Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

News Archive

The scientific research of the International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam has been...
Posted: 18 July 2018
The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) aims to connect member...
Posted: 6 July 2018
The Bolivia Reader provides a panoramic view, from antiquity to the present, of the history,...
Posted: 2 July 2018
The PhD thesis of postdoctoral researcher Rafaël Thiébaut won the 2018 Thesis Prize of the Comité...
Posted: 23 May 2018
On May 5 Marx's Capital: An Unfinishable Project? was published.In 2013 the ‘Abteilung II’ of the...
Posted: 18 May 2018
Vanmiddag werden in Londen de uitkomsten gepresenteerd van een Europees onderzoek naar...
Posted: 23 April 2018
Op 12 april jongstleden presenteerde het IISG het onderzoeksrapport Precaire Polder in De Balie in...
Posted: 16 April 2018
Vanaf vandaag starten we met het toegankelijk maken van de ledenadministratie van de Algemene...
Posted: 20 March 2018
Quality Monitor Service Provision of services Archives 2017Archive researchers in the Netherlands...
Posted: 23 February 2018
Het IISG lanceert de Wim Kok tapes: 16 uur interview op film over zijn leven als vakbondsleider....
Posted: 7 February 2018


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