Over The Top SEO





How did you find this website?

You probably did one of three things:

1) You found us on page 1 of Google.

Maybe you typed in “Top SEO”, “Top SEOs”, “SEO EXPERTS” or something similar. And if you found us that way, it’s because we rank higher than 1,730,000 other SEO firms you didn’t find in Google. What does that tell you about our SEO skills?

2) You were referred to us.

That’s because 96% of our SEO clients stay with us and never leave. They trust us with their websites for one year, two years, and more. Again, what does that tell you about our SEO skills?

3) You saw us being featured in Google as Google Partners.

SEO Company

Hi, I’m Guy Sheetrit, CEO at Over The Top SEO.

With all the responsibilities you have running a business, you may not have the time to master search engine optimization (SEO). I understand. Keeping up with Google and SEO can be extremely difficult.

That’s why, unlike other SEO firms, we first take the time to talk to you by phone and listen to your needs … analyze your website with our proprietary tools … and give you a written Diagnostic Report.

After that, it’s up to you. You can implement our ideas by yourself, or let us do it for you. You’re in control.

We offer a full range of SEO and digital marketing services, but you may not need any of them. That’s right, you may not need us at all.

The best way to find out is to request a Free SEO Diagnostic Review.
During your private 30-minute meeting by phone or Skype, an SEO expert will perform a live analysis of your website to uncover lost opportunities in your search rankings. You’ll see exactly what your website does well, what it doesn’t, and what to do next.

There’s no cost, no obligation, and you’ll receive a Surprise Gift to thank you for your time.

Click on “Schedule My Free SEO Diagnostic Review” below to get started …

cheap seo services


Do you want to know what it will take you to rank higher?

Then do this: Request a Free SEO Diagnostic Review.

During your private 30-minute meeting by phone or Skype, an SEO Advisor will perform a live analysis of your website to uncover lost opportunities in your search rankings. You’ll see exactly what your website does well, what it doesn’t, and what to do next. There’s no cost and no obligation if you qualify.


Your website can rank on page 1 of Google and other search engines if you master SEO.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is like free publicity — very valuable. It’s the process of increasing the visibility of your website in Google or another search engine’s unpaid (“organic”) results.
It’s often referred to as “natural search,” “organic search,” or “earned search” results.

With 10 years of collective experience in search engine optimization, we use safe, proven, time-tested methods to produce the highest rankings for our clients.

What this means for you: Over The Top SEO can send more visitors to your website. And because these visitors find you in unpaid, “organic” search, they are pre-qualified and pre-disposed to doing business with you.

Seeing is believing

Only a top seo company can rank on page one of google for the most competitive search terms. like these :

free search engine submission

A Letter From The CEO

Did you know?

Every year, Google changes its search algorithm between 500 and 600 times.

Every one of those changes can push your site up — or down — in search results.

And you don’t have time to keep up with Google shuffling the deck more than 500 times a year, 10 times a week — to make sure your website ranks high in search.

But we do. Because SEO is our business. It has been since 2006.

And with offices around the world — in the U.S., Australia, Canada, Israel, and the United Kingdom — the sun never sets on our team. Our experts are always on the job, keeping pace with the daily changes in search. So you don’t have to.

The Ugly Truth About SEO

This may surprise you: Nearly 80% of our clients come to us after failing at SEO before.

Some tried to do SEO by themselves and got penalized (“slapped”) by Google for breaking the rules … or they spent countless hours and wheelbarrows of money, yet never saw an increase in web traffic.

In other cases, smart people paid good money to an SEO service … which failed to deliver results.

No matter what bad experiences you’ve had with SEO before, you’re not to blame. Google and other search engines change the rules almost every day. You can’t be expected to keep up.

The only shame is if you accept your current situation. Low search rankings and low traffic to your website … while competitors’ websites are getting your visitors and your customers.

We can help.

And the fact that you’re reading this proves that.

Because you probably found us on page 1 of Google search results. Or you were referred to us by another website … or referred by one of our clients. And that tells you something about how well we do SEO, doesn’t it? We know the rules for search, we play by them, and we win.

Not only that, but you’ve read this far down a very long web page. That tells you something about how well we design websites that can engage your customers.

That’s what we do. Attract people to your website, and keep them there.


We’ve helps hundreds of clients over the years. And less than 4% have ever moved on. That’s the highest retention rate of any SEO service or digital marketing agency I know of.

There are 3 reasons why.

1) As Certified Google Partners, we play by the rules. We work with you to give Google and other search engines exactly what they want. That means you get more traffic to your website and more customers for your business. Without fear of getting your site “slapped” or banned with “black hat” methods that Google frowns on. (And if you found us on Google or another search engine, you’ve just proven for yourself that our SEO methods work.)

2) We analyze and troubleshoot your website. Our software shows you exactly what happened to your site and when. Because defining the problem half the battle of solving it.

3) Our software developers work around the clock, because they work around the world. The sun literally never sets on our team, because we’re global. And nobody else has our systems. That gives you a unique advantage working with us – and nobody else.ould get your site banned by Google.

Hidden Dangers of Amateur SEO

Search engines have rules. You must play by them. If you don’t — if you try trick Google into ranking your site higher — you will get caught. And you will pay.

Google always finds SEO cheaters. By most accounts, they have about 900,000 servers in 16 data centers around the world. Google’s servers use around 260 million watts of electricity — about 0.01% of global energy use — enough to power a city of 200,000 people.

Google’s servers are always on, always crawling the web, and they will find you if your site doesn’t play by their rules. So … you want to play by their rules.

Here are just a few of the Google rules for your website that we follow to rank you higher:

Website title, Website description, Common Keywords Test, Headings Status, Robots and Sitemaps, Favicon, Code To Text Ratio, URL S.E.O Friendly, Google Analytics, Underscores in Links, Image Alt attribute, Inline CSS and JSS Minification, HTML Tags, HTML Page Size, HTML Compression/GZIP, Page Cache, Flash Test, Nested Tables, Image Expires Tag, Frameset, Site Loading Speed, URL Canonicalization, Directory Browsing, Server Signature, Libwww-perl Access, Plaintext Emails, Safe Browsing, Media Query Responsive Social Media Icons and Social Media Activities.

Again, that’s a partial list of things Google is searching your site for when it comes to On Page Optimization or On Site Optimization.

Even if you and I never have a conversation, I want you to remember one thing before you leave this website: Obey the rules for SEO. And if you need help, please turn to a certified, experienced SEO team, one with a proven track record of success.

One last thing, and it’s worth repeating: Nearly 97% of our clients stay with us and never leave. We must be doing something right. What can we do for you? Take the next step …

SEO Experts

Guy Sheetrit



P.S. Take the next step. Request your Free SEO Diagnostic Review to discover lost opportunities in your website rankings. There’s no cost, no obligation, and you’ll receive a Surprise Gift. Now click the orange button below to learn more

  • What is an SEO Expert

    What is an SEO expert?

    SEO Experts are professionals who help webmasters increase the amount of organic traffic to their website. An SEO expert analyzes the search trends, keyword search volumes, competitor data, incoming/outgoing links, content, meta tags, URL structure and monitors the overall site activity via tools like: Google Search Console, Bing Webmasters and Other known tools.
    They provide expert guidance to business owners looking to increase organic search traffic to their website. The field of SEO is expanding and everyday we are witnessing new changes in the search algorithms.
    An SEO expert must always keep up with such changes and catch up on the search behavior trends in order to provide the best services to the clients.

  • Full SEO Reports and Error Fixes

    Full SEO Reports and Error Fixes

    Now get the Best SEO Report delivered to you, see what your website is missing -- and how we can fix the most important issues, to ensure your site has the best rankings. We offer the ultimate reporting solution for people around the world who own websites.
    Whether you are a small business owner, a big corporation, or own a website in between. Key: You need to know your SEO Score and see how the search engines are viewing your website. That way, you know what changes to make.
    As a Top SEO company, we can do it for you or you can do it yourself. If there is one thing in SEO that every one needs, it’s a detailed, professional SEO Report. So, let our professionals give you the SEO insights you need. We are not the cheapest, but we are certainly not the most expensive!

  • SEO experts

    SEO Experts

    Let us handle all your S.E.O needs and put a Top SEO company to work managing and monitoring your search engine positions. To help you get more new customers. Choosing the right SEO company is difficult. Because you have to trust the people you select to help achieve your goals. Not to mention the fact that you’re continually approached by “experts” who tell you, "Hey, I am an SEO Expert! Hire me."
    Anyone with a computer can try to sway you with false promises. They will offer to get you on the"golden 1st page" of search results for a cheap price. But truth to be told, they don't have enough man hours to handle all the work required.
    They’re just after quick cash. So if anyone promises to get you on the first page of search results for $100, $200, $300 or even $400 per month ... please be suspicious.

  • Pagespeed Insights Optimization

    Pagespeed Insights Optimization

    PageSpeed Insights by Google measure the speed a web page loads for mobile and desktop devices.It analyzes the URL of your website twice: once for mobile and once for desktop.
    The PageSpeed Score is very important. The higher your score, the better your website in the search engine's eyes. A score of 85 and up is very good; it means that your site is performing well. But a low score means as low loading website and pages; this can lead to low user engagement, increased bounce rates, and low average time spent on a page. Anyone can test their web pages for free with Google's PageSpeed Insights.
    In the past few years,Google has invested millions of dollars on PageSpeed. So that’s a sign you should make any changes they suggest. Here’s the bottom line: A fast website = better user experience = better search results.

  • Targeted Organic Traffic

    Targeted Organic Traffic:

    Get highly targeted, qualified visitors from higher search engine rankings. For more conversions,more customers, and a better bottom line. We create content for you that generates social shares and links. Because when your content is better,your search results are better. Then we spread the word online, by reaching out to people and businesses to let them know about your new resources, blog posts, and articles. All of this delivers amazing amounts of backlinks to your site. Which brings you more organic search traffic. Important: We make sure that every article, blog post, or any other piece of content you publish is in-credible. Because average content never results in social shares or links to your site.
    The relationship between you and your SEO company is vital to your success. If you’re willing to invest the time in creating content that’s special, we will make sure it reaches the wider audience you seek.So your competition won’t stand a chance.
    After all, why use SEO experts and search engine optimization companies if they can’t deliver? If you’re creating content every day and no one sees it, your hard work is wasted.

  • Off-Page Optimization

    Off-Page Optimization

    Off-Page SEO concentrates mostly on things outside of your website and your control. There are many techniques that can improve the position of your website in search engine results, including linking to relevant, high-ranked websites. And while people tend to connect off-page optimization with link building, that’s only a small part.Mainly it's about your promotion methods and techniques. Search Engine Optimization (on and off site), is never a one-step process. There are no magic tricks or shortcuts. It is long, hard work that must be don one step at a time, with creativity and passion. If you want to rank as high as possible in search engines, know this: The harder you work for it,the more likely you are to get it.
    By working harder we mean that you need to be constantly active in all places relevant to your niche-- websites, web-pages or blogs with a solid traffic and what’s called “trust-flow.” The more credible a web site is that links to your site, the more likely it is that you will see amazing search engine rankings coming your way.
    Here are some categories that are directly related to Off-Page SEO: Article Submissions, Social Net-working, Business Reviews, Press Releases, Blogging, Local Listings, Blog Marketing, Forum Marketing,Search Engine Submission, Directory Submission, Social Bookmarking, Link Baiting, Media Sharing,Video Sharing, Local Listings and Activity on major platforms.

  • High Quality Link Building

    High Quality Link Building

    Get high quality PR back links from relevant websites and add huge improvements to your organic search rankings. We take the articles you create and distribute them to highly-relevant blogs and websites. This creates quality links with high authority, so you rank higher in search. Fine-tuning what keywords to promote and what anchor tags to use inside your blog – this is just some of what we do to help improve your rankings.
    We find outdated links to your site using our proprietary tools and Google's webmaster tools. Then we tell the relevant site to update their link or disavow corrupted links. Tip: Keep an eye on your back links and their relevancy. Because many businesses change their brand and/or name; when that happens, they are no longer relevant to your website niche. And the wrong backlinks can hurt you.
    By using our services, we make sure your website does everything possible to meet the search engine's guidelines. We can create a standout blog for your company, an RSS feed, press releases, case studies,help you create quality content, advise you on your social share activities, and help you get reviews from other websites.

  • Analytics Management

    Analytics Management

    We will manage your Google Analytics/Google Webmasters Tools account, Google webmaster account and other stats systems to ensure the best results.
    One of the most powerful and useful SEO tools on earth is Google Webmaster Tools. It contains no commercial SEO add-ons. It is not a toy to play with. It’s a serious tool that comes from Google. And it offers vital SEO insights for you. We will manage your Google Webmasters Tools and make sure your site complies with the latest search engine guidelines. Google Analytics is another amazing tool from the house of Google. It monitors traffic on your website like no other tool can. It gives any website owner an enormous amount of solid, valid information about who visited your website, when, for how long, what they were interested in, and how they "experienced" your site's search engine optimization overall.
    We will manage your Google Analytics for you, while giving you powerful, up-to-date reports from Google Analytics and other in-house tools we use. So you can rank higher in search.

What to do now?

Take the next step. Request a Free SEO Diagnostic Review.

During your private 30-minute meeting by phone or Skype, an SEO expert will perform a live analysis of your website to uncover lost opportunities in your search rankings. You’ll see exactly what your website does well, what it doesn’t, and what to do next.

There’s no cost, no obligation, and you’ll receive a Surprise Gift to thank you for your time.