
Showing posts from September 27, 2015

The Quality of Justice

The judiciary is one of the main constructs of all societies. Democracy can only function imperfectly in the absence of an informed, fair, competent and transparent legal system.  In this recent keynote address to the Fiji Law Society, the Chief Justice reflects on the role of the judiciary, the Fiji Law Society and lawyers in Fiji, and in doing so he answers, at least to my satisfaction, some of the wild accusations floated in the post coup years by the Fiji Law Society and its sister organization in New Zealand.  The address is abbreviated and I have exercised my publisher privilege by emphasizing some sections.-- Croz

Keynote Address by Chief Justice Anthony Gates
at the Opening of the Fiji Law Society's Convention 
"Fundamentals of Private Practice"               September 2015, Novotel, Suva Mr President Madam Vice-President Hon. Judges Members of the Fiji Law Society Legal Practitioners Ladies and Gentlemen First, let me congratulate the Fiji Law Society for re-invigorating i…