Hypothetical Questions

By Chris Trotter

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP and his White House staff are convinced America’s “Deep State” is out to get them. They’re probably right.



Summer contribution drive

Folks – we need to lift our contributions if we are to stay on over Summer



The list of cowards who voted against Chloe’s medical cannabis bill

So what Parliament is saying is that it’s okay to kill yourself if you are in pain, but it’s not ok to smoke a joint if you are in pain – what sort of a Circus Freak show of a Democracy is this? The double standards are sickening and outrageous!



Pay the full Working for Families package to all low-income families on Apil 1

By Mike Treen

The government has announced goals to halve child poverty in three critical measures over the next decade. These are realistic and achievable targets that will be welcomed. However, it is wrong for the government to delay the introduction of their boost to working for families for a further five months until July. 



Pike River re-entry, Royal inquiry into state abuse and Child Poverty legislation – this is what political leadership looks like

…this is what real political leadership looks like and while there are concerns and legitimate criticisms to be made on some of these issues and we should voice those concerns, it is still an incredible achievement in 100 days.




On National’s Recent Leadership Rumblings

BBQ at Simon’s place – Bill English is on the menu

By Curwen Rolinson 

I was thinking about the recent rumblings in the National Party towards their ‘leadership team’, and something didn’t quite add up.



Handouts to the Racing Industry? So no more homeless then?!

By Frank Macskasy

Deputy PM, Racing Minister, and de facto godfather, Winston Peters  announced on Sunday (28 January) that the New Zealand racing industry was due for tax-cuts for horse breeders and a taxpayer-funded all-weather horse racing track;



Inside the moves against Bill English

The rumour mill has been running hot all month about the moves against Bill English, it’s finally spilled out to Barry Soper so it’s as close to official as it’s going to get.



UPDATE: Our watchdogs are so underfunded they can’t afford teeth

…the Human Rights Review Tribunal is the only mechanism open to citizens of NZ to hold the Police (and the State) to account for their abuses of power. The Independent Police Conduct Authority only has the power to recommend or suggest resolutions, the HRRT can force the Police to comply.


Setting The Agenda View All →

Hypothetical Questions

By   4 hours ago

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP and his White House staff are convinced America’s “Deep State” is out to get them. They’re probably right.

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Pay the full Working for Families package to all low-income families on Apil 1

By   4 hours ago

The government has announced goals to halve child poverty in three critical measures over the next decade. These are realistic and achievable targets that will be welcomed. However, it is wrong for the government to delay the introduction of their boost to working for families for a further five months until July. 

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On National’s Recent Leadership Rumblings

By   1 day ago

I was thinking about the recent rumblings in the National Party towards their ‘leadership team’, and something didn’t quite add up.

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Handouts to the Racing Industry? So no more homeless then?!

By   2 days ago

Deputy PM, Racing Minister, and de facto godfather, Winston Peters  announced on Sunday (28 January) that the New Zealand racing industry was due for tax-cuts for horse breeders and a taxpayer-funded all-weather horse racing track;

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The big gaps between rhetoric and reality – Dr Liz Gordon

By   4 days ago

Essentially, the attitudes of staff heavily interfered with the welfare transaction. This is despite clear rules (which are NEVER displayed in WINZ offices) and a lot of money paid to consultants to bring about culture change in WINZ offices.  The practice of putting down beneficiaries is alive and well at many of these sites (there were some exceptions).

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MPs to vote on the Greens’ Medicinal Cannabis Bill next Wednesday 31st Jan

By   1 week ago

The Greens’ Medicinal Cannabis Bill will have it’s first vote in Parliament next Wednesday 31st Jan. This is sooner than we expected, so it’s really important to hit that keyboard and urge your MP to support the bill.

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The proposed employment law changes

By   1 week ago

While these changes will make the unions job a little bit easier it will not significantly enhance workers power. 

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The zombie TPPA is back!

By   1 week ago

In other words, Canada’s government showed political backbone and it succeeded. Ours caved at the first post-election meeting and rationalises that as the best they could do.

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Deconstructing Headlines View All →

Pike River re-entry, Royal inquiry into state abuse and Child Poverty legislation – this is what political leadership looks like

By   6 hours ago

…this is what real political leadership looks like and while there are concerns and legitimate criticisms to be made on some of these issues and we should voice those concerns, it is still an incredible achievement in 100 days.


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Why the latest political poll is not great news for the Left

By   16 hours ago

Many were jumping with glee over the Newshub first poll of the year.
I think that joy is misplaced because the Poll is not great news for the Left.

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Trump’s fake State of the Union

By   16 hours ago

There were two things that stood out for me during Trump’s State of the Union address.

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The list of cowards who voted against Chloe’s medical cannabis bill

By   1 day ago

So what Parliament is saying is that it’s okay to kill yourself if you are in pain, but it’s not ok to smoke a joint if you are in pain – what sort of a Circus Freak show of a Democracy is this? The double standards are sickening and outrageous!

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So how easy would it be for Kim Dotcom to successfully sue the NZ Government for $6.8billion? Horrifically easy!

By   2 days ago

Let’s see how many sleepy hobbits are laughing if Kim Dotcom wins at the Supreme Court.

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Inside the moves against Bill English

By   2 days ago

The rumour mill has been running hot all month about the moves against Bill English, it’s finally spilled out to Barry Soper so it’s as close to official as it’s going to get.

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Labour getting played by National over Child Poverty legislation

By   3 days ago

How many times does National need to spit directly into Jacinda’s face before someone realises that bi-partisianship simply makes the new Government look weak?

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Cyclone Fonterra to hit NZ

By   4 days ago

Severe drought followed by severe rain fall followed by severe temperatures followed by a Tropical cyclone? That’s so many extreme weather events all in a row for NZ, it’s like ‘something’ is changing the climate or God is hugging the Earth extra tight

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Media Watch View All →

Dear Israel – you are suing the wrong people!

By   24 hours ago

You should be suing us instead! It’s unfair to give The Spinoff the privilege of being singled out when we despise what you do to the Palestinian people so much more than they do.

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Has anyone worked out what the hell Meghan Markle ever did to Kate Hawkesby yet? WTF was that weird column about?

By   1 day ago

I know Kate Hawkesby as well as I know Meghan Markle so I don’t want to attribute bigotry unjustly but this is ugly at best and purposely cruel at worst.

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Jeremy Wells to join Seven Sharp – finally a reason to watch Seven Sharp

By   2 days ago

Jeremy Wells is one of the funniest and sharpest broadcasters we have and if he is allowed to do what he does best, Seven Sharp will become unmissable.

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UN critics join global outrage over Duterte’s Rappler ‘free press’ attack

By   6 days ago

Media freedom advocates claim that the Philippines is facing its worst free expression and security crisis since the Marcos dictatorship, with The New York Times denouncing the “ruthlessness” and “viciousness” of President Rodrigo Duterte’s disdain for democracy in his bid to close the critical Rappler.

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I don’t remember the CEO of Mediaworks complaining when National bailed them out with mates rate loans (but criticism aimed at RNZ is legit)

By   1 week ago

The irony that Mediaworks are bitching about Labour’s broadcasting policy when it was John Key’s mate, Mark Weldon, who killed off Campbell Live for political reasons is eye rolling, but let’s put aside all the self interest and consider the argument against RNZ being the de facto public broadcaster because there are good reasons why Labour’s plan to drown RNZ in cash is a bad idea.

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Is media coverage of Treaty payout race baiting or just ignorant?

By   2 weeks ago

Thankfully Māori are incredibly generous and patient with their selfish and hateful Pakeha neighbours, it’s not like this is the first time white people have signed a deal with Māori and then thrown a tantrum right?

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The continued media lynching of Metiria

By   2 weeks ago

Metiria Turei in the news AGAIN for an act of political courage while Key’s mass surveillance lies, a Chinese spy inside National & how bad NZ was left after 9yrs of National rule go unchallenged – this is why fake news as a term works.

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Instagram hit by fake advertiser scam

By   2 weeks ago

This is enormously damaging to Instagram who allowed a fake company to create a scam and advertise on their platform. 

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Guest Blogs + Sponsored Posts View All →

GUEST BLOG: Dave Brownz – Busting the Cannabis ‘madness’ myth

By   22 hours ago

The Green’s Bill was voted down but we should still use the opportunity to challenge the myths surrounding cannabis without the debate being dominated by the hysteria of the corporate media and the lobbyists for big pharma.

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GUEST BLOG: Lois Griffiths – Happy Birthday Ahed Tamimi

By   1 day ago

Sixteen year old Ahed Tamimi ‘s birthday is on 31 January of this year. She will not be having a party. Instead she will still be alone, in an Israel prison.

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UPDATE: Alvina Edwards – Fairfax manipulated my story for racist clickbait

By   1 week ago

I had agreed to be interviewed earlier for a piece on education, but it wasn’t conducted by either of the above mentioned journalists. Nor was it ever mentioned that my interview would be included in the article by Wall and Parahi.

What has unfolded, including the use of photographs of myself and my elderly mother without permission in the article, is something I’ve laid a complaint over. Below is my formal letter:

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GUEST BLOG: Vanessa Kururangi – Going into Labour

By   1 week ago

People. It’s 20-fricken-18. Woman work. Women multitask. Women have choices. Women protest. Women celebrate. In New Zealand, women vote. Since the age of time, woman have given birth. I repeat: since the age of time woman have given birth. Some women do all of this and more simultaneously. It is not some new phenomenon.

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GUEST BLOG: Denis Tegg – Storm Surge and Sea Flood Firth of Thames – Jan 5 2018

By   2 weeks ago

Here is a short YouTube video and photo montage I have put together of the January 5 storm surge and sea flood event in Kaiaua, Thames and the Thames Coast. Why it happened, and some graphic not seen before footage of sea walls being overtopped, suburbs flooded, and roads wrecked.

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By   3 weeks ago

Sure Trump’s foul remarks re Haiti, El Salvador and African countries in general are raising ire around the world. I like the remarks coming from Norway about a ‘shithole’ of a country that does not have a decent publicly funded free health system .

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GUEST BLOG: Apollo Taito – Why New Zealand should not have rodeos

By   3 weeks ago

On Saturday 13th of January Direct Animal Action (DAA) will hold their 2nd protest of 2018 outside the rodeo in Whangarei. The primary goal is to call on the government to ban rodeos across Aotearoa, New Zealand. Our first protest was held on New Years day outside Warkworth rodeo, and was well attended by over a hundred kiwis from different parts of the upper North Island.

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GUEST BLOG: Dr Liz Gordon – Men and their toys

By   4 weeks ago

Any research report on the planet Earth would come to some grim conclusions.  Can you imagine it?

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The Liberal Agenda View All →

The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – The Egg and Sperm Race

By   20 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – The Egg and Sperm Race
WHEN: Fri 23 Feb – Sat 24 Feb & Sat 3 Mar; 8pm
WHERE: Coal Bunker Studio, Pumphouse Theatre (23-24 Feb) The Vic Lounge (3 Mar)

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The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – The Rude Awakening

By   20 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – The Rude Awakening 
WHEN: Thu 1 Mar – Sat 3 Mar 9:45pm
WHERE: Vault, Q Theatre

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The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – Toxic Mas

By   20 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – Toxic Mas
WHEN: Fri 2 Mar – Sat 3 Mar 7pm
WHERE: Garnet Station

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The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – It’s a trial

By   21 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – It’s a Trial
WHEN: Thu 22 Feb 7pm
WHERE: Samoa House – Basement & Beyond

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The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – Ladylike: A Modern Guide to Etiquette

By   21 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – Ladylike: A Modern Guide to Etiquette

WHEN: Tue 20 Feb – Sat 24 Feb 7pm

WHERE: Vault, Q Theatre

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The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – Ding!

By   21 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – Ding!

WHEN: Thu 22 Feb – Sat 24 Feb 7:30pm


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The Liberal Agenda – Auckland Fringe Festival – Shot Bro: Confessions of a depressed bullet

By   21 hours ago

WHAT: Auckland Fringe Festival – Shot Bro: Confessions of a depressed bullet
WHEN: Thu 1 Mar- Sat 3 Mar 7:30pm
WHERE: Pumphouse Theatre 

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The Liberal Agenda – Free Ahed Tamimi protest this Saturday 3rd February

By   22 hours ago

Saturday 3 February will see a nationwide day of rallies in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for justice and freedom & focussing on the campaign to free all Palestinian children from Israeli prisons and strengthening the international boycott movement and divestment of Apartheid Israel.

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The Daily Gallery View All →

Political Caption Competition

By   5 hours ago

Spot the difference: One is a muppet with a hand up its arse and the other is Sam the Eagle

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Friday 2nd February 2018

By   5 hours ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Malcolm Evans – Trumps State of the Nation

By   1 day ago

Malcolm Evans – Trumps State of the Nation

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Political Caption Competition

By   1 day ago

A former Tobacco lobbyist votes against cannabis reform – attach your most vicious comments here

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Thursday 1st February 2018

By   1 day ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Malcolm Evans – Cheering from the inside

By   2 days ago

Malcolm Evans – Cheering from the inside

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Political Caption Competition

By   2 days ago

1970s Diversity 

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 31st January 2018

By   2 days ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Raw News feed View All →

Statement for general release from Nadia and Justine

By   4 hours ago

  Yesterday we heard rumours we were allegedly being sued by Israeli law firm Shurat HaDin. We believed this was a hoax, after receiving the news secondhand from a journalist. We have not received any summons or other formal notice. On this basis, as far as we are concerned, this “case” has no legitimacy. Our […]

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It’s finally real! – Pike Families – Stand with Pike

By   22 hours ago

Pike River families are stoked with the opening of the Pike River Recovery Agency office.   Sonya Rockhouse, whose son Ben died in the Pike explosion, says the opening of the office is a watershed moment. “To be standing here, in the heart of an operation to recover Pike is simply amazing. When we were […]

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Child poverty targets realistic, but income needs urgent – Child Poverty Action Group

By   22 hours ago

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) says the ten year targets set by the Government last night to reduce child poverty are both appropriate and realistic. They are also consistent with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of halving child poverty by 2030. “Ten years may seem like a long time but the reality is that poverty […]

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Amnesty International – Manus Island: Australia abandons refugees to a life of uncertainty and peril

By   22 hours ago

Manus Island: Australia abandons refugees to a life of uncertainty and peril   New facilities unsafe and do not meet basic needs Refugees say they live with constant fear of violence Australia must end policy of cruelty and neglect   The Australian Government has abandoned hundreds of men, leaving them in a situation that more […]

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Budget Policy shows some progress, but more work is needed – Child Poverty Action Group

By   22 hours ago

Treasury’s Budget Policy Statement (BPS) 2018 indicates some real progress in terms of social wellbeing, but there are still outstanding issues that need to be urgently considered ahead of the upcoming Budget, says Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG). While Government has committed significant additional spending to reverse the deliberate reductions and neglect of Working for […]

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TOP MEDIA RELEASE – The myth of the lazy poor – Gareth Morgan

By   22 hours ago

I always think twice before diving into the weird and wonderful world that is the comments thread on Stuff, but after a recent article that linked the increase in food parcel deliveries to growing inequality in NZ I felt compelled. My optimism that perhaps the notion of 300,000 kids living in poverty in NZ would […]

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Report: Solitary Confinement in New Zealand Prisons – People Against Prisons Aotearoa

By   22 hours ago

Kia ora whānau, I’m pleased to announce that, alongside Economic and Social Research Aotearoa (ESRA), today we launched our report Solitary Confinement in New Zealand Prisons. The report examines the conditions of solitary in New Zealand, as well as its devastating effects on people who experience it. It is written in mostly simple and clear […]

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Child Poverty Measures Bill must provide a commitment to eradicate poverty

By   2 days ago

Auckland Action Against Poverty is calling on the Labour led Government to address the causes of child poverty by taking meaningful action to massively increase the income of adults in poverty. “While the commitment by Labour to make this Government and future Governments accountable for tracking child poverty reduction progress through the Child Poverty Measures […]

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