар по свободе слова является очередным шагом в систематических действиях правой правящей партии «Право и справедливость» по усилению фашистских сил в стране и, в соответствии с этой целью, фальсификации истории Польши.

75 лет назад: Последние солдаты Вермахта сдаются в Сталинграде

2 февраля 2018 г.

2 февраля 1943 года после ожесточенного сопротивления последняя группировка Шестой немецкой армии, заблокированной в Сталинграде, окончательно капитулировала перед советской Красной армией.

Other Languages


Fear of working class upsurge triggers plunge in financial markets

3 February 2018

The increasing market volatility takes place amidst signs of mounting working class resistance.

Earlier Perspectives »

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

WSWS Chairperson David North interviewed on Chris Hedges’ “On Contact”

29 January 2018

Full transcript: “Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship”

By the World Socialist Web Site, 25 January 2018

More on censorship » »

Featured Video

On-the-spot interviews: How many Puerto Ricans will die due to criminal government indifference?

Four months after Maria, millions are without power, water, health care, and the basic necessities of life in this US colony.

Donate today to support on-the-spot coverage and interviews with the international working class.

Why are a million Puerto Ricans still in the dark?

More on Puerto Rico »


Seventy years after Sri Lankan independence: The record of capitalist decay and the necessity for socialism

By Vijith Samarasinghe and K. Ratnayake, 3 February 2018

Throughout the Indian subcontinent, there is no real independence from imperialism and the ruling classes have failed utterly to provide democratic rights and decent living standards for all.

Trump’s State of Delusion

By Barry Grey, 1 February 2018

US Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg endorses #MeToo

By Ed Hightower and Tom Carter, 1 February 2018

“Scoundrel Time” returns: The neo-Puritan #MeToo censors and their predecessors

By David Walsh, 31 January 2018

The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle

3 January 2018

Final reflections on the centennial year of the October Revolution

By David North, 30 December 2017

NHS Fightback

The human cost of the destruction of the National Health Service

By NHS FightBack, 3 February 2018

The following statement by NHS FightBack is being distributed today at marches and rallies in defence of the National Health Service in London and other towns and cities.

Arts Review

Jeff Daniels’ Flint: A drama about the former industrial city
Is it “all about the money” or all about race?

By David Walsh, 2 February 2018

Jeff Daniels’ drama is currently being performed at the Purple Rose Theatre in Chelsea, Michigan, some 60 miles west of Detroit. The play will run until March 10.

Marshall and #MeToo: A 77-year-old civil rights fight exposes the reactionary character of the sexual misconduct witch-hunt

Netflix: The Crown Season Two—Apologetics for the monarchy as sun sets on British Empire

Autoworkers Newsletter

Workers discuss UAW corruption scandal at WSWS Autoworker Newsletter call-in meeting

By our reporters, 2 February 2018

Workers demand nullification of contracts
Anger mounts as UAW VP for Fiat Chrysler is implicated in corruption scandal

Fiat Chrysler workers file class action against UAW demanding return of union dues

Contracts signed by corrupt UAW should be nullified: A reply to Dennis Williams

The UAW corruption scandal: The case for workers’ committees

More on auto worker struggles »

Workers Struggles

Thousands of Indian health workers strike; teachers protest in China
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

3 February 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Turkish employers grant pay raises in hopes of appeasing metalworkers

By Halil Celik, 2 February 2018

Seattle schoolbus drivers walk out in indefinite strike

By Hector Cordon, 2 February 2018

“Our job is like working in a slaughterhouse”
French retirement home workers strike to defend elderly, working conditions

By Anthony Torres, 2 February 2018


“Big Sugar” and metabolic syndrome, killers of millions annually worldwide

By Gary Joad, 2 February 2018


Fifty years since the Tet Offensive

By Patrick Martin, 31 January 2018

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

A socialist strategy is needed to defend immigrants!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 27 January 2018

“There’s a pattern here that NYU doesn’t want to acknowledge”
Interview with Mohamad Bazzi, NYU professor barred from the UAE

By Josh Varlin, 23 January 2018

25 years ago: Clinton targets welfare, Social Security for cutbacks

The US president made clear this week in 1993 that he would dismantle the system of aid to the poor known as “welfare.”

More »

50 years ago: Tet Offensive stuns Johnson administration

On January 31, 1968, fighters of the National Liberation Front launched a coordinated series of attacks across South Vietnam on the date of the Lunar New Year, Tet.

More »

75 years ago: Last Germans surrender at Stalingrad

On February 2, 1943, the last pocket of the German Sixth Army holed up in Stalingrad finally surrendered to the Soviet Red Army after bitter resistance.

More »


100 years ago: Unionists oppose compromise on Irish “Home Rule”

On February 2, 1918, Sir Edward Carson, Conservative Party politician, promised a renewed fight against Irish “Home Rule” in a speech in Belfast.

More »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP forum rallies opposition against racist “African gangs” campaign in Australia

By our reporters, 26 January 2018

Mehring Books

The Heritage We Defend and other important books by David North and the ICFI published in Turkish

By Halil Celik, 20 January 2018

In a country where the working class and socialist movement in general has been dominated by Stalinism, Maoism and petty-bourgeois nationalist tendencies for decades, these books are of prime importance in developing socialist consciousness among workers and youth.

New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work

12 January 2018

Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”

We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon begins operations in Australia

By Patrick Kelly, 28 December 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook