
In permanent struggle against the State and its control: down with the law on internal security!

  • Posted on: 23 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

The approval of the Law on internal security (LSI) in Mexico is a symptom of the need for global capitalism to renew its power sources and to expand its economic progress, to the advantage of class society and its anthropocentric vision of the world. In regard to the repression of expressions that oppose or don’t support global domination, which goes along with expropriation and seizing of lands, winds and waters and the exploitation of ‘energy resources’ and human and animal bodies, the State is working on changes in important laws in order to attain its goals.


  • Posted on: 1 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

From ediciones inéditos

The following text was published in Spanish by Comuna P’urépecha yesterday. A Facebook page dedicated to disseminating the history, knowledge, political education and struggles of the P’urépecha people1 in what is known as the Mexican state of Michoacán. So-called México is set to have presidential elections on July 1st, 2018.

I Am Action: Praxedis Guerrero, 1882-1910

  • Posted on: 27 June 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

Courtesy of AK Press and editor/translator Javier Sethness-Castro, we share part of the introduction to the forthcoming I Am Action: Literary and Combat Articles, Thoughts, and Revolutionary Chronicles by Praxedis G. Guerrero, a Mexican anarcho-communist militant, journalist, and organizer. Javier’s biographical introduction is followed by translations from the volume of three of Guerrero’s most moving writings.

Mexico: Anarchist comrade Fernando Barcenas is out of prison!

  • Posted on: 19 June 2018
  • By: thecollective

Today, June 11, 2018, anarchist comrade Fernando Barcenas Castillo left prison.
Arrested on December 13, 2013, during the protests against the increase in the price of the metro tickets, Fer was accused of setting fire to the Coca-Cola company Christmas tree, and since then had been held in the northern prison known as the ReNo, in Mexico City.

México: Anarchist prisoner Fernando Bárcenas is free

  • Posted on: 12 June 2018
  • By: thecollective

From El Libertario
by Cruz Negra Anarquista México - translated by thecollective

After spending the last 4 and a half years kidnapped in the North Prison of México City (DF), on the night of June 11th Fernando Bárcenas, returned to the streets! A group of around twenty libertarian anarchist friends travelled to the outside of the North male preventive prison (ReNo) [in DF] in order to wait for the departure of Fernando Bárcenas after four years and six months of prison.

Mexico: Communique from the Informal Insurrectionist Anarcha-Feminist Coven

  • Posted on: 9 June 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Mpalothia

We continue to spread the epidemic of anarchist and insurrectionist rage:

Public response to a misdiagnosis that circulates on the internet.
To the anarchists of Mexico and the world, to all the witches fighting in the universe.

Work does not redeem but rather embrutes

  • Posted on: 14 May 2018
  • By: thecollective

Dispossessed of everything that would allow us to recognize ourselves as human beings, we continue to live in the time of being chained to boring and absurd jobs. What do we have? What is it that we possess? All kinds of debt: rent, cell phone bills, car payments and the costs of all the rags which show that we’re hip. What is really ours? A mocking and miserable future which awaits us at every second with only one real affirmation, the sole certainty our lives hold: to be owners of nothing but our labor power: our minds, arms, legs, vaginas, asses that we sell to the highest bidder, who will pay us whatever dollar amount, who will be the owner of our body & mind, our dreams and wishes.


Mexico: Letter and Call for Support to Free Anarchist Prisoner Luis Fernando Sotelo

  • Posted on: 20 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

Below is a translation of a call from the Free Luis Fernando Sotelo Campaign regarding an organizing meeting in Mexico City and actions that those from afar can take to support his release. Fernando is an anarchist political prisoner jailed since 2014. Following the call is a new letter from Fernando.
