Grid girls are a notion that has had its day

Kate Emery  |  The West Australian
Email Icon Kate Emery
The overhaul has been met with mixed response.

Most of the time it is bad news when somebody loses a job. The exception? News that a number of so-called “grid girls” will be out of a gig, after Formula One opted to end the long-standing practice.

If the term grid girls means nothing to you, the chances are still high that you have seen them at work.

Grid girls are the glamorous-looking women charged with looking good in proximity to men driving really fast. They are the often scantily clad women holding driver name-boards, lining the path to the podium for men to walk past or smiling gamely while a victorious driver sprays them with champagne.

They are, in short, the decorative objects used to add a touch of glamour to the success of (overwhelmingly) men.

So excuse me if I do not shed a tear over the loss of this tradition or of these women’s jobs.

Predictably, the decision has enraged a certain part of the population who like to pretend that political correctness and feminism have collectively killed off all joy in the known universe.

There is no arguing with the kind of people who probably think feminism was spotted on the grassy knoll, but let me try anyway.

The grid girls at the F1 in Russia.
The grid girls at the F1 in Russia.Picture: Getty Images

This decision was the right one because to allow the practice to continue was sending a terrible message about the role of women in sport. The men of F1 are there because they are talented. The women, at least the most visible among them, are there for their ability to fill out a pair of pants.

Loathe as I am to implore anyone to “think of the children”, it is worth considering what the presence of grid girls teaches child fans of the sport.

The presence of grid girls encourages young girls to believe their role in sport is looking good and cheering on the boys. Nor is it doing boys a favour in the long run to let them believe women are their accessories or that spraying a woman in the face with champagne is ever a great idea.

This is not about a woman’s right to wear barely-there clothes in public and look good doing it — a right I will happily defend. This is about reforming a sport that has historically used women as decorative objects in much the same way a homeowner might use a vase of flowers to pretty up a slightly boring room.

It follows a similar decision by the professional darts world, which recently axed what are known as “walk-on girls”. As the name suggests, these are women who literally escort male players in to a game.

I know readers will be shocked to hear that these women have often been both glamorous and scantily clad.

The context to both decisions is the global #MeToo campaign, which has brought sexual harassment and objectification of women into the spotlight.

In neither case did feminism or political correctness kill anything. Nor should anybody be mourning these lost traditions.

These were two cases in which sporting bodies wisely decided that certain practices that might have been widely acceptable 20 years ago looked just a little bit sexist and gross in 2018.

The decision should have been made before now but they got it right in the end.

Certain other sports that still believe it is appropriate to use women this way should be taking a long, hard look at themselves. The dole queue is coming for them, too.

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