About Daniel Zylbersztajn

Daniel Zylbersztajn is a Jewish German-born correspondent, freelance journalist, and radio producer.

Having grown up in Germany, The Netherlands and Israel, Daniel has been living now in London without break for 26 years.  His reports are often about current events in the British capital, but also about social, cultural and economic analysis in general.

He combines the areas of humanities, science and a plethora of vocational hands-on skills in one person and works and worked now for many years in journalism amongst others for the German national daily independent broadsheet newspaper taz, die  Tageszeitung, the German-Jewish  Jüdische Allgemeine,  the international German based station DW (Deutsche Welle and contributions in DIE ZEIT, and others. He was the UK based coordinator for the South England edition of ADAC Reisemagazin in 2016  (Germany’s largest travel magazine). He also worked in different radio and radio assistance roles for BBC Radio Four (Documentaries) and RTE Ireland and appears from time to time on German radio like on RBB in Berlin or Radio Dreyeckland.

Former positions included press officer roles amongst others for the Palestinian – Jewish Israeli peace village Wahat al-Salam – Neve Shalom, Executive Director of Meretz UK and as an academic research assistant at Goldsmiths College Education and Sociology and also at South Bank University Education Studies.

A graduate of SOAS, (University of London) in Contemporary Third World History and African Politics, he holds a Master from Goldsmiths College, (University of London) in Contemporary Urban Studies (Sociology), where he graduated on researching Black Radio Stations and Programmes in London. He worked for several years on a PhD on the justification of violence in militant movements at University of Leeds and UCL, but later stopped it.

He has a professional side interest in sports and has been teaching professional Pilates as a side profession for many years and also holds a Masters in Sports Science / Psychology,  (Coaching). He is a co-founder and was elected chair of a Central London user group that keeps checks on one of Londons biggest children parks.