Socialist Worker

VIDEO - Voices from the NHS in crisis—fix it now demonstration

Some voices from the national NHS in crisis—fix it now demonstration in London

Property bosses and Labour right are scared of the revolt against redevelopments

A shiver of fear is running through the boardrooms of property developers—and the cabals of right wing Labour councillors.
Cuts are to blame for the NHS winter crisis—‘health tourism’ is a racist lie

Cuts are to blame for the NHS winter crisis—‘health tourism’ is a racist lie

Shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth pledged last week that a Labour government would defend the rights of EU migrants working in the NHS.
Remembering the nurses’ strike of 1988

VIDEO - Remembering the nurses’ strike of 1988

Thirty years ago this month health workers began a wave of militant strikes that defeated a Tory government. These three nurses tell the story—and say everyone should join the national demonstration to defend the NHS in London this Saturday.


The battle for trust and truth in an era of fake news

Pundits blame social media for damaging trust in the news. Nick Clark looks at the real truth and lies behind fake news

Theresa May will stumble on unless we topple her

How long can the Tories survive?

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