
Letters to the Editor

SMH Letters

Politicians gambling with Tasmainian's money

As a former resident of Tasmania I am saddened by the revelations of the monopoly status of the gambling industry ("Pokie faced",  February 3-4). Many millions of dollars should be flowing into Tasmanian welfare services and infrastructure projects. It seems this should be the key issue of the state election. Give Tasmanians back their gambling revenue! 

Gaming the political system

SMH Letters

''Donors'' and "donations" are massive misnomers. Altruism isn't involved, so "investors" and "investments" would be more accurate.

Labelling the issue behind tooth decay

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Your article about tooth decay and lunchboxes ("Tooth decay crisis blamed on lunch boxes", January 28), with very useful photographs,  makes it perfectly clear visually where the sugar problem lies. After reading the article I checked in my fridge, which contained both the two yoghurts that were photographed. The contents of neither could be read under normal lighting with normal eyesight. If sugar is the key problem, we desperately need simple, readable messages on sugar content that can be deciphered and compared quickly in a busy supermarket. At present labelling is just tokenism.

Fondly recalled taste sensation disappoints

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Nostalgia ain't what it used to be ("Hey teachers, leave those pies alone", January 21): Packets of frozen Chiko Rolls recently caught my eye at the local supermarket and I was immediately hit with a strong urge to recreate a fondly recalled taste sensation from the past. The half price offer helped cancel out any wavering; I succumbed to the temptation and bought them. I was delighted to discover a sachet inside the pack containing four dinky brand-emblazoned sleeves to slip them into - so authentic! But sadly, they tasted nothing like I remembered. Another reliable disappointment.

Huge support shown to change Australia Day

SMH Letters

Your editorial  asserts that there is not a strong enough grassroots campaign to warrant changing the date of Australia Day ("Don't make this day the butt of culture wars", January 20-21). The largest of many national rallies held last year in support of marriage equality numbered 30,000 marchers. The largest of many Invasion Day/Survival Day national rallies occurred in Melbourne last year, when 50,000 Australians marched in support of changing the date. These protests have been going on every year since the first official Day of Mourning in 1938 and as grassroots responses they are noteworthy.  If as a country, we can rise to the occasion for marriage equality, surely we can do it for an issue which is fundamental to our understanding of our national identity.

Ideology puts the brakes on train services

SMH Letters

The root cause of the train dispute is ideologically driven ("'Constructive' talks won't stop strike", January 19). This government does not want more train drivers now. Why? Because a metro system that does not need them. How to implement this? Shut down the Chatswood to Epping line for nine months while it is converted to metro. Won't that require fewer trains? What about when the metro is extended? Ah hah! I think I can see why they haven't got enough train drivers now. They just won't be needed so there's no point in engaging a lot of new employees now only to make them redundant a little way down the track. Isn't that kind of the government? I call it Metrofication.   Michael Doyland, St Ives Chase

Billie Jean King v Margaret Court

SMH Letters

I strongly object to Billie Jean King's proposal to change the name of the Margaret Court Arena ("King urges renaming of Margaret Court Arena", January 13-14).  Court  did a great deal for the stature of women's tennis around the world.  I cannot imagine any  Australian female tennis player being so ungracious as to be willing to replace Court's name with her own.

Marriage registry? You may have to buy your own toaster

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Agreed, Kitty Flanagan ("Why I'd give gift registries the boot", January 7)!  We were married in 1968. If wedding registries had been as ubiquitous then as they are now, we might not have become the proud owners of five coffee percolators, an amber glass "water set" and what appeared to be a recycled bowling club trophy.

It's irresponsible to play sport in 50-degree heat

SMH Letters

I was horrified to learn while watching the fifth Test cricket match on television on Sunday that the temperature on the pitch was over 55 degrees. My concern deepened when I heard on the news yesterday morning that the English captain, Joe Root, had been hospitalised for severe dehydration.