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Solecast: w/ Dr. Bones on Insurrection, Egoism, & Taking Back The World


In this episode of the Solecast I talk with Dr. Bones.  Dr. Bones is an anarchist / egoist-communist, an occultist, and gonzo journalist.  He writes often for Gods and Radicals and is creator of The Conjure House.  He recently launched a new radical news talk show called “The Guillotine” with Revolutionary Left Radio and recently dropped a book called “Curse Your Boss, Hex The State, Take Back The World.”  

In this interview we discuss:

His approach to writing & gonzo journalism
Max Stirner & Egoism
The tensions between nihilism, insurrection and building capacity
Psychology of mass media &  psychological warfare
His new podcast(w/ Rev Left Radio), The Guillotine
What we can learn from other non traditional leftist traditions
The precarity of modern life and where things are heading

Music: "We Don't Get Tired We Get Even" by Pat The Bunny


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Let Them Eat Sand Album Pre-order



Pre-order Let Them Eat Sand

This album was created through patreon, become a subscriber here for exclusive music,
unreleased tracks & material support for the solecast

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Check out more music on Black Box Tapes.

Let Them Eat Sand:

10,000 years of the failed experiment called civilization. 80 years till cities start disappearing into the ocean. 15 years till the Oglala aquifer is depleted and America’s breadbasket is a desert. 1421 people killed by cops in 2017. 1 year of Donald Trump.

Rising Fascism. Rising wealth inequity. Generations lost to memes and smartphones. Political discourse that reifies inequality & alienation. Brave resistance from Standing Rock to Trumps Inauguration. Heavy repression from Standing Rock to Trumps Inauguration.

Rapid gentrification displacing working people. All out attacks on all marginalized communities. The building of walls and jails. Apocalyptic forest fires, floods and storms. A totalitarian state.

An "apocalypse" that isn't coming, but already here.

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Solecast: w/ the pedestrian on Identity, Aesthetics, & Not Giving A Fuck


In this edition of the Solecast I speak with the pedestrian.  pedestrian is a scholar, rapper and  co-founder of anticon records.  He is one of my oldest and best friends and has always been somewhat of a mentor to me.  I recently released his album unIndian II on Black Box Tapes and we will soon be announcing a vinyl edition of the record.   This podcast also features him reading some of his poems throughout the episode.  

We cover a wide range of topics:

- Identity
- California and armageddon
- Growing up in an apartheid state
- Anecdotes about anticon
-The Folk Tradition
- His relationship with radical politics
- His new album unIndian II
- The importance of Project Blowed & The Goodlife Cafe
- How fucked up the world of academia is
- The #MeToo movement
- Our mutual friend DJ Stef who recently died suddenly

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Solecast: W/ Kalyn Heffernan of Wheelchair Sports Camp


In this episode of the Solecast I sit down with Kalyn of Wheelchair Sports Camp.  Wheelchair Sports Camp is a hip-hop band out of Denver that makes light-hearted yet politically charged rap songs with a dope live band setup.  The lead singer in the group, Kalyn is a disabled queer with a condition called osteogenesis imperfecta.  Her condition is sometimes described as “fragile bones” and she has had over 100 fractures, this really took me by surprise because I have been in many marches  & situations with her where shit could have easily gone sideways, but that doesn’t deter her. 

We talk about her evolution in activism from participating in Occupy,  Black Lives Matter,  Standing Rock and her own personal/political journey that lead her to examine the plight of disabled people.  She discusses learning about the history of disabled folk and how her music has brought her into community with disabled people all over the world.  We talk about her recent tour through Mexico.  She also talks about her experience as a music teacher at Youth on Records, the organization started by The Flobots.      

Pick up their new album "No Big Deal" out now on Strange Famous Records:



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Solecast: Long Live The Olympia Fracking Blockade


In this episode of the solecast I chatted with 4 participants from the Olympia Fracking Blockade, an occupation that shut down the port of Olympia for 2 weeks in November 2018.   We take a look back on the occupation in the wake of its raid. 

In this interview we discuss:

The history of shutting down the Olympia Port from anti-war resistance to environmental actions
The subtle beauty of occupations and how they serve many purposes
The importance of blockades vs symbolic acts
The role of music & dance in building a culture of resistance at the blockade
How Freedom Of Information Act requests can inform actions
Perspective on the decision to not resist the eviction
Critical discussion of things that the people I talked to think could have been done better
Tons of amazing and informational anecdotes from the blockade

For more information visit the Olympia Stand Fedbook & Twitter

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Solecast: Kill The Activist In Your Head w/ Scott Crow


Scott is a long time organizer and activist and is best known as a co-founder of the Common Ground Relief Effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrine.  Common Ground is the subject of his seminal book, “Black Flags & Windmills."  His upcoming book “Setting Sights” is available for pre-order now on PM Press. 

In this episode we have a critical and informative discussion with Scott Crow about new ways of thinking beyond resistance towards a politics of possibilities.   We discuss some of the pitfalls of “activism” and the toxic subculture that can tend to exist within in  it.  Scott explains about how the vocabulary we use can alienate us from our goals and the world we want to build.  We talk some shit about Alex Jones, right wing media and the dangers of it as well.  

For more information on Scott, follow him on twitter, check out his website and pre-order his new book “Setting Sights” on PM  Press.  

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K Death of Moodie Black on Noise-Rap, The Moodhouse, & Coming Out As Trans

moodie black.jpg

On this episode of the Solecast I sat down with K Death of Moodie Black.  Moodie Black is a noise-rap group out of Minneapolis and is one of my favorite rap acts in North America.  K-Death hosts a podcast called the Moodhouse.  We talk about their upcoming album “Lucas Acid,” their take on hip-hop and the music industry.  K-Death came out a few years ago as trans, and is my first friend to do break out of the gender binary.  They talk about their experiences as a youth exploring gender fluidity before having the language for it and debunking myths associated with transgender.  K-Death discusses the experience of being a trans person of color and navigating this racist transphobic world.    


Check out their podcast at

Pick up their albums on Fake Four

or go to to learn more

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Solecast & Final Straw on Political Prisoner Support, J20, The Situationists, Sci-Fi & CZN.


Final Straw is one of the longest running anarchist radio shows in North America focusing on anarchist struggle and political prisoner support(among many other things).  Bursts and I have been working closely together over the past year on the Channel Zero Podcast Network and while he was in town for the North American Anarchist Black Cross Conference we had a chance to hang out in my yard before the weather got cold and talk some shit.

We talked about:

CZN and its aspirations
J20 Repression
Political prisoner support
Why the Anarchist Black Cross is so awesome
The Situationists and folk traditions In music
Science fiction books we are geeking out on
Much more!  

Check out the final straw on twitter, I-tunes and their website.

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Solecast: Erin Gallagher on Hacking Public Opinion, Twitter Bots & Cyborgs


On todays episode I do an in-depth with Erin Gallagher.  Erin is a truly independent journalist who has been tracking and studying the phenomena of twitter bots, their human operators ( herein referred to as 'cyborgs'), and "hacking public opinion."   We go in depth on how social media bots engage in dark propaganda campaigns to sway elections and more.  We talk about how information cascades through our networks and manipulates public opinion.  We talk about specific cases going back as far as 2012 in places like South Africa, South Korea and Central/South America.  We also discuss "Patriotic Programmers" and other actors who are spreading fake news & divisive propaganda with an (often)  extreme right wing agenda.   For more information on this subject follow Erin on Twitter or Medium and check out the following articles:

South Korea spy agency admits trying to rig 2012 presidential election

Sepulveda "How To Hack an Election"

Federal Election Board Denies Bots Exist

Patriotic programmers

I Bought A Bot Army For $100

Erin Gallagher's Mapping of Fake Antifa Accounts Made With Gephi

Music: Sole & DJ Pain 1 "Teachings Of Ice Cube(Memory Remix" 


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Public Service Announcement: Help Fund The Solecast!


Support the Solecast for $5 a month

In 2017 the solecast grew by leaps and bounds.  I was able to almost double my output, hunker down & work on art, and began working on a book about hip-hop and radical politics.  For 2018 I am trying to double my funding so that I can expand these projects even more.  I want to do more nerdy theory podcasts, more investigative journalism, and put more resources into promoting and growing this platform.  If you dig the project, please consider becoming a monthly sustainer!  For as little as $2 a month you gain access to exclusive podcasts, unreleased demos, an exclusive new track every month and you help sustain this project. Suggested donation is $5 a month though, thats about the price of a latte... is the solecast worth that to you!?


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Reportback From Puerto Rico w/ Frank Lopez of Submedia


In this edition of The Solecast I speak with Frank Lopez about his recent trip to Puerto Rico. We discuss the failure of the state to act quickly enough and the devastation he witnessed.  We talk about  how the people of Puerto Rico are helping themselves and how anarchists have launched mutual aid projects in the region.  We discuss his recent initiative to get water filters & supplies to folks on the ground, to donate click here.  We also talk about the need for radical media and how Submedia plans to grow their operation in the wake of getting their PayPal shut down by the alt-reich.

Donate To Submedia's fund to provide Water Filters, Solar Panels, & More
Donate To Submedia  

Music at the end is a live performance of Ceschi performing "Ojalå"

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The Solecast & Revolutionary Left Radio on Radical Philosophy, Organizing, Music & Parenting


The first collaborative podcast episode with another podcaster.  Revolutionary Left Radio is one of my favorite podcasts, its an incredible resource for history, in depth discussions honing in on specific schools of leftist thought and interviews with academics from various political backgrounds.   Check it out here.  

In this podcast we discuss:

Discussion about political development
What various strains of radical theory can learn from each other
The difference between organizing in Omaha and Denver
The goals and lessons of our podcast projects
White rappers & hip-hop
Approaching parenting with radical politics


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SOLECAST 50 W/ Mckenzie Wark on General Intellects, The Anthropocene & Is Capitalism Over?

Mckenzie Wark General Intellects

Solecast 50 is a discussion with New School professor, philosopher and author Mckenzie Wark.  Wark is renowned as one of the forest theorists today who have dove into the works of the Situationists and built upon the ideas in interesting ways.   His new book that we discuss in this interview is called “General Intellects” but his past few books; “Telethesia” “Molecular Red” and “Beach Beneath The Streets” are all great reads.  

In this interview we discuss:

His new book, General Intellects  & his last book “Molecular Red"

The anthropocene in the wake of recent hurricanes & floods 

Technology, what is it & how has it changed us 

Neoliberalism in Iraq

The politics of exclusion

Do we still live under capitalism?

A discussion of relevant science fiction novels

General Intellects Verso



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Solecast 49 w/ Dan Arel "On Atheism, Fascism & Helicopter Rides"

Dan Arel

Solecast 49 is with author, journalist, and host of the “Danthropology Podcast," Dan Arel.  Dan is best known for his atheist-themed books “The Secular Activist” and “Parenting Without God.”  Unlike most of the so called “new atheists” who have found themselves promoting Islamophobia and reactionary views that prop up empire, Dan stands apart from he pack by putting forward a more compassionate and nuanced atheism.  We talk about how that solidarity informs his writings and why under Trump he has found himself throwing in with the anti-authoritarians who have been militantly resisting the Trump Regime.  

Also discussed in this interview:

  • The problems within the “new atheist” movement and its leading voices.

  • Christian “Terrorism"

  • A discussion of Noam Chomsky’s ill informed critiques of anti-fascism

  • Trans-humanism

  • The generalization and widespread adoption of antifa tactics

  • Atheist parenting

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Solecast 48 "Report Back From Charlottesville w/ Pat & Wendy of Unicorn Riot"

Solecast 48 Is a discussion with Pat and Wendy of Unicorn Riot. These two were on the ground for the events in Charlottesville providing media coverage for Unicorn Riot. They provide a blow by blow account of what they saw & experienced in this harrowing & disgusting display of white supremacy and fascist violence. They talk about being continuously physically harassed throughout the weekend, the horrors they witnessed, how they dealt with it and how it compared to covering previous large scale events like Standing Rock or Pikeville. Unicorn Riot has been the target of racist trolls for years, so this has given them a unique perspective on who these people are, what they stand for and how this movement has evolved over to the point that its at now.  

Support Unicorn Riot

Music by Godspeed! You Black Emperor

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Solecast 47 w/ P.O.S. On Anarchy, Life & Work

Solecast 47 is with rapper, anarchist, and Doomtree OG, P.O.S.  P.O.S. dropped a new album this year called Chill, Dummy that is out now on Doomtree Records. We Talk about anarchy and the influence that early Crimethinc had on his thinking and his approach to life.  P.O.S. is a member of a long-standing rap collective called Doomtree and we discuss how a group of artists & friends can function as a collective  and succeed.   We talk about general shifts happening in culture and in society.  He goes in depth about his life-altering kidney surgery which is a beautiful testament to the values of mutual aid and solidarity, but also the effect this had on him.    P.O.S. is a thoughtful, nuanced and honest dude and we cover a lot of ground in this interview.  

If you wanna learn more about POS check out his last few albums Chill, Dummy,  We Don’t Even Live Here, and his new project with Sims, SHREDDDDERS.  

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Solecast 46 "Repression Is A Battlefield" a Talk w/ J20 Defendant Carlo Piantini on Facing 75 years in Prison for Protesting Trump

Disrupt J20

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Solecast 46 is an interview with Disrupt J20 defendant Carlo Pianitini who recently penned the Op-Ed for Al Jazeera entitled, "Why Am I Facing 75 Years In Prison For Protesting Trump?"  #DisruptJ20 was a broad based coalition created to have a massive showing of resistance against the inauguration of Trump.  Carlo was indiscriminately rounded up with over 200 other people who were present at the Disrupt J20 Protests in Washington DC that are all facing a possible 75 years in prison.  75 years in prison… for attending a protest against the inauguration of Donald Trump, yes this is REAL.  This is a very important interview, this could have happened to anyone reading this who happened to be rounded up by the cops on this day.  So please spread this interview around, share it with people and do what you can to raise awareness about this horrifying escalation in state repression.

This conversation covers:

  • -How people can help by spreading the word, doing fundraisers and getting involved with the movement to defend Disrupt J20 arrestees.
  • -The sexual abuse, the massive violence from the police, and the insane judicial overreach against J20 arrestees.
  • -“Wired pleas” where the prosecution is essentially holding couples hostage forcing one to accept a stiffer charge to ensure the freedom of the other.
  • - The need for more anarchist lawyers and different sorts of legal strategies that advance  political resistance, not just treating political repression as a simple criminal case..
  • -The lack of solidarity from “The Resistance,” the mainstream media and most “indy” media.
  • -How this repression is effecting the lives and organizing efforts of those arrestees.

For More Info: 

Books mentioned: 

A Tilted Guide To Being A Defendant byTilted Scales Collective

Crashing The Party by Chris Hermes

Correction: I was wrong about my friend Jared Paul getting swept up at the RNC in 2000, he got his charges in 2008 at St Paul RNC 

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Solecast 45 on "The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement" (A Conversation w/ Folks From The Base in Brooklyn)

Solecast 45 is a conversation with folks from the Base in Brooklyn about The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement.  From their text:

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement is a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in the United States. We situate our political movement in the context of the abolitionist struggle against slavery and continue in the tradition, from Nat Turner to the Black Liberation Movement. We believe the Civil War was never resolved and the system of slavery transitioned into the prison industrial complex. Our struggle today must begin from this starting point. Lastly, as revolutionary anarchists, the abolitionist struggle must be extended to the state and capitalism, the perpetrators of oppression. The revolutionary movement in the US today is at a cross roads, as fascist movements are expanding, and the state becomes increasingly authoritarian. The Rojava Revolution, in northern Syria, provides us with a model for revolution today with its foundation in communal and council based political organization and militant defense.  

Download the .Pdf here or buy the book here

We talk about the limitations of protest and the need to move beyond it.  We discuss the importance of explicitly radical anarchist education and physical spaces in social movements. We mostly talk about the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and the analysis behind it.  R.A.M. pulls together various threads of history and social movements to put forth a framework for collective liberation.  They link the foundation of the Americas, the expansion of capitalism, slavery, genocide ,  points to this historical moment and the struggles since then and shows that in order to truly have a revolutionary politics we must focus on abolishing the prison system, capitalism, patriarchy, and the state.  Its a very short read, check it out and if you are interested in getting involved hit them up.

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement.

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Solecast 44 w/ Mic Crenshaw on The Anti-Racist Action Network & Radical Politics

Solecast 44 is with rapper, poet and long time organizer Mic Crenshaw. The conversation begins with him talking about his friend Micah Fletcher whose throat was slit in a recent white supremacist attack in PDX where 2 people were killed.   We discuss the importance of food justice, community defense and long term infrastructure projects.   Mike talks about the linkage between late stage capitalism and the rise of fascism and the importanwhite supremacist train attack in PDX. We talk about the history of the anti racist action network, what organizing was like in the 80s before the internet, and what accountability looks like beyond the state.  He stresses the importance of building friendships and true community within cultures of resistance.  He also discusses his work on the continent of Africa helping build computer centers, building up ties between North America and Africa and his tours through the continent with the Hip-Hop Caravan.

Check out his music at




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Solecast 43 w/ Ad Astra Comix Radical Comic Book Publisher

Solecast 43 is an interview with Radical Comic Book publisher Ad Astra Comix.  This is a super informative conversation about the role art can play in resistance.  We talk about their efforts to promote and produce radical comics with social justice themes.   We discuss their collaborations with indigenous communities in Canada, the importance of balancing aesthetics with good politics, good research, and much, much more.   

For more information check them out online: ADASTRACOMIX.COM

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