Memphis Minnie's Blues Link



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Black Swan Press

A Complete List of Currently Available Titles

Blood, Benjamin Paul. THE POETICAL ALPHABET. An inquiry into language by the author of The Anaesthetic Revelation. Reprinted from the 1920 edition. Introduction by Franklin Rosemont. Surrealist Research & Development Monograph Series. 24 pages. $7.00

Carrington, Leonora. DOWN BELOW. Classic account of adventures on the other side of the mirror. Includes the original map, and collages by Debra Taub. 56 pages. $12.00

Garon, Paul. RANA MOZELLE, authentically amphibious surrealist texts, preceded by a short treatise on the "Fate of the Obsessive Image." Surrealist Research & Development Monograph Series. 16 pages. $7.00

Green, Robert. SEDITIOUS MANDIBLES. Drawings & poems. 24 pages. $7.00

Jablonski, Joseph. IN A MOTH'S WING. Poems. Surrealist Research & Development Monograph Series. 28 pages. $7.00

Jablonski, Joseph. THE DUST ON MY EYES IS THE BLOOD OF YOUR HAIR. Poems. 24 pages. $7.00

Low, Mary. A VOICE IN THREE MIRRORS. Poems & collages. 48 pages. $7.00

Low, Mary. WHERE THE WOLF SINGS. New poems & collages. 64 pages. $7.00

Peters, Nancy Joyce. IT'S IN THE WIND. Fourteen poems, with papercuts by Mado Spiegler. Surrealist Research & Development Monograph Series. 16 pages. $7.00

Rosemont, Franklin. THE APPLE OF THE AUTOMATIC ZEBRA'S EYE. Poems, with positive & negative drawings by Indonesian surrealist Schlechter Duvall. Surrealist Research & Development Monograph Series. 28 pages. $7.00

Rosemont, Franklin. LAMPS HURLED AT THE STUNNING ALGEBRA OF ANTS. Poems, with drawings by Karol Baron. Surrealist Editions. 48 pages. $7.00

Rosemont, Franklin. PENELOPE: A Poem. With drawings by Jacques Lacomblez. Surrealist Editions. 64 pages. $7.00

Rosemont Penelope. ATHANOR. Seventeen poems, illustrated with alchemical engravings. Surrealist Editions. 16 pages. $7.00

Rosemont, Penelope. BEWARE OF THE ICE & OTHER POEMS. With drawings by Enrico Baj. Surrealist Editions. 64 pages. $7.00

Rosemont,Penelope. SURREALIST EXPERIENCES: 1001 DAWNS, 221 MIDNIGHTS. Articles and essays. Foreword by Rikki Ducornet. 208 pages. $14.00.


THE FORECAST IS HOT! Tracts & Other Collective Declarations of the Surrealist Movement in the U.S., 1966-1976
, edited with introductions by Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont and Paul Garon. 320 pages. Profusely illustrated. Cloth $35.00; paper $15.95.

ARSENAL/SURREALIST SUBVERSION (No. 4, 1989). Lavishly illustrated large-format international anthology, with texts by Nelson Algren, Gaston Bachelard, Georges Bataille, Juan Brea, André Breton, Constantin Brunner, Paul Buhle, Luis Buñuel, Leonora Carrington, Malcolm de Chazal, Xenos Clark, Jayne Cortez, Marcel Duchamp, Paul Garon, Robert Green, Jan Hathaway, Joseph Jablonski, Edouard Jaguer, C.L.R. James, Ted Joans, Nelly Kaplan, Philip Lamantia, Clarence John Laughlin, Moshe Nadir, George Orwell, Nancy J. Peters, Irene Plazewska, Dave Roediger, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, Erin Snow, Cheikh Tidiane Sylla, Shuzo Takiguchi, Debra Taub, T-Bone Slim, Karel Teige, and dozens more. Special features include Herbert Marcuse's letters to Chicago Surrealists; a selection of unpublished poems by presurrealist poet Samuel Greenberg; and sections devoted to surrealism in Australia, China, Czechoslovakia, and Sweden. 224 pages. $15.00

ARSENAL/SURREALIST SUBVERSION (No. 3, 1976). Contributors include: Benjamin Paul Blood, Mario Cesariny, Malcolm de Chazal, Jayne Cortez, Guy Ducornet, Rikki Ducornet, Paul Garon, E. F. Granell, Robert Green, Abdul Kader El Janabi, Joseph Jarman, Ted Joans, Jocelyn Koslofsky, Philip Lamantia, Clarence John Laughlin, Conroy Maddox, Clément Magloire-Saint-Aude, Joyce Mansour, Inacio Matsinhe, Nancy Joyce Peters, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, Saint-Pol-Roux, Ivan Svitak, Debra Taub, Cecil Taylor, T-Bone Slim & Marianne van Hirtum. Special features include photos of the work of outsider artist Stanley Papio, and manifestoes of the Arab Surrealist Movement in Exile (1975), the Portuguese Surrealists (1950), and the Surrealist Group in France (1967). Supply limited; remaining copies offprinted on front & inside covers. 120 pages. $20.00

ARSENAL/SURREALIST SUBVERSION (No. 2, 1973). Contributors include: Leonora Carrington, Malcolm de Chazal, Guy Ducornet, Rikki Ducornet, Paul Garon, E. F. Granell, Joseph Jablonski, Philip Lamnantia, Etienne Lero, Conroy Maddox, Joyce Mansour, Gellu Naum, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, and T-Bone Slim. Special features: five pages of photos & text on S.P. Dinsmoor's Garden of Eden in Lucas, Kansas; Paul Garon's "Surrealist Occupational Index"; and a section on surrealism in Martinique in the 1930s, with a tranaslation of the Martiniquan surrealist's first manifesto (1932). 64 pages. Supply limited; remaining copies may have defective binding. 64 pages $12.00

MARVELOUS FREEDOM/VIGILANCE OF DESIRE. Catalog of the 1976 World Surrealist Exhibition, with scores of reproductions of works by José Argemi, Nelson Algren, Thomas Arnel, Karol Baron, Jean Benoit, Suzanne Besson, Micheline Bounoure, Mario Cesariny, Jean-Claude Charbonel, Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas, Adrien Dax, Gabriel Derkevorkian, Guy Ducornet, Rikki Ducornet, Schlechter Duvall, Anne Ethuin, Alfred Floki, E. F. Granell, Robert Green, Paul Hammond, Tatsuo Ikeda, Abdul Kader El Janabi, Ted Joans, Gerome Kamrowski, Jocelyn Koslofsky, Aki Kuroda, Robert Lagarde, Clarence John Laughlin, Albert Marencin, Tristan Meinecke, Jacinto Minot, Hiroshi Nakamura, J. Nequatewa, Mimi Parent, Jules Perahim, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, Ivan Tovar, Marianne van Hirtum, Shirley Voll, Gerard Vulliamy, Yoshiko, Ludwig Zeller, Antoni Zydron & many others. Also includes dozens of articles (including many translations from the Spanish, French, Japanese, Danish & Portuguese), & the original tipped-in blueprint. 56 large pages. $20.00

100th ANNIVERSARY OF HYSTERIA. Profusely illustrated catalog of the International Surrealist Exhibition in Milwaukee, 1978, with reproductions of works by many of the artists listed in the Marvelous Freedom catalog, with several additions. 24 large pages. $15.00

INTERNATIONAL SURREALIST BULLETIN (No. 1, 1986). A joint production of the Surrealist Groups of Chicago and Stockholm, issued on the occasion of an international surrealist gathering in Chicago, 1986. Among the texts: "Miserabilism & Anti-Miserabilism," "Surrealism Here & Now," and "An Unjust Dominion" (on the relation of humankind to other animals). 12 pages. $5.00



Selected Writings of André Breton
, edited with introductions by Franklin Rosemont."Exceedingly well done; many things I have never seen before; many things which should be recalled again and again"—Herbert Marcuse. 588 pages. Illus. $30.95

BLUES & THE POETIC SPIRIT by Paul Garon. New, expanded edition. "A new and important approach to the analysis of the blues as a psychopoetic phenomenon"—Samuel Floyd. 252 pages. Illus. $14.95

"A delight . . . both thorough and brilliant, a rare combination these days"—David Roediger. 332 pages. Illus. $14.95

PASCHAL BEVERLY RANDOLPH: A 19th-Century Black American Spiritualist, Rosicrucian and Sex Magician, by John Patrick Deveney, with a Foreword by Franklin Rosemont. First-ever biography of one of the wildest characters in the history of U.S. radicalism. 635 pages. $29.95

THE OCTOPUS FRETS: Political Poems by Daniel C. Boyer. $5.00

LE PUNCHING-BALL & LA VACHE A LAIT: La critique universitaire norde-américaine face au Surréalisme, by Guy Ducornet. Trenchant criticism of the latest neoconservative & pseudo-leftist anti-surrealist trends. French text. 174 pages. $20.00

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