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‘Buy a New SIM Card’ and Await Further Interrogation: Russia's Security Services Detain and Question a Reporter

Russia's FSB security services searched journalist Pavel Nikulin's apartment and seized laptops, documents and copies of his independent magazine.

A Victim of Police Brutality in Myanmar Seeks Justice While Confronting Racist Comments on Social Media

Hate speech comments attacking the complainant based on his facial appearance, skin color, and ethnic identity became more prominent than the original issue of police brutality.

#MeToo Has Hit China's Universities, Despite Efforts of Internet Censors

After months of censorship, a student's viral account of sexual misconduct by a renowned university professor has forced the discussion into the open.

Netizen Report: Can Brazil’s Government Use Google to Manipulate Public Opinion?

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

Veto Viber? Tax Telegram? Such Are Tajikistan's Tech Company Conundrums

Once asked why the government was raising a tax on mobile phone companies, the tax chief responded: "Now even barefooted ones have a mobile phone."

Protests Underscore the Potential Power of Iran's Access to Information Law

This is an opportune time to fully enforce efforts towards transparency after Iran's December-January protests. The first step must be a full implementation of Iran’s Access to Information law.

Filipino Bloggers Rally to Defend Rappler News Site

"We stand against moves to silence and scare journalists, bloggers and media practitioners just because the President and his ardent supporters dislike their news and views."

The First Mobile Phone Network for Indigenous Communities in Mexico Is Under Threat

"This is the only telecommunications service that these communities have, historically they have not been covered...we believe a clear exemption for this type of operator should be in the law."

Leaked Documents Show That Ethiopia’s Ruling Elites Are Hiring Social Media Trolls (And Watching Porn)

The leaks include a list of individuals who appear to have been paid to promote the ruling coalition on social media.

Reuters Journalists Covering Rohingya Conflict in Myanmar Detained for ‘Illegally Acquiring Information’

"If Myanmar is serious about democratic reforms, it must accept the right of journalists to work freely and report on topics that make those in power uncomfortable."