Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Slap Heard Around the World

In this Issue: Jeffrey St. Clair on Edward Said, Ahed Tamimi and the new face of Palestinian resistance. The Perils of Bi-Partisanship: Jason Hirthler on how consensus empowers the elites; Stealing Honduras: Laura Carlsen on US-backed coups in Central America. Who Started the Korean War? by Marlon Ettinger; Iran on Four Wheels by Alison Aziz; The McMansions Arrive in LA by Julia Stein; I Used to be a Political Person by Ruth Fowler. PLUS: Mike Whitney on North Korea, Chris Floyd on the crumbling US empire, and Jeff Ballinger on the Nature of Human Nature.

Tales From the Crypt

With his customary bravado Donald Trump boasted that the TV audience for his first State of the Union address was the largest in history. This extravagant assertion was soon swatted down by none other than Fox News, which cited at least five other SOTUs speeches with bigger ratings since 1992, including Obama’s final bland monologue More

Trump’s Durable Base: Eight Reasons

Donald Trump’s many critics like to note that he has been struggling with epically low approval ratings – in the middle and high 30s for the most part –  across most of his presidency.  That is hardly surprising, given Boss Tweet’s relentlessly un-presidential behavior, which helps make a laughingstock out of the United States.  More

Liberal Totalitarianism and the Trump Diversion

The day before Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address, the Russia-gate drama took an unexpected and dangerous turn with the vote by the House Intelligence Committee to release a now classified memo that alleges that senior members of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) may have misled the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA court) in order to secure a warrant to engage in what Republicans assert is a politically motivated effort that spied on the Trump campaign before he won the 2016 election and attempted to undermine his presidency. More

Field of Vision – Concussion Protocol

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Steve Horn
  • TOPICS: Trump, energy policy and the environment
