Opinion: Bill Shorten clear in his direction for election push

Sarah Martin  |  The West Australian
Email Icon Sarah Martin
Working Australian tax dollars have been thrust into the political forefront for both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten.
Working Australian tax dollars have been thrust into the political forefront for both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten.Picture: Don Lindsay

Politics is back for 2018, and the curtain-raisers have been all about how much spare change is jangling around in your pocket.

An emboldened Bill Shorten kicked off the parliamentary year with a scene-setting speech that has made clear Labor’s direction in the lead-up to the election.

Restoring penalty rates, increasing the minimum wage, targeting big business and boosting the power of unions were on his to-do list, along with the establishment of a new anti-corruption body.

Shorten’s message warns about the “left behind”. It is a pitch to those battling at the bottom — the low and minimum-wage earners struggling to make ends meet. He wants to exploit unhappiness among Australian workers that wages have stalled, and convince them that business is the bogeyman, pocketing profits at the expense of workers.

He gave his strongest indication yet that Labor would go the next election with a policy to reverse most of the business tax cuts already legislated for those with a turnover of up to $50 million.

Labor’s remedy is more power to unions, legislative changes to increase the minimum wage, and a crackdown on private health insurers (although how this will happen is not yet clear).

Turnbull returned fire at a speech in Toowoomba. His “fair go” had a different flavour — more money in voter pockets would come from childcare and energy reform and from tax cuts that would boost the economy and lead to wage growth.

He, too, wants to tap into discontent about wage growth, but convince workers that business will be the saviour if economic growth picks up.

His pitch was to the entrepreneurs, the business owners, and the “hardworking” middle Australians who could be in line for a tax cut. The battlelines are now clearly drawn, with both leaders arguing their policies will see more money in your pocket.

On one side of the table is Turnbull the successful businessman — “When I travel around the country, I recognise that same spirit of enterprise,” he said this week.

On the other, is Shorten the unionist — “I spent two decades representing workers.”

Labor has clearly lurched to the Left with its economic agenda, proposing to go to the election hiking business taxes along with the tax rate for high-income earners, while winding back employer rights in the enterprise-bargaining process. Restoring Sunday penalty rates also fits neatly into his narrative.

Shorten has now flagged adopting the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ policy for a “living wage” pegged against median earnings as opposed to a minimum wage, potentially changing how the independent Fair Work Commission currently sets the payment.

Business is furious — it is, after all, the one that pays the wages. And it was quick to warn that such a dramatic increase in the minimum wage would lead to job losses.

But Labor under Shorten has been masterful at getting on the front foot, drawing the Government into fights on its preferred political turf.

The 2016 election was fought on health care, with the success of the Mediscare campaign leading voters to decide which party it trusted most with health. The Government was powerless to counter the campaign, and Labor almost won the election.

Since the election, Shorten has effectively set much of the political agenda, getting traction on issues of his choosing.

Last year was dominated by citizenship chaos and internal Government wrangling over same-sex marriage, both of which were easily stoked by Labor, which was united on both issues.

Its campaign to establish a banking royal commission, supported by some Nationals MPs, was also ultimately successful, with the coalition having to buckle to internal dissent after months of resistance.

Shorten’s pivot to the issues of a Federal anti-corruption commission, the minimum wage and private health insurance pose a danger to the Government while it is stubbornly sticking to its “jobs and growth” mantra.

While an election fought on economic policy is generally viewed as playing to the coalition’s strengths, an election fought on industrial relations would play into Labor’s hands.

A fight over boosting the minimum wage, or the new Federal anti-corruption body, are traps for the coalition in the year ahead.

Turnbull says the coalition is considering the national integrity commission. But is the Government’s policy really going to be: let’s see if we bleed on this issue politically and then make up our minds?

And if it finds itself arguing against a wage boost for low-paid workers, Turnbull will only entrench the view that he is an enemy of the worker.

In the same way the Government could have used the Commonwealth Bank terror-financing scandal to reverse its position on a banking royal commission, the coalition could have been on the front foot in establishing a Federal anti-corruption body. Now whatever it does, it will be dancing to Labor’s tune.

Shorten’s speech this week has thrust new issues on to the agenda that could easily capture the public imagination.

By contrast, Turnbull’s speech at a Liberal Party fundraiser in Toowoomba offered little new material to get voters excited about the coalition’s agenda for the year ahead. There were no spending commitments, no policy announcements and not even a sharp political attack on Labor or Shorten.

The coalition claims its plan for the economy is working, with jobs being created and signs of better economic times ahead. And while Turnbull is making an impassioned argument, he is at risk of preaching to the converted, with the grand economic narrative failing to resonate with everyday workers.

Personal tax cuts bolted on to corporate tax cuts would help make the package more saleable, but are workers really going to thank the Government if the relief only extends to returning bracket creep?


For Labor’s part, it begins the year with the distraction of a by-election in Batman, which it could easily lose, and the potential for the citizenship debacle to claim the scalps of more of its MPs.

It will be the first time in a long time that Labor has found itself on the back foot.

For the coalition to have any hope of winning the political contest in the year ahead, it will need to find new ways of keeping the Opposition there.

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