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Restoring America

Dr. Michael Hart lays out the case for secession: a separation of the U.S.A–at county, not state, level–into a rump “blue” nation pursuing current federal policies and a new “red” American Federal Republic (A/F.R.)–‘a constitutional republic, with civil liberties fully protected.’

New: John Derbyshire Anthology–FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT II

Alien Nation (Kindle Edition) Editor Peter Brimelow‘s bestselling 1995 classic, now in Kindle format with a new Foreword.

The Birth Of Prudence

The Birth Of Prudence ($19.99) can be purchased here in Paperback, or here as a Kindle Edition.

See  THE BIRTH OF PRUDENCE—A Novel About The West’s Decline (And RecoveryBy James Kirkpatrick on March 30, 2014

From The Dissident Right

2011 Anthology

Including: “It’s Basically Over for Anglos” in Texas. Or Have they Not Begun to Fight. By Peter Brimelow

Obama’s Regime’s Administrative Amnesty: Impeachment is the Only Answer. By Federale

How to Reclaim America: Attrition Through Enforcement – And Strategic Deportation. By Patrick Cleburne

Plus: Blogs, America Worker Displacement, Hispanic Terrorism, and much MUCH more!

                             BUY: $14.00

2010 Anthology

Including: “The Irrepressible Conflict”: Obama vs. Arizona – And America, by Peter Brimelow

Virginia Dare’s Birthday And The New Colonizers, by James Fulford

Pew Confirms VDARE.COM On American Workers Displacement, by Edwin S. Rubenstein

Plus: Blogs, Birthright Citizenship, The Pearcy Massacre, and much MUCH more!


                            Buy: $10.00

2009 Anthology

Including: Where Does Sarah Palin Stand On An Immigration Moratorium, by Peter Brimelow

New Definition of “Racist”: Winning An Argument With The New York Times, by Marcus Epstein

“The Gods Of The Copybook Headings With Terror And Slaughter [a.k.a. The Minority Mortgage Meltdown] Return, by Steve Sailer

                         BUY: $10.00


America’s Half-Blood Prince

Barack Obama’s “Story Of Race and Inheritance”

Steve Sailer gives us the real Barack Obama, who turns out to be very different—and much more interesting—than the bland healer/uniter image stitched together out of whole cloth this past six years by Obama`s packager, David Axelrod. Making heavy use of Obama`s own writings, which he admires for their literary artistry, Sailer gives the deepest insights I have yet seen into Obama`s lifelong obsession with `race and inheritance,` and rounds off this brilliant character portrait with speculations on how Obama`s personality might play out in the Presidency. – John Derbyshire

                                        Buy: $15.76

                Buy Kindle Version: $4.99