Standing Rock Water Protector Found Guilty of Felony


Rodrick Joe in court today in Morton County, with his attorney Amanda Harris (seated)

Water Protector Legal Collective, January 5, 2018

MANDAN, NORTH DAKOTA – The first of the trials from the November 15, 2106 action in commemoration of missing and murdered indigenous women concluded today. Water Protector Rodrick Joe was convicted of Tampering with a Public Service, a Class C felony.

“I was there to support my indigenous sisters,” said Joe upon sentencing. “There are still people out there killing and raping our women. It happens to all indigenous women everywhere. I want to bring awareness to it. People need to realize that this is happening in our country.”

On why he came to Standing Rock, Joe said: “Back on the Navajo reservation our water is already contaminated. I have relatives who got cancer from drinking that water. So I wanted to take this chance to stand with my people.”

Joe was sentenced to a 360 days deferred sentence with mandatory fees not to exceed the bond amount, and with credit for two days of time already served. He was released immediately after trial and sentencing.

Joe was the first of over 20 Water Protectors going to trial during the coming weeks from that arrest date. Most are facing felony charges. The next group of three will be tried tomorrow, January 5, 2018 in Morton County.

Over 300 Water Protectors are still awaiting trial on state charges in North Dakota, and six Water Protectors are preparing for federal criminal trials.

Posted on January 5, 2018, in Oil & Gas and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. this makes me want to puke, I pray for all of the WP that were charged along with this man they are being unjustly persecuted on so many levels. This is something they are doing to make an example of as what can happen to you when you stand up for what you believe and justice [and plan common sense and decency]I couldn’t have put up with their persecutions

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