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Asia-Pacific Network

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Asia Pacific Network

Café Pacific blog


Latest Pacific Journalism Review - order 'The public right to know'
October 2009
Auckland University of Technology

Back list

The perils of South Pacific reporting

Press freedom in the South Pacific

David Robie's book The Pacific Journalist, a practical guide -
Ordering information for this and other media and politics books

Pacific Media Watch -
Free speech in the South Pacific media

'Toktok' - have your say!

Asia Pacific Whois (APNIC)
Auckland University of Technology Journalism
Auckland University of Technology Library
Boomerang Books
Brown Pages (NZ)

David Robie's Website
Don McCullin's 'Life Interrupted'

Currency converter
Domainz NZ
Electronic Freedom Foundation
Global Whois Gateway
Google's free web search
Independent Press Councils
News Corp Watch
Pacific Atlas
Philippine Solidarity Network Aotearoa (PSNA)
South Pacific Organiser
The Register
University of the South Pacific Library
Watchdog (CAFCA)

Journalist David Robie's portal

Café Pacific's 2010 awards

Eyes of Fire
Rainbow Warrior book
Order from NZ!
Review on Pacific Islands Report
Info about Eyes of Fire
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David Robie talks to TVNZ Breakfast

Mekim Nius
Order the book Mekim Nius from USP

Asia-Pacific's Sites to watch:
Maori Television launched in NZ
al-Jazeera in English
Cursor's media patrol
MediaChannel on the Iraq occupation

Uri Avneri on The arrogant empire
RSF on the impact on media

Hard News
Russell Brown's Hard News spin on al-Jazeera and alternative/other reports
Jon Stephenson on Kashmir
US 'war on terror': Globalisation at gunpoint
David Robie and Alastair Thompson
on the NZ media disinformation war
Reports at IndyMedia NZ

Asia Pacific Network - media and political updates

Café Pacific
- David Robie's independent news and analysis

Feedback - the Toktok page

Pacific Media Watch - the issues

Pacific.Scoop - new current affairs website

Libyan intervention - two views from contrasting camps

War reporting and scams

David Robie's blog on Pacific media issues

Jawa Pos - a remarkable success story

Rainbow Warrior bombers, media and the judiciary

Media7 bares all on Fiji

The Fiji junta, censorship and cross-cultural reporting

The NationalOwen Wilkes - life and death of an activist

Trouble in Paradise - Pacific media freedom under siege

Chan blasts PNG's 'filthy rich' government

USP Journalism comes of age

Vietnam's great victory over colonialism
- Dien Bhien Phu 50 years on

My Lai massacre archive

RESOURCES:, world news and information

Aotearoa Independent Media, "open" publishing in New Zealand

Asia-Pacific Network, independent news, articles and analysis

Asia Times Online main news index

Australian Centre for Independent Journalism

Political and environmental Pacific books and film resources

Bushfire Media, Peter Cronau's media site in Australia

David Robie's Café Pacific, media and current affairs netzine

Fiji coup 2000 archive, images, background and story links

GreenLeft Weekly

Hard News
Russell Brown's Hard News - listen to alternative media on 95bfm

to the South Pacific's news media

Kanaky Online, a media site devoted to the struggle of the Kanak people of New Caledonia

Ash Long's Media Flash, independent view of the Australian media

Radio New Zealand's Media Watch, with Russell Brown

New Internationalist Online | Resources

Interactive Newsroom in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Pacific Islands Media Association (PIMA) and its new website

The University of Hawai'i/East West Centre's Pacific Islands Report

Pacific Journalism Online
at the University of the South Pacific

Pacific Journalism Review
, journal on mass media issues

Independent media monitoring, Pacific Media Watch

Pasifik Nius, regional news digest at USP Journalism

Solomon Islands grassroots website, People First Net

Independent Asian research and media resources, Philippine Centre for Investigative Journalism

Papua New Guinea's lively Post-Courier , the country's leading daily newspaper

Behind the scenes in New Zealand media and politics, Scoop

Rimbunan Hijau's newspapers, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Malaysia's largest circulation Chinese newspaper, and The National in Papua New Guinea

David Stanley's South Pacific Organiser, compiled by David Stanley of Moon Publications

The Jakarta Post, the daily "journal of Indonesia today"

Thailand's The Nation Online, independent and progressive English language journalism

The Star, Malaysia's largest selling daily

Fiji's third and newest daily newspaper, The Sun

Wansolwara Online, the University of the South Pacific's award-winning journalism training news website

John Pilger on Indonesia's ghosts of West Papua
The real first casualty of war is journalism

Meta search


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print, online media

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Search resources

ABC Online
ABC Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific Network
Asia Times Online
BBC Asia Pacific
Cafe Pacific
China Daily
Citizens Constitutional Forum (Fiji)
East Timor Press
Fiji Sun
Foreign Correspondent
Google News
GreenLeft Weekly
Hard News (NZ)

Hard News
Indy Media (NZ)
Indy Media (Oceania)
Jakarta Post
Japan Times

John Pilger's website
Media Flash (Aust)
Media Man (Aust)
Media Watch (NZ)
Nation Online
New Internationalist
Newsroom (NZ)
NZ Herald
Pacific Weekly
Pacific Islands Media Association (NZ)
Pacific Islands Report
Pacific Journalism

Pacific Journalism
Pacific Media Centre
Pacific Media Watch

People Net (SI)
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Radio Fiji
Radio NZ International

Samoa Observer

Scoop (NZ)
Spinner News
Tagata Pasifika (TVNZ)
Tahiti Presse
Taimi 'o Tonga
The National (PNG)
Transparency International
Triangle TV (NZ)
Vanuatu Daily Post
Wansolwara Online

Maori issues at the NZ Herald

Hard News
Project Censored


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Website created: Sydney, Australia, October 1996;
Suva, Fiji, July 1998

Website creator: David Robie
Asia-Pacific Network
PO Box 78028
Auckland 2
Aotearoa/New Zealand
Contact David at Auckland University of Technology
David's personal website | books | resumé | academic papers
Articles on this website are in the public domain for educational and research use.
AUT University research profile
Wikipedia profile on David Robie
ISSN 1562-4315
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