Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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May 2007

HAMBURG>situation 4>Workshop, lecture, films>Rote Flora

The night started after the end of the Reclaim the Streets…60 people were arrested and many people in Rote Flora were working with the lawyers for solidarity…More than 100 came in the central room of Rote Flora for this 5 hours event of multimedia lectures, workshops and film shows… Our situation started with an inspirational workshop with individuals associated with the Crimethinc Ex-Workers Collective about how insurrectionary activity leads to… …

Talking About Total Freedom world tour>>situation 4 >>WORKSHOPS ,FILMS AND TALKING CIRCLES

27 May 2007 Void Network(Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts)Crimethinc Ex Workers Collective Global Eye presents A day of workshops, films and talking circlesin the Convergence Centerof Anti-G8 international mobilizations Rote Flora/Hamburg from 6 o clock until 12.00 a.m. 1.Activist documentaries2.Insurrectionism through Collectivity by Crimethinc a lecture and open talk3.Fragmentsfrom the arising of a Cosmo-Political Consciousness a multi media poetical lecture by Void Network and Global Eye4.Film Show:Lucky People Center by Lucky People Center… …

The Fight for Free Education is a Fight against Capitalism

26 May 2007Talking About Total Freedom>>situation 3>>participation in the demonstration of the students of Hamburg against the obligatory student fees and the comercialization of public education in Europe! It was like a parade of all the powers of German police during a demo of about500 people!The antifascists came in the front of the demo carying a banner that was sending a clear message:“Education is not for sale!Smash Capitalism!”Artcore Collective organized… …

Hamburg University Campus>>electro acid psychedelic trance rave for open free public education

Talking About Total Freedom>>situation 2 >>Knallhart_Hamburg University24 May 2007 It was a very difficult night….Everything started great…In the afternoon there was a party organized by students of the campaign against the payment of university fees. Police entered university many times and they succeded to stop the party of the university students…For many hours our stage was a chillout area of the students party, a camping area of students (fighting for… …

Hamburg situation 2>Talking About Total Freedom world tour >>Rave Culture Against G8

situation 2> Thursday 24 May> Knallhart electro acid psychedelic trance rave festival against the capitalistic stupidity and the state violence featuring international djs and visual artists from Europe/U.S.A. >>participation in the fight of the university students for a free public education for all people Cafe Knallhart > University Campus Hamburg > for free >>open air+indoor event …

Against European Apathy! Talking About Total Freedom World Tour>>Hamburg>>Rote Flora

The first situation in Hamburg was wonderfull! More than 150 people came to join us in an outopian atmosphere in the Rote Flora squated social center that fights against European apathy for the last 15 years! Void Network and Natural High djs Global Eye multi media activists, djs from Dub Cafe of Rote Flora and art-activists from Artcore joined their power together for this night of international collaboration against global… …

Photos from travelling in Europe>>AGAINST G8>>TALKING ABOUT TOTAL FREEDOM World tour

Friends are coming from different sides of the planet to meet in Germany…Activists and artists, poets, lovers, hippy freaks, punks and ravers…people from all cultural backrounds are commited to fight against global capitalism in the days that we can have the best opportunity (when the “great” leaders of global capitalism are gathered).People from Void Network, Crimethink Ex-Workers, people from Global Eye and Natural High came from England, U.S.A. and Greece…The… …


TALKING ABOUT TOTAL FREEDOM world tour: Germany / 15 May-15 june 2007 Hamburg: Fight Against European Apathy! situation 1> Tuesday 22 May> Rote Flora electro space dub, roots reggae, psychedelic ambient +antiG8 multi media visual show by Void Optical Art Lab. +Global Eye +DubCafe situation 2> Thursday 24 May> Knallhart electro acid psychedelic trance rave festival against the capitalistic stupidity and the state violence featuring international djs and visual artists… …


TALKING ABOUT TOTAL FREEDOMGERMANY/ 30 DAYS OF ALL OUR EFFORTS22 MAY >>HAMBURG>>ROTE FLORAelectro space dub, roots reggae, psychedelic ambient +antiG8 multi media visual show by Void Optical Arts Lab. +Global Eye +DubCafe 24 MAY >> HAMBURG>>UNIVERSITY CAMPUS>>KNALLHARTelectro acid psychedelic trance rave festivalagainst the capitalistic stupidity and the state violence featuring international djs and visual artists from Europe / U.S.A. Cafe Knallhart > University Hamburg – Campus > for free >2… …

Photos and Thanks to Mr.Peculiar for this great night 12 May 2007

Dear friends, we have to say big thanks to everybody that came to the party (about 1500 people). We have to say great thanks to all the people that they came early in the morning to help us built the party (especialy the people from Natural High Family, Creative Space Collective, Aposyntonismos Collective, Iliosporoi and all personal help by many people).We faced very difficult situation there this weekend cause the… …


Keno Diktuo VOID NETWORK (Theory,Outopia,Synesthesia,Ephemeral Arts) proudly presents AMBIENTRANCEDELICA Temporary Autonomous Ecstatic Zone SATURDAY 12 MAY 2007 POLUTECHNIOUPOLI (free entrance from Katexaki rd.) starts 10.00 in the night Stage 1>electro acid psychedelic trance live concert:MR. PECUKLIAR (australia) dj sets :HYPERCEPTION (australia)IRAKLIS MINDPHASER(natural high) DIMITRIS NATS (natural high) CRYSTAL ZERO (void network) KINOMATIX (void network) Stage 2 >electro dub,space reggae,ambient trance djsets :DJ NESCO SISSY STARDUST (void network)dj NIKITAS (void network)LEANDROS… …

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