Keybridge and Molopo duel over Orient transaction

Molopo is paying to build three oil drilling rigs in Florida.
Molopo is paying to build three oil drilling rigs in Florida. Bloomberg

When you're suspended from trade (and have been since July), maybe there's no need to quickly respond to those questioning your contracts. Which must explain why Molopo hasn't yet told its shareholders what it makes of a 50-page repudiation of an Orient transaction issued by major shareholder and frequent litigator Keybridge Capital.

There's little love lost between Molopo and Keybridge, which has been invested in the company for some years. Keybridge was party to Molopo's successful complaint to the Takeovers Panel, which alleged it was improperly acting in concert with Aurora Funds Management (the decision is being appealed), while Keybridge unsuccessfully took Molopo to court to try to stop its Orient transaction (its other legal actions are ongoing).

Keybridge views the Orient transaction as a way to fetter away the Molopo cash. In a highly detailed thesis, Keybridge accuses Molopo of having paid far too much for oil wells in Florida that are unlikely to be drilled by the time its access to the land runs out. But sources close to the Molopo board, which is preparing a formal response, have rubbished the letter, saying it contains some "absolute nonsense", which shows "these people don't even understand the fundamentals of oil and gas". 

Molopo intends to drill in Florida's Hendy County by no later than May 1 this year. But Keybridge claims it has checked with Florida regulators who tell it Molopo has yet to submit drilling permits, which usually take six months to be granted in Florida. There's a time limit on the investment, because the Orient JV is leasing the land from another company, Kerogen, which has itself leased the drilling rights from another firm, the NYSE-listed Tomoka. That lease expires in mid-2019. But our Molopo-aligned source said that while the delays are an issue, they're a direct result of Keybridge's litigation, "which appears to be part of Keybridge's strategy to derail this investment".

Keybridge also queries the high cost the Molopo JV is paying for its leases. In April 2016, Tomoka tried to offload the mining rights it held in Hendy County for what worked out to $US48 an acre in perpetuity. Molopo, Keybridge's letter claims, is paying $US1860 an acre for oil and gas rights for a period of only 16 months. Keybridge also compares low production costs of Saudi Arabian oil production to that expected in the Orient project, a comparison our source said "perfectly illustrated" Keybridge's lack of understanding, as lifting and finding oil are far from the same thing. 

Meanwhile, Keybridge claims that Florida is not a major producer of oil, that no one is interested in Florida's oil, and that there hasn't been a new oil well in the whole state for 30 years. Our Molopo-aligned source pointed us to media reports from 2013 showing other oil exploration companies moving into the state.

The JV has already resulted in Molopo advancing Orient $US4.5 million in December, with Molopo on the hook for $US20 million, or third of its assets, for the project overall. The December cash advance also led Geoff Wilson's Wilson Asset Management to withdraw its all-cash offer for the company, as its offer was subject to a "no material transactions" clause not being triggered. Which leaves long-suffering Molopo shareholders without their most attractive possible exit.Â