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Feb 02 2018

Defense Department Defends Personnel from Thought Crimes of People’s Cube

Oleg Atbashian grew up in the Soviet Union. He came to America expecting freedom from political censorship. Yet fans of his site The People’s Cube who serve in the military cannot access it because it has been banned on the grounds of “hate and racism”:

When I lived in the Soviet Union, my speech was expected to be blocked as politically unreliable and not aligned with the government’s collectivist, socialist agenda. … Imagine my surprise when I found that many in [the USA], including on the government level, were motivated by the same collectivist, socialist agenda I had escaped from.

Dismayed at the sight of this happening in a free country, I began to satirize the left’s absurd and crooked schemes again, this time in English, and launched the People’s Cube. This site has become an outlet not just for me, but for thousands of like-minded Americans and contributors from around the world, who opposed socialism and collectivism in general.

Turns out that opposing socialism is racist, and racism is not permitted — as he keeps learning:

Shortly after the Cube was launched, the “open-minded” proponents of socialism began to use misrepresentations and lies in order to block our content. Starting with the Google purge in 2006, we’ve been blacklisted, shadow-banned, suspended, down-ranked, and otherwise hindered by the prog-warriors inside what has since become collectively known as Googlefacebooktwitter. We’ve been purged from Wikipedia. We’ve had our products removed from online stores in Zazzle, SpreadShirt, and CafePress. We’ve been slandered by Snopes. PolitiFact put us on their list of fake news sites. We’ve been denied ad revenue due to organized complaints to ad providers from invisible leftist operatives. And, finally, my wife’s contributions to the People’s Cube have led to a forced resignation from her job.

Efforts to choke off his traffic by the FacebookGoogleTwitter virtual monopoly continue, forcing him to suggest desperate measures.

Please visit his excellent site before it is banned altogether. You can see for yourself that it is not even remotely racist. The closest thing to hate there is a dislike for tyranny, expressed as witty satire.

On tips from Lyle and Dragon’s Lair.

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