Highlights from the first day of resistance against the #ECB (European Central Bank) meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, 18.03.15, including two different views of the attack on the police station. #Blockupy #18m #FTP #ACAB Music: Radium - Burn Your City
#Athens, #Greece, 07.10.17: Anarchist Group Rouvikonas attack the facade of the building that houses Greece's Public Revenue Authority, the General Secretariat of Information Systems (GSIS) with sledgehammers. “With this action we have returned just a small portion of the violence we are faced with daily while trying to pay the taxes the powers that be are imposing on us.”
The Hague, The Netherlands: #BurnAllPrisons - Graffiti in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners Lisa and Peike 30.10.17: Last weekend, we put up a solidarity graffiti eighty meters long opposite the police headquarters and training center of The Hague, the Netherlands with the text: Burn all prisons. The graffiti is in solidarity with Lisa and Peike who are both in German prisons. Lisa is imprisoned for seven and a half years because of a conviction on suspicion of bank robbery. Peike has been sentenced for two years and seven months because of protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg. We want them free! Freedom for Lisa and Peike and all anarchist prisoners! Burn all prisons! Anarchist Damage Squad source:

#BlackD17 #DiciembreNegro "From the dignity of the prisoners struggling in the prisons of Bulgaria, to the burning cars in France and the call to action in the Czech Republic. From Belarus to Australia, from Mexico to Belgium and Germany. From Bolivia to the United Kingdom, Finland, Russia, Indonesia, Spain and the whole world, the yearnings for freedom are expressed, shouted, conspired and acted upon without bosses or hierarchies, opening the way to anarchy here and now.

Tha...t’s why December continues to be an invitation for insurgent communication via the wild heat of the offensive action against power.

For all our imprisoned and persecuted comrades. For all those that rise up and take action against domination by attacking their structures and their representatives.

May solidarity with our comrades become action. May the memory of Sebastián Oversluij and Alexandros Grigoropoulos ignite barricades and feed fires and explosions against power and their defenders. Let the enemy feel the siege of revolt in every neighbourhood, in every cell and on every corner.

For a Black December, long live anarchy!"

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Received and translated by Insurrection News on 01.12.17: With the anarchist Sebastián Oversluij in our memory, four years since his death in combat in Chile during an attempted bank expropriation …

"This Monday, December 18, after he was discharged from the hospital at Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis was transferred to Unit 5 and is no longer under special detention / isolation regime. Therefore since our demands regarding our imprisonment have been met, Pola Roupa has terminated the hunger strike and will stay for a few days in the Korydallos Prison hospital to recuperate.

Our struggle does not end here. Article 11 and the fascist provisions of the new prison code in... general are still ahead of us. We will not remain idle. The fight continues. The solidarity of comrades outside the walls was and is decisive. Strength to everyone.

Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, members of Revolutionary Struggle"

*Note from Insurrection News: Nikos stopped his hunger strike temporarily when he was transferred to Unit 5, when he learned that the authorities stuck to their promise that he would no longer be under special detention regime, he ended his hunger strike.

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This Monday, December 18, after he was discharged from the hospital at Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis was transferred to Unit 5 and is no longer under special detention / isolation regime. There…

#Indonesia: Solidarity Against #NYIA (New #Yogyakarta International Airport) in #Makassar and Other Places

Photos from recent actions (Molotovs, banner drops, murals) in Makassar and other places in Indonesia against NYIA. We urge for solidarity from international comrades to halt or destroy the megamachine completely!

The following European companies are involved in the construction project:


AGA-Letiště, s.r.o. (Prague, Czech Republic)

Mott Macdonald (London, UK)

Local collaborator:

Indonesian Embassy


(via Agitasi)…/indonesia-solidari…/

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Post-romantic queerwave

'We are the whores of the worst nightmare of the shitstem.

PWG is an internationalist collective of anarchist revolutionary queer insurrectionist PROSTITUTES: r...ising up to realise our power, using our pro-fessional ILLEGALIST skills to sabotage our ideological enemies. We will disarm and ultimately destroy those who perpetuate the Social War against us – WAR that is inherent in the fascistic capitalistic Shitstems imposed on us. They try to render us powerless conformists, through their sick perversions of ‘Judeo- Xtian Morality’, ‘Law & Order’, and ‘Justice’ – that only serve to emotionally, spiritually and physically RAPE us.

MALA-PRO-PISMS: 1. Some purported Anarchists believe Prostitutes to be exploited within a standard superficial gendered framework. We reject this, we are utter Transgressives and Iconoclasts. There are no binaries, only the maximal fluidity of gender and sexuality which we gloss as QUEER. We intrinsically reject and transgress all the ‘norms’ of culture, law, religion, Capital, that only serve to Oppress us and channel power and wealth to the same sad sick stunted elite men who beg for our sexual succour.

2. Prostitution is commonly rendered as an inherently a-political profession. A crippling, steel-clad boot in the bollocks to that assertion! As anti-workerists we believe in the formula: Least amount of labour/ for Highest rates of pay. We have no interest in careerism or ‘respectable’ lowly paid employment. As avowed HOIZONTALISTS, we find the narrative of the romanticised working class (i.e/ happy but poor) ‘noble’ proletarian as deeply offensive as the enduring Orientalist myth of the ‘noble savage’. We fundraise on our own terms to enable our Autonomy, the time and freedom to realise and unleash our own latent Power, and to bestow solidarity on those we respect in their offensive actions against systemic control. We reject so-called labour rights and the decriminalisation of Prostitution demanded by state funded ‘sex worker’ groups and deem these efforts mere reformism. As Prostitutes, we make more cash in hand in the grimy undergrowth than working for the legitimated boss. We revel in our outlaw criminal status. THEREFORE We have no desire to reform the system. We are dedicated to its Total Destruction!

Prostitutes have unique access to the ‘elite’: the industrialists, maggot-strates, our fine representative politicians, religious leaders, the ultra-rich and their lackeys in the filth. Those who urgently press their grubby money on us, out of a pathetic desire for affirmation and as an antidote to their miserable lives. And thereby we have the power to wreak terror and humiliation upon them! We are uniquely placed to expose their hypocrisy and pathetic predilections… when they pay us to shit on their faces we take so much more pleasure in that act than their insulated, retarded emotional responses could comprehend.

Under our saccharine smiles and feigned delight, we are watching. Waiting for our moment to strike, to humiliate, expose, and torture those who are directly complicit in perpetuating the systems of state control, fascistic capitalist repression and social war. We covertly, creatively unleash our rage. Taste OUR WAR, scumbags!

We hereby urge our queer and genderfluid whore comrades across the globe to further the insurrectionist wet dream. No offensive action is too taboo in realising sabotage of those who would would deem themselves our ‘masters’, and the foot soldiers who perpetuate the Social War. We advocate thieving, drugging, kidnap, intelligence gathering, assassinations, public exposure, and corrupting their children. We will share our successes under the banner of the Prostitutes War Group: Communiques will follow thicker and quicker than a horny corrupt cop.

In Solidarity with all anarcho-whore saboteurs fighting the social war through whatever unconventional and direct means are at our disposal.

Avante Prostitutes War Group! No retreat, no surrender, until the last pig is strung up with the blood-splattered tie of the last industrialist! VIVA LA PUTA!'

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"What’s been started after the summit is a qualitative leap. There are those claiming the riots were started by the state to smash resistance structures in a final campaign. This line of thought is bullshit as we know we all politically wanted the state disaster in Hamburg. To put an end to these conspiracy theories once and for all we take the political responsibility for everything that happened in Hamburg: from civil protests to the last stone that was thrown at cops. As a... part of the rebellious structures we called for a demonstration in solidarity with all those facing repression shortly after the summit, in the future we will also not hide from the responsibility to further the revolt. Those that only see a state conspiracy behind everything are incapacitating the resistance in all its properties and have no legitimation to speak in its name".

"On the occasion of the manhunt and because of the calls for denunciation of 100 people we decided to publish pictures of 54 police officers, who were part of last years eviction of Rigaer94. We would be happy to receive hints of their private addresses. They can be held responsible for the eviction as well as for the violence of the three weeks of occupation".

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Received on 19.12.17: The police state unleashes its full range of possibilities: early this Monday, presumably 100 faces of people, who took part in the events of Hamburg, got published. The state…

Greece, 18.12.17: A communique posted on Athens Indymedia by 'Green-Black Commando' titled 'Green Nemesis Act 3' warns that the group have poisoned several drink products including Coca-Cola with hydrochloric acid and that they will be replacing the items on supermarket shelves from December 20th to December 24th. The communique is accompanied with photographs showing the poison being injected into the products. Here is a roughly translated excerpt from the communique...

"In ...the days leading up to Christmas thousands of people leave their sofas to do their essential shopping for the Christmas table filling their empty existences with consumerist waste packaged with beautiful and glittering wrappings. All this takes place as millions of living creatures are slaughtered in order to reach the tables of the living dead, drained to the last drop of blood to satisfy their taste needs. We realize that this occurs all throughout the year, however during Christmas this phenomenon is accelerated".

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"All the big protests guarantee two things: police and liberals. Police are paid to maintain the social peace, and liberals are more than willing to try to maintain it for free. These people are less than ideal company for creative rebels. Certainly some things can still happen with them around, but usually much less – why try to do with them around what we can do without them any other day? This isn’t a call to abandon marches and rallies altogether, but instead to do things outside of and alongside them when that makes more sense."

Autonomous initiative is the life blood of anarchy. Without individuals dreaming, scheming, and turning their thoughts into action, nothing happens. Protest organizers are not special; they imagine…

"Our action, which we dedicated to whores who have lost their lives and freedom in challenging State oppression, involved re-painting and sabotaging the Project Respect office. It’s locks were super-glued, and the message, “Respect Sex Workers as Doctors and Teachers- we heal, we educate”, was spray-painted in close proximity to the office entrance, on the walls of Fitzroy Council building (whose Councillors include Project Respect co-founder and prominent Greens Party rad-fe...m careerist viper, Kathleen Maltzhan).

Sex workers in so-called Melbourne will continue to engage in activism which challenges patriarchal and kyriarchic systems that perpetuate our own oppression, and those experienced by other marginalised and minority communities. Sex workers are part of the anti-capitalist struggle against racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, speciesism, colonialism, and militarism. We extend our solidarity to those across the globe also working toward a future of autonomy, liberty, and freedom."

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Received on 18.12.17: As our contribution to a global campaign marking International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, activist whores in so-called Melbourne, Australia, undertook an action …
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Nantes Révoltée added 2 new photos.

Face aux agressions fascistes et à la justice qui les couvre : rendons les coups.

In the face of the fascist attacks and the justice that covers them: Let's go.
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Post-romantic queerwave

via Insurrection News #Rome, #Italy, 15.12.17: It's been reported in the Italian corporate media that a masked individual on a motor scooter threw a Molotov coc...ktail at police vehicles parked outside a police station in Prati before making their escape. A police van suffered minor damages. The attack comes less than two weeks after the explosive attack against a police station in San Giovanni, Rome by the Santiago Maldonado Cell FAI-FRI.

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"On the night of the 6th of December a comrade was arrested during the demo and he is now accused of throwing molotov cocktails at the cops. He is now facing years in prison if he doesn’t pay the 3000 euro fine he got sentenced to by the justice. He doesn’t have the money to pay the 3000 euro bail. So we are gonna throw a solidarity party next weekend to try to raise money for the case but we are scared that there wont be enough money to be able to avoid prison for him. Durin...g the court he told the scum of a judge that he was an anarchist and that he was in Exarcheia to defend the neighborhood against the presence of the police who are only serving the interests of the rich capitalists and who are constantly attacking the poor. We need to raise the money before the 24th of December otherwise our comrade will go back to prison. We are people from the squat Rosa de Foc, we are anarchists and we need your help.To find out more information about the squat and our politics visit

To join us

We created a paypal account so people can support him

Fire to the prisons!
Long live the international anarchist movement!"

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Received on 17.12.17: On the night of the 6th of December a comrade was arrested during the demo and he is now accused of throwing molotov cocktails at the cops. He is now facing years in prison if…

#Rome, #Italy, 15.12.17: It's been reported in the Italian corporate media that a masked individual on a motor scooter threw a Molotov cocktail at police vehicles parked outside a police station in Prati before making their escape. A police van suffered minor damages. The attack comes less than two weeks after the explosive attack against a police station in San Giovanni, Rome by the Santiago Maldonado Cell FAI-FRI.

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Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, night and outdoor
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Post-romantic queerwave

"Much has been made of the anarchist as wild-eyed bomb thrower, and much more has been vomited in response by those “anarchists” who fall over each other to dis...tance themselves from any tinge of violence. Whatever one’s personal inclination toward or against violence, the reality of our lives within capitalism and under the state is one of ruthless brutality and exploitation. This will not be done away with by simply wishing it were so, or by loving the hand that beats us. To retaliate against the violence of work and law, property and alienation, is self-defense. More importantly, it is a small assurance that those who wish to violate us will not do so without repercussions. In the face of the violence of the system, dignity is to be found in the counter-violence of our direct action." - from 'Mirror Kaleidoscope Dagger: What is Anarchism?' by Anonymous

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#BlackDecember #DiciembreNegro

"With the anarchist, Angry Pelao and the Brujo (Sorcerer)*, present in every revolt, in every street clash, we went out to sharpen the gestures of memory and solidarity with the prisoners in a confrontational and permanent war against the State, patriarchy and capital, therefore we send a warm and complicit embrace to the comrades Juan and Nataly who are being judged by the power in the so-called ‘Bombs Case 2’, and to the comrades who are in th...e sights of power and the press in Valparaíso for the case of May 21st.

In the same way, we show solidarity with every insurgent in revolt…

Until solidarity becomes a weapon!!"

*The Brujo refers to anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado, murdered by the Argentine State.

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7 years since the massacre at San Miguel prison… 4 years since Sebastian Oversluij fell in combat… FOR A BLACK DECEMBER, LET ANARCHY LIVE!! Today, there are 81 reasons to fight, 81 reas…
Subtitles available in CC. Support us by donating to Film info: A low intense war is being fought on the streets of Europe and the aim is...

"The act of remembering is a defiant gesture. Against our lobotomization by technology. Against the sterilization of history by the state’s schools. Against the pacification of revolutionary lives by official history and its narratives of progress. Against the amnesia that would erase the examples of those who paid for freedom with their lives. To begin to fight this society, its rotten authority, and its poisonous ideologies, we should first remember."

“As to the seventy-five years I am not really worried, not only because I am in the habit of not completing sentences or waiting on parole or any of that nonsense but also because the state s…

"An informally organised projectuality of destructive action directed against class enemies or their structures refuses mediation, delegation or negotiation. It can have NO COMMON GROUND with political parties, unions or any other fixed political or armed structures, as these are antithetical to and enemies of freedom. The concept of alliances or a common struggle is absurd. Parallel lines never meet. If they do, one or other has lost its essence. Anarchists who end up making political alliances in the illusion of numerical strength are traitors: of themselves and what they say they stand for and of the rebels they had enchanted with their cries of freedom, to become nothing more than witless allies of the boss class."

These pages are for the deranged, individuals not submerged in habit, regimented by protocol or banalised by identity, who refuse to be controlled, ‘facilita...