01-23-2018 09:55:12 AM -0800
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Stretch, grab a late afternoon cup of caffeine and get caught up on the most important news of the day with our Coffee Break newsletter. These are the stories that will fill you in on the world that's spinning outside of your office window - at the moment that you get a chance to take a breath.
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Note to Hollywood: Stop lunging at every piece of bait dangled by every troll on the Internet.
The industry has done nothing to prevent these tools from being used by bad actors.
It seems CNN and Daily Beast got burned by Democratic House sources yet again.
The Weekly Standard visits a Minnesota public school system steeped in Marx.
Does this mean that forks over the age of 18 will be allowed to vote now?
House Intel Dems charge it's "not accurate" that FBI "failed to alert the court" about Steele.
Gay acronym gets one step closer to mix of random letters and numbers...
Key findings in the FISA abuse memo...
"I would be very concerned by any unilateral American war at the borders of China and Russia, in which we are not supported by a significant part of the world."
"DUMBLEDORE: I don't like labels, Minerva."
What's with this obsession with vaginas and selling sex to minors?
Union appreciates director "standing shoulder to shoulder with the men and women of the FBI" as he battles release of Nunes document.
They don’t demand sororities allow men, however.
Meanwhile, Politifact beclowned itself by announcing its decision to use Grayson as a “reader advocate."
If the Democrats are that worried about the memo release, it must be pretty juicy.
This from the same woman who said $40 would "make a difference."