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2 February 2018

Building Resilience: Responding to Cyber Violence in Sri Lanka

Groundviews interviews five Sri Lankan women who have been targeted online, often through vicious commentary on their appearance. Photos were taken by Sri Lankan artist, photographer, and writer Deshan Tennekoon.

Netizen Report: The Rising Cost of Cameroon's Internet Shutdowns

Global Voices Advocacy

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

Mexico Takes a Leading Role in the Oscars (Again!)

Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro's 'The Shape of Water' is leading Oscar nominations, and Mexico's Twittersphere is celebrating with a big wave of memes.

Gambian University Instructor Detained for Newspaper Interview, Then Released

Global Voices Advocacy

"We voted for a change of SYSTEM. NOT JUST a President."

1 February 2018

After a Top Model is Sent to a Mental Hospital, Vincentians Fear Politics and Patriarchy Are in Play

"If Yugge doesn’t have access to justice, what makes us think that any of us are protected?"

Malaysiakini News Site Will Appeal Defamation Case by Gold Mining Firm, Thanks to Crowdfunding by Readers

Global Voices Advocacy

"This could drive media away from critically investigating and reporting issues of public interest that involved big corporations. This will further shrink the media freedom in the country."

Exclusion and Judgement Won't Solve Crime in Trinidad & Tobago

"Individualism, selfishness and greed are not traits exclusive to our poster boys for crime. For many of us, unless there is transgression into our immediate space, we [aren't concerned]."

Jamaicans Call for Tougher Anti-Crime Measures as Yet Another Police Commissioner Resigns

"All eyes will be on the Police Service Commission as it prepares Jamaica for an uncertain future."

Hong Kong Legislative Candidate's Disqualification Is Criticized as ‘Anti-Human Rights’

"...the Decision has used political opinion or affiliation as a ground to deprive her of the right to stand for election – which is unreasonable, unlawful and unconstitutional."

31 January 2018

Russians are Baffled by the United States Treasury's Latest Sanctions List

RuNet Echo

Russia’s political elite registered a collective smirk at the seemingly toothless report.

After Two Decades, Will Ghana Finally Pass a Right to Information Law?

"We the people...put our faith in the system expecting them to work efficiently, fairly and impartially. But that hasn’t been the case...we continue to find ourselves in the cesspool."

Crowdfunded Rescue Saves French Mountaineer on Pakistan's Nanga Parbat, but Her Climbing Partner Is Left Behind

"The Heroes of Nanga parbat Polish climbers who stopped their K2 climb and saved life on killer mountain in the darkness...You showed the world what a human life means"

30 January 2018

Myanmar Digital Activists Come Together to Protect People's Rights Online at #DigitalRightsMM

Global Voices Advocacy

Myanmar's mobile penetration rate has soared from 2.5 percent to more than 90 percent, bringing a wave of developments and difficulties in the digital rights realm.

A Victim of Police Brutality in Myanmar Seeks Justice While Confronting Racist Comments on Social Media

Global Voices Advocacy

Hate speech comments attacking the complainant based on his facial appearance, skin color, and ethnic identity became more prominent than the original issue of police brutality.

The ‘Girls of Revolution Street’ Protest Iran's Compulsory Hijab Laws

"With religion and hijab there should be no force."

Meet ‘Uyatman’, the Kazakh Superhero out to Stop Women Behaving Indecently

"Uyat in Kazakhstan...can be creative and destructive. In the first instance, it is to educate children. In the latter, it is about harassment and aggression."

29 January 2018

Since 2016, Myanmar Courts Have Convicted 100% of People Charged Under Telecom Law 66 (d)

Global Voices Advocacy

"Every court has given a prison sentence and none has given a fine."

Who Is Responsible for Ending Sexual Violence in Somalia?

Although the rape issue has attracted attention from the Somali government, sexual violence against women and children remains rampant and the number of assault cases continues to grow.

Uzbekistan and its Migrants: A Tale of Two Presidents

"People have to look for jobs in other countries because we have not created conditions for them."

27 January 2018

Polarized by Populism, Czech Society Braces for a Second Round of Presidential Elections

The election has driven ardent debates among citizens on and offline. As a parliamentary republic, the president has very limited executive powers, yet the election has polarized the nation.

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