2016 AMC 10A Prob 20
AMC problem solution and discussion.
Problem is of the "
Ball and Urn" type or "
Vending Machine" type. The AoPS folks often call this problem type "Bars and
Partition problem sometimes refers to a different math problem.
This problem is analogous to finding the number of ways to construct the sum of positive integer exponents to add to
A +
B + C +
D + E = N
Where (
D,E) are the exponents of (a,b,c,d,e).
We can imagine the total sum as a line of N rocks that need to be divided into five piles whose individual sums constitute the exponents A,B,C,
A ------- B ------------C-----------D------E
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Rocks with 4 Partitions selected in (
N-1) available slots → C(N-1, 4)
Since all exponents are positive, this counting problem amount